

Grand Admiral
Jan 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Welcome to test oD20! Never tried absinthe (maybe a sip once?!), but I expect it's positively encouraged, especially while piloting millions of aUEC worth of soon-to-be debris through a gap slightly too small for it, ideally backwards and on fire. Again. Though if you wake up in New Babbage, get out of bed and discover a split second too late that your room doesn't have a floor, that's not the absinthe, that really happened. You are not hallucinating when you open the lift doors and see deep space, that's real too. In fact, absinthe probably just helps make it seem okay.


Rear Admiral
Dec 13, 2021
RSI Handle
I couldn't drink for 2 1/2 years and nobody complained.
Welcome to TEST.
What kind of game play interests you the most?
As I have an attention span of a gnat, I prefer to flit around different types of gameplay.

In my gaming career, I have spent decades becoming a terrible player at FPS games such as Quake 1 / Quakeworld / Quake Live, so I regularly get my 1/10 in the bunker missions, as well as actually completing cave missions. As far as flight, gotten to HRT in bounty missions and have been practicing some flight combat moves, such as pushes and blowthroughs and electric slides and moonwalks or whatever. I tried out trading last night which was a complete waste of time and a loss of UAC, which is unfortunate because my Cutty isnt going to upgrade itself. I did buy a ROC last night and plan to start learning mining this week.

I have been single player so far in SC, so I am looking forward to gameplay with others. It seems like Wednesday should provide a good opportunity for that with the ORG, eh?

- oD20


Rear Admiral
Dec 13, 2021
RSI Handle
Where you from ...
Well, shit, I guess I should actually read the pinned topics. Here goes a proper response...

Where you from stranger?

Asheville, NC.

What drew you to Star Citizen?

I have been into MMOs from the Everquest days, which means that I have seen what fail they have become. Star Citizen's gameplay loop seems unique enough to make it last. Also, space ships.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)


What was the first game you remember playing?

Zork I.

What other games do you play?

Some relevant highlights: Everquest / P99, WoW, Civ 6, RDR2, Quake 1 / Quakeworld / Quake Live, Cyberpunk, Valheim, and D&D.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

I was searching for a Star Citizen ORG that was not racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, etc. and I saw a reddit thread where someone was complaining about toxic players. A reddit user named Funkymonkeyhead mentioned that this ORG didnt put up with that kind of shit and here I am.

Picard or Kirk?

Picard, duh.

-- oD20
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