Star Citizen 3.10 postmortem summary


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm the only to think that the logaritmic scale for speed is a nightmare thing?? Flying with an HOTAS setup I feel that the linear scale is far more intuitive and pratical: you see the SCM marking at, for example, 1/3 of the scale, you can easily archive the 1/3 in position of you trottle and acquire, with prectice, a muscule memory to fly that ship... with the logaritmic scale this is not happening since you don't have this visual reference and can "mentally bind" the SCM indicator to the trottle position.
I know is a mess to explain...


I bought a roc last night... took it for a test run on Ariel and hauled in 120k... roc was half full. Also, graphics were amazing on Ariel... I wish I would have gotten a screen shot. Roc is still pretty buggy but fun.
Out of curiosity, how much time dues it take to gather that amout??
For my mining experience FPS mining is far more profitable then ship mining on a Money/SCU income, the only thing is that gathering mineral by FPS take way much longer and that reduce the income x hour, but the ROC doesn't seam to have this limitation or at least can collect a lot more mineral in a single rock then you do on foot.

Considering that the in-game cost is negleteble compared to the Prospector this make to me the ROC the perfect money grinder (and you can carry it around with an actual good ship and not that crap crome turd that is the Prospector).
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm the only to think that the logaritmic scale for speed is a nightmare thing?? Flying with an HOTAS setup I feel that the linear scale is far more intuitive and pratical: you see the SCM marking at, for example, 1/3 of the scale, you can easily archive the 1/3 in position of you trottle and acquire, with prectice, a muscule memory to fly that ship... with the logaritmic scale this is not happening since you don't have this visual reference and can "mentally bind" the SCM indicator to the trottle position.
I know is a mess to explain...

Out of curiosity, how much time dues it take to gather that amout??
For my mining experience FPS mining is far more profitable then ship mining on a Money/SCU income, the only thing is that gathering mineral by FPS take way much longer and that reduce the income x hour, but the ROC doesn't seam to have this limitation or at least can collect a lot more mineral in a single rock then you do on foot.

Considering that the in-game cost is negleteble compared to the Prospector this make to me the ROC the perfect money grinder (and you can carry it around with an actual good ship and not that crap crome turd that is the Prospector).
Yep, got the same issue with throttle. I found it much easier to work it in previous patches.

The ROC seems to be great for grinding yes, I'll buy one when it's available in-game. But. You do need an expensive big ship to carry it around.
I hope they leave the free freelancer for next patch so I can try it, otherwise I can't take it anywhere unless I can fit it inside an aurora lol


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
Yep, got the same issue with throttle. I found it much easier to work it in previous patches.
Yep, I hope CIG plan to implement an option to switch it back, like you can choose to set the trottle to absolute value (back and forward) or reletive (only foward)...

The ROC seems to be great for grinding yes, I'll buy one when it's available in-game. But. You do need an expensive big ship to carry it around.
I hope they leave the free freelancer for next patch so I can try it, otherwise I can't take it anywhere unless I can fit it inside an aurora lol
I plan do to that too, as for the ship it fit in the Cutlass0 Black nicely and the MSR should have no problem carring it either:love:


Space Marshal
Apr 25, 2019
RSI Handle
I'm really hoping the MSR can fit the Roc. Although I'm guessing it will get Nerfed before long. I've been doing 100,000 auec from hadanite mining per hour.
Stating the original plan the SR have 96 SCu of cargo (like the Conny), but it was splitted into two grid one on each side of the ramp... but that was in the original concept, when in production they notice that the space was sufficient to accomodate a rover it just missed some clearence from the ramp, so they modified the ship and it now ca officially "carry a rover".
Assuming that for "rover" it means something at least the size of a Cyclone (but I aspect more of the size of the URSA due to the cardo hold size) I have fully trust that the ROC will fit nice and confy in it...

Otherwise I'll still have my Cutty black to move it around and being the ROC similar in size as the Cyclone I think you could eventually fit two of them in the Cutlass.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2019
RSI Handle
The free fly has given me a new found love for the cutty black. I never really got on with it.... For one reason or another. Think I may save up for one in game
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