Post in here if you are definitely not a spy!


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
But if I was the spy, which I totally am not, nope last time I checked it wasn't I who was the spy, shouldn't I post here to deflect away any concerns or evidence that it is i who is the spy, which I'm not. No siree bob. Not me. I'm ain't a no spy. You can call home and ask my wife.

Now a creepy lecherous voyeur?
Well that's a horse of a different color.

But definitively not a gatherer of pertinent info on TEST to sell to the highest bidder.

Or maybe I am


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Perfect, any true testie would smell the lack of alcohol a mile a way and move on to higher proofs.
I would have figured that any male TESTie would've figured that a cup of alcohol-free beer would actually be a urinal designator for the rest of us to further "mark the spot" for the glory of TEST Squadron.

@Blind Owl , I never new that you were Brad Pitt's backup for the movie "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". They probably only chose him over you because the labor unions demanded that they hired special effects artists to help him reduce his age over time like you do naturally each time you enjoy a new cold beer.

Don't read the small print!
..........stealth is a thing..................
Proof positive that my tummy completely fails at the Stealth mechanic. ;p

Oh no... my cover is blown!

View attachment 10192
Oh, so that's why my fuzzy bunny slippers screamed this morning when I stuffed my big feet inside them. I was wondering why they were more warm & squishy than usual. Makes so much sense now.
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