Survey: What is the FLAGSHIP in you fleet ?


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
Up for another survey?

In your humble opinion... which ship is the most valuable to you?
Not because of cost but its use in the universe. Concept or in game makes no difference.

For me, it'll probably be the Anvil Aerospace Carrack. It's exploration focus and proposed modular design are something I'm looking forward to.


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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I am think I am looking forward to my carack and my banu merchantman most.


Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2018
RSI Handle
@GriffinGamingRPG The Carrack is a pretty damn solid all around ship, let alone also being the best explorer!

The flagship & crown jewel of my fleet would probably have to be the Endeavor Hope. One of, if not the most, versatile ship in the verse. She is the top of the line hospital off-world, has a shuttle bay, and can leave the main section in a safe area while go exploring in the armored cab section. While I have others that are a bit sexier, she will make for one heck of a base of ops for fleet medical flying alongside an Idris or Javelin.

But she will be a bit of a bitch to operate due to staffing requirements and funding, and is a big soft target (hence need to fly with a fleet/carrier group). So that's one reason I have all my salvage/repair ships, to make income to support the big girl. She will also be available for our ScienTESTs to run research and experiments on (legality of which will depends on Command staff discretion). Down the line I will make an alt character who will explore illicit experiments/drugs/bio weapons manufacturing.

Edit1: I'm assuming [read: hoping] they will allow us to use components belonging to the org itself or other allied players. That way if no pressing need for medical stuff, another member that has the supercollider & GRP who wants to overclock weapons for themselves or the fleet, can just attach the module to my base endeavor ship and have at it!
Edit2: Also as I like theory-crafting, she could make a great intelligence ship too. Using 1-2 General Science Pods to crunch all the data we've 'acquired' from our Heralds & Mercurys. Heck she could also run the bay to hold her own Herald.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Depending on how each turns out when SC officially launches, I'll most likely be alternating between my Carrack, BMM & an 890J that I have in my buy backs that my dual 600i bundle will be helping me return to my fleet. #1stVerseProblemsFTW ;p


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
This is a difficult question. I figured after I have drunken my fill and funds at @Wolfy tavern I'd be in need of more funds. To that end, it really is a toss-up between the Polaris, Orion, and Carrack. While the concept of punishing other capital ship owners and exploring the vast universe the money-making potential of the Orion I have a feeling will be my daily go-to unless there is some sort of group adventure scheduled for the day.


Vice Admiral
Dec 22, 2018
RSI Handle
I only have an avenger so that. Once i can get ships in game and have persistence than it will be a hard choice. The Carrack is my go to answer, have a corvette like the Polaris or something a little bigger would be so nice but expensive


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I only have an avenger so that. Once i can get ships in game and have persistence than it will be a hard choice. The Carrack is my go to answer, have a corvette like the Polaris or something a little bigger would be so nice but expensive
If you're looking for something large like the Polaris, then I suggest the BMM. The main body of the BMM is supposed to be about the size of the Polaris, but I'm willing to bet that those wings will help it handle with a lot more stability in atmosphere. While the Polaris is deemed a "Capital" ship in the UEE, the BMM is deemed so by the Banu. If you compare them in the RSI Ship Matrix, then you'll see that the do measure up rather closely. However, the Polaris currently costs $750 while the BMM is less than 1/2 of that at $350. To me, the biggest decision maker will be in game play potentials between them, cargo & trade vs combat.

ALL of this being said, I have a feeling that once SC goes full launch, that the cost of the BMM will increase to something close to that of the Polaris especially in game.
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