Sparkles by nature


Aug 27, 2016
RSI Handle
Hi there guys and gals, Sparkles here from the land down under Adelaide, South Australia.

I go by the nic Sparkles due to the joy of braces in my youth. Have been a follower of SC since 2013 and was fortunate to pickup the Weekend Warrior LTI package back then. Since then I have been a bit busy with RL (Children and renovating) but now have taken another look into this phenomenal game.

Loved the Wing Commander series on my old 286. Have played most space sims, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Privateer and Freelancer and the X series. So SC seems a natural progression for me plus I love the interaction in game with real people. Currently I'm playing Mechwarrior Online and Star Wars: The Old Republic

I am a stay home Dad with 4 young children, I'm renovating an old home and I freelance as a IT support specialist so I don't have a lot of time to play but I love the concept of SC and hope toget to know the other members when I can.

I heard about Test Squadron by the invite I received back in 2014 which I took advantage of just now :)

Later all and hope you see you around.

P.S. Picard

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Loved the Wing Commander series on my old 286. Have played most space sims, X-Wing, Tie Fighter, Privateer and Freelancer and the X series. So SC seems a natural progression for me plus I love the interaction in game with real people
You're from the 90's. I'm from the 90's (as in teenager in the 90's).
I like you.
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