Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
So, because it was the anniversary of the worlds best-known nuclear accident just a couple days ago, and for some odd reason just a week before I stumbled onto S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Anomaly (fully free standalone mod, grab it while you can, it's really effing good), YouTube has been popping up videos like the one below in my feed.

If you have a fear of heights, don't watch this one... I didn't have any until I saw what this mental case was doing.
Also it turns out selfie-sticks are actually usueful...
But I digress. It's a long ass, edited but raw video, no ads, no music, no silly cuts, no fake bs (at least nothing obvious).



Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2016
RSI Handle
So, because it was the anniversary of the worlds best-known nuclear accident just a couple days ago, and for some odd reason just a week before I stumbled onto S.T.A.L.K.E.R.:Anomaly (fully free standalone mod, grab it while you can, it's really effing good), YouTube has been popping up videos like the one below in my feed.

If you have a fear of heights, don't watch this one... I didn't have any until I saw what this mental case was doing.
Also it turns out selfie-sticks are actually usueful...
But I digress. It's a long ass, edited but raw video, no ads, no music, no silly cuts, no fake bs (at least nothing obvious).

Dude's wearing a mask and I think nothing, then shows other guy and I think, "why no mask?"

Then the whole fucking subway??? WTF People!

Ohhhh, this was in the before times...the long long ago.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Dude's wearing a mask and I think nothing, then shows other guy and I think, "why no mask?"

Then the whole fucking subway??? WTF People!

Ohhhh, this was in the before times...the long long ago.
Yeah that was strange then I looked at the date lol...
The one that real freaked me out was when they cut through the edge of the Red Forest. That was fuckin stupid... I doubt any of them will make it to 50 anyways, cos of the climbs and shit they do regularly, but damn..

The joke that comes to mind after seeing that bit: I can count on my fingers how many times I've been to Chernobyl, 13.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Dude's wearing a mask and I think nothing, then shows other guy and I think, "why no mask?"

Then the whole fucking subway??? WTF People!

Ohhhh, this was in the before times...the long long ago.
Ah the before times. Old folk used to tell stories about walking 10 miles in the snow uphill both ways to get to school. Now they'll reminisce about what it was like before wearing a mask out of the house and making sure the stranger next to you is 6 feet away.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yeah that was strange then I looked at the date lol...
The one that real freaked me out was when they cut through the edge of the Red Forest. That was fuckin stupid... I doubt any of them will make it to 50 anyways, cos of the climbs and shit they do regularly, but damn..

The joke that comes to mind after seeing that bit: I can count on my fingers how many times I've been to Chernobyl, 13.
(1 rem = 1,000 mrem; 1 Sv = 1,000 mSv; 1 Sv = 100 rem). The “average” American receives about 620 mrem (6.2 mSv) per year from all sources of radiation.
The Red Forest 0.1-10.0 mSv/hour
Chernobyl Power Plant 0.0012 mSv/hour
Pripyat 0.0003-0.0009 mSv/hour

And though many parts of the zone are showing signs of decreased radioactivity, in some cases disappearing completely, 90% of radioactivity in the Red Forest still remains in the soil itself.

How Much Radiation Is Dangerous?
It depends who you ask. Some people will say no amount is safe, but that doesn’t really help us understand the relative dangers. Here are some basic numbers to use as a guide (μSv means microSieverts):

10 μSv – The average radiation you received today

40 μSv – The radiation you receive by taking a flight from New York to L.A.

100 μSv – The radiation you receive during a dental x-ray

800 μSv – Total radiation dose at Three-Mile Island for the duration of the accident

3,000 μSv – Radiation dose from a mammogram

3,600 μSv – Average radiation a US citizen receives in a year from all sources

50,000 μSv – Maximum allowable yearly occupational dose (USA)

100,000 μSv – Lowest yearly dose likely linked to increased cancer risk

2,000,000 μSv – Severe radiation poisoning (sometimes fatal)

So while I still am not sure I would recommend walking in the Red Forest, so long as they are not kicking up dust or a strong wind it is relatively safe to walk in the Red Forest. The kind of radiation left has a longer half life and thus is less radioactive per unit. The risk is in inhale one of the radioactive particles and have it migrate to a lymph nodes or thyroid where it runs the increase risk of cancer in these areas. So just being in the Red Forest has a low risk especially if you are wearing a mask, and resist the urge to eat the dirt.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
(1 rem = 1,000 mrem; 1 Sv = 1,000 mSv; 1 Sv = 100 rem). The “average” American receives about 620 mrem (6.2 mSv) per year from all sources of radiation.
The Red Forest 0.1-10.0 mSv/hour
Chernobyl Power Plant 0.0012 mSv/hour
Pripyat 0.0003-0.0009 mSv/hour

And though many parts of the zone are showing signs of decreased radioactivity, in some cases disappearing completely, 90% of radioactivity in the Red Forest still remains in the soil itself.

How Much Radiation Is Dangerous?
It depends who you ask. Some people will say no amount is safe, but that doesn’t really help us understand the relative dangers. Here are some basic numbers to use as a guide (μSv means microSieverts):

10 μSv – The average radiation you received today

40 μSv – The radiation you receive by taking a flight from New York to L.A.

100 μSv – The radiation you receive during a dental x-ray

800 μSv – Total radiation dose at Three-Mile Island for the duration of the accident

3,000 μSv – Radiation dose from a mammogram

3,600 μSv – Average radiation a US citizen receives in a year from all sources

50,000 μSv – Maximum allowable yearly occupational dose (USA)

100,000 μSv – Lowest yearly dose likely linked to increased cancer risk

2,000,000 μSv – Severe radiation poisoning (sometimes fatal)

So while I still am not sure I would recommend walking in the Red Forest, so long as they are not kicking up dust or a strong wind it is relatively safe to walk in the Red Forest. The kind of radiation left has a longer half life and thus is less radioactive per unit. The risk is in inhale one of the radioactive particles and have it migrate to a lymph nodes or thyroid where it runs the increase risk of cancer in these areas. So just being in the Red Forest has a low risk especially if you are wearing a mask, and resist the urge to eat the dirt.
For some reason google wouldn't give me these numbers on my first search and I was too lazy to look into it more, but I do remember seeing these numebrs before..., anyways, thanks!

Ofc you are correct, they were not camping there and eating food that fell on the ground or such nonsense, at least not on camera, and the hard ground and thick foliage prevented any dust clouds being kicked up. They were taking a route next to the Red Forest, so not going into the place itself, probably... So no real big harm done. Probably.
The scary part while watching is is how they were just walking on a road one moment with measurments of 0.10-0.15, and the next moment a minutes of walking off the road it read 2500, without any visible difference in the greenery and enviroment. Up until that point, they measured lower or same radiation levels as they did in Kiev... then puff, you don't need lights in your house anymore! lol

Taking these random routes through unmeasured parts they could easily sit down to take a rest or just walk by something that was left over from the accident and never cleaned up properly, giving them a huge dose without them realizing what happen and dying of cancer 5 years later for seemingly no reason.

There is a very good reason why tourist groups are taken there by car on a certain route and are allowed to visit only certain places. And no, it's not some made up mutant bullshit, or alien gravity traps or other silly things.
In part, it's cos of the ruins. Shit can collapse, fall, etc... The other is the unknown spots with high radiation.

Now this is just a "friend of mine told me that he met a guy who knows someone..." but I do trust the guy. He has done quiet a few sketchy things in his life, the stories he told usually turned out to be true, backed up by photos (on paper, real photos) and items of questionable legality.
He went there twice already, although legally as a tourist. He talked to some ppl that work there, but not on the tourist bits, who said there are still very sketchy bits there, high levels of radiation spikes for seemingly no reason. Walking through the forests and fields there is still risky, the guards chasing after "stalkers" are at a huge risk as well for stumbling into spots where no one should go...
It is a very Eastern European country still (actually two), so neither the funding nor the willingness is there to truly go through the place with a fine tooth comb and find all the stuff that was lost, stolen, or never accounted for. Every penny they get goes into the pockets of officials and their contractors, and the only thing that gets any attention is the sarcophagus and the new cover over it, cos that is what is known and seen internationally. Ofc the rest of the money goes into running the tourist trap, and trying to catch "stalkers", but mostly for their own safety (and loss in revenue cos they should just pay for their tickets goddamit!)
It is still unofficial and thus not factual knowledge that they were trying to make weapons grade shit there, and that caused the meltdown. What's factual is the chaos, the deaths, the military lockdown and silence about the incident for weeks . Amid the rush to sweep the whole accident under the rug, everyone and anyone with a truck and two hands was tasked to go in, pick up stuff, and then take it away to the designated spots. Some of those got "sidetracked", taking the stuff out of the zone and selling it to some junkyard or contractor, and some simply never made it to their destination. To me, as someone who lives in a country that is ran by the same principles, this is perfectly believable. I remember my grandmother telling me about someone she knew from her village (near Ukr border), who had to go there as a driver to help, died not long after. Never told stories about it afaik, I think he wasn't allowed to anyways. He did get a car tough which was odd, one of the few in their village, which back then was a huge luxury and cost a lifetimes wage, or some good deals on the bm.

Anyways,.. the point is that they still to this day do not have a clear map of where they should and shouldn't go.
There are still hazards left that no one knows or cares about, waiting for "stalkers" or lost tourists to bump into.

If this sounds unbelievable to you well organized westerners (j/k) , these things can happen even when there is no ill will or chaos involved. There is the well documented case of some guys bringing some machine from a hospital to a junkyard, only for it to turn out to contain cobalt 60, with high rads for that extra taste! Which in turn made it's way into metal stuff, from table legs to rebar used in contruction.

So yeah, rads bad, drink vodka!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
For some reason google wouldn't give me these numbers on my first search and I was too lazy to look into it more, but I do remember seeing these numebrs before..., anyways, thanks!

Ofc you are correct, they were not camping there and eating food that fell on the ground or such nonsense, at least not on camera, and the hard ground and thick foliage prevented any dust clouds being kicked up. They were taking a route next to the Red Forest, so not going into the place itself, probably... So no real big harm done. Probably.
The scary part while watching is is how they were just walking on a road one moment with measurments of 0.10-0.15, and the next moment a minutes of walking off the road it read 2500, without any visible difference in the greenery and enviroment. Up until that point, they measured lower or same radiation levels as they did in Kiev... then puff, you don't need lights in your house anymore! lol

Taking these random routes through unmeasured parts they could easily sit down to take a rest or just walk by something that was left over from the accident and never cleaned up properly, giving them a huge dose without them realizing what happen and dying of cancer 5 years later for seemingly no reason.

There is a very good reason why tourist groups are taken there by car on a certain route and are allowed to visit only certain places. And no, it's not some made up mutant bullshit, or alien gravity traps or other silly things.
In part, it's cos of the ruins. Shit can collapse, fall, etc... The other is the unknown spots with high radiation.

Now this is just a "friend of mine told me that he met a guy who knows someone..." but I do trust the guy. He has done quiet a few sketchy things in his life, the stories he told usually turned out to be true, backed up by photos (on paper, real photos) and items of questionable legality.
He went there twice already, although legally as a tourist. He talked to some ppl that work there, but not on the tourist bits, who said there are still very sketchy bits there, high levels of radiation spikes for seemingly no reason. Walking through the forests and fields there is still risky, the guards chasing after "stalkers" are at a huge risk as well for stumbling into spots where no one should go...
It is a very Eastern European country still (actually two), so neither the funding nor the willingness is there to truly go through the place with a fine tooth comb and find all the stuff that was lost, stolen, or never accounted for. Every penny they get goes into the pockets of officials and their contractors, and the only thing that gets any attention is the sarcophagus and the new cover over it, cos that is what is known and seen internationally. Ofc the rest of the money goes into running the tourist trap, and trying to catch "stalkers", but mostly for their own safety (and loss in revenue cos they should just pay for their tickets goddamit!)
It is still unofficial and thus not factual knowledge that they were trying to make weapons grade shit there, and that caused the meltdown. What's factual is the chaos, the deaths, the military lockdown and silence about the incident for weeks . Amid the rush to sweep the whole accident under the rug, everyone and anyone with a truck and two hands was tasked to go in, pick up stuff, and then take it away to the designated spots. Some of those got "sidetracked", taking the stuff out of the zone and selling it to some junkyard or contractor, and some simply never made it to their destination. To me, as someone who lives in a country that is ran by the same principles, this is perfectly believable. I remember my grandmother telling me about someone she knew from her village (near Ukr border), who had to go there as a driver to help, died not long after. Never told stories about it afaik, I think he wasn't allowed to anyways. He did get a car tough which was odd, one of the few in their village, which back then was a huge luxury and cost a lifetimes wage, or some good deals on the bm.

Anyways,.. the point is that they still to this day do not have a clear map of where they should and shouldn't go.
There are still hazards left that no one knows or cares about, waiting for "stalkers" or lost tourists to bump into.

If this sounds unbelievable to you well organized westerners (j/k) , these things can happen even when there is no ill will or chaos involved. There is the well documented case of some guys bringing some machine from a hospital to a junkyard, only for it to turn out to contain cobalt 60, with high rads for that extra taste! Which in turn made it's way into metal stuff, from table legs to rebar used in contruction.

So yeah, rads bad, drink vodka!

You forgot the part about playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. while drinking vodka. Honestly for a game released in 2007 it still fun to play.

And I forgot to include the link to the study of most recent study of the Red Forest which was pretty well mapped by NCNR (National Centre for Nuclear Robotics)

But either way I know if this westerner is over in your neck of the woods first rounds on me. After that I imagine there will not be any recollection of what happened.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
You forgot the part about playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. while drinking vodka. Honestly for a game released in 2007 it still fun to play.

And I forgot to include the link to the study of most recent study of the Red Forest which was pretty well mapped by NCNR (National Centre for Nuclear Robotics)

But either way I know if this westerner is over in your neck of the woods first rounds on me. After that I imagine there will not be any recollection of what happened.
I will take you up on that offer, as long as it's not cheap vodka. Or palinka. After the 5th round though, it's all okay...

Hey, that is cool! Haven't taken the time to read up on what's been going on there recently. Good to see they are taking care of other parts too. So soonTM (in years/decades) they might be able to at least map the whole area properly!

Also, just wait till the guards get drones lol Then those stalkers trip videos are gonna get real intense!
These guys were so loud and seemingly unprepared to properly sneak about that it was a real surprise that they didn't get caught in the first 500 meters. I guess the guards had to deal with Anton (the "guide") so many times that they just don't care anymore, cos they know him well enough by now.

And yes I forgot to say how cool playing stalker is while drinking vodka, cos I fucking hate vodka neat lol.
At least the one branded Royal Vodka (long story), and the stuff they sell at parties/discos.
Unless it's used to spike coke+wine (0.5l of half half + 2 or 4 cents of vodka for kicker; my personal invention from way back in the party days, was the cheapest way to get lots of drink with some kick to it at the local open air club)
That said, I haven't tried expensive / good brand vodkas properly cooled, so my mind is still kinda open to the idea.

My favorite vodka based drink is called... I can'"t remember. I guess that's to be expected lol
It's 4 cents of vodka, roughly 4 cents of raspberry syrup, and Tabasco sauce. It's amaze-fire-balls!
(upon investigation, it's name translates to insidious or underhanded or disingenuous, and it is served in a higball glass, although at bars I mostly had it in a shotglass)

Vodka orange if the juice is sugary enough and it's not overly strong. Good boost on a long hot afternoon in the summer.

Third might be what we call "light" (as in "at the end of the tunnel"), although I rarely tried it. It's vodka + lots of bubbly water. It feels like refreshing water (the sunlight bit), then it hits you like a freighttrain real fast.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
My favorite vodka based drink is called... I can'"t remember. I guess that's to be expected lol
It's 4 cents of vodka, roughly 4 cents of raspberry syrup, and Tabasco sauce. It's amaze-fire-balls!
(upon investigation, it's name translates to insidious or underhanded or disingenuous, and it is served in a higball glass, although at bars I mostly had it in a shotglass)
A Mad Dog I think? One of my kids is a bartender. She likes to make me drink vodka things, while I like whiskey's and beer
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