Scorpius sale $200 - Star Citizen heavy fighter

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It's a beautiful ship and one presumes you can stick a blade in and get control of all 8 S3 guns for the pilot. Nice escort ship I think. However I take umbrage that it's the best two-seater in game, as the brochure said. Nahhh. . .so to compare it against the Sentinel. . .

The Scorpios has a little more guns under the pilot's command, if he can control the turret; but those guns max at one half to one third the range of the M7A on the Vanguard chin--still the ruling sniping weapon for any fighter.

If you put the optimal FR-66s on the Scorpios, and an FR-76 and Sukoran on the Sentinel, the Sentinel has more than FOUR TIMES THE SHIELD and a much higher refresh rate, plus your shield blocks ballistics 100% for some time. Yes, 4X the shield. That is what a Heavy Fighter should be--a flying tank.

The Hull of the Vanguard is going to be far harder to crack and if you shoot its wings off, you don't lose any weapons.

The Sentinel frame is the stealthiest in game. Laying in wait with shields and guns off, the Eclipse reactors put out the lowest signature of any ship thus far, including tiny birds like the Razor EX. (Stealth is about to be reimagined with the capacitors coming into game, so wait for it.)

The Vanguard has twice the missile loadout unless you fly the Harby mod in which case it has 3X the missile loadout.

The Sentinel EMP has the range of a Panther, strikes everything in all directions, and really only needs to hit once.

Scorpios has small radar. Vanguard has medium.

The Hoppy module makes the Vanguards into drop ships.

Bed, head and galley.

Range. Range. Range. 'nuff said.

It's a pretty ship, but it's not a Vanguard.
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Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It's a beautiful ship and one presumes you can stick a blade in and get control of all 8 S3 guns for the pilot. Nice escort ship I think. However I take umbrage that it's the best two-seater in game, as the brochure said. Nahhh. . .so to compare it against the Sentinel. . .
Well, Vanguard is medium sized ship, Scorpius is small. It's a shame the RSI website doesn't give the dimensions for when the wings are folded, so I got to estimate a bit here but seems like Scorpius is roughly half the size of the vanguard when both have their wings folded. This might be important when considering what type of ships you want to have on your carrier or something, like would you rather have 4 Vanguards or 8 Scorpius? Besides, Scorpius might just straight up fit inside some ships that Vanguard doesn't. By the looks of it, folded up Scorpius might even (barely) fit inside of Hercules.

Hmm, comparing laser repeaters for both, 5280 dps for Scorp v 3577 dps on Sentinel, though Sentinel does have 63k shield and with Sukoran + FR-76 (latter overclocked) that's 481 continuous shield regen. With two pallisades Scorp has 15.8k shields (FR series becomes a bit moot on S1 as the regen delay isn't 0). So Scorp would need 63253/(5280-481) = 13.2 seconds to kill Sentinel, while Sentinel will demolish Scorp in just 4.4s. But what if you had 2 scorp v 1 sentinel? In the first 4.4s the two Scorp will deal (5280*2-481)*4.4=44347 damage. Then the first Scorp is destroyed and the second needs (63253-44347)/(5280-481)=3.9s to destroy the Sentinel while the Sentinel would need 4.4s to destroy the Scorp...
So, on paper it seems like if you were only limited by deck space on your carrier, you might want Scorps. But that's on paper, and that's before the armor is in. And without considering the missiles either or the effects of having two targets instead of one. In any case, I'd say there will be situations where you'd want Vanguards and there will be situations where Scorps will be better.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That's good analysis but I'll stay with the Sentinel.

One thing you didn't note is the EMP, which has greater range than any of the S3 laser repeaters.

Hence why it is rank heresy to ever doubt the supremacy of the Vanguard! . . er, something like that.

They are very different rides. I'm not sure how the Scorp is a "Heavy" fighter just for the number of guns, but it's basically a Hurricane with more hull, so far as I can tell

I will own I'd love to stick the turret from the Hurricane or the Scorp on a Sentinel.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
According to the RSI Funding tracker, the day of the Scorpius pre-sale, CIG gained $763,314 in revenue. IF most of that is Scorpius pledges by space whales, that's still a lot of pledges made before its official sale has begun.
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