Test Squadron Best Squadron o7


Jun 8, 2021
RSI Handle
Greetings Test Squadron !

I am new to star citizen and have been playing and crashing into things since January. I promise I've gotten better! 😏. My star citizen handle is SilverEagle94.

Where you from stranger?
I am from Washington, D.C. where the big important buildings are downtown.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I honestly knew nothing about Star Citizen and am amazed that something on this scale exists. It is as though the thoughts and imaginations have been made manifest. I started out by watching the series called The Expanse and wanted to have a role-playing experience that would match what I saw on screen. After some google searches, I believe I came across a video about Star Citizen or maybe I visited the actual webpage. I was blown away by the level of immersion and so the rest is pretty much history!

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Where can I begin... Once it is implemented, I would like to explore other systems besides Stanton and take advantage of the new features the game would have by then. Exploration rings true to me as of now but I would say naval combat follows closely behind.

What was the first game you remember playing?
I believe I'd fumbled around with my brother's PS1 and tried Final Fantasy when I was very young. Being about to move freely and control different characters by making my own decisions is what I liked.

What other games do you play?
I do have characters on WoW and ESO where I have invested time into. I hop on these games at times.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?
I believe I remember seeing the logo somewhere but initially, I read about Test Squadron on the organizations page. I decided to join because I believe I will have much more fun than when I currently play plus the advertisement is the best!

Picard or Kirk?
I admit, I never seen a Star Trek episode 🌲👀🌲... I would say the new Picard.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST! and...
I am new to star citizen and have been playing and crashing into things since January. I promise I've gotten better! 😏. My star citizen handle is SilverEagle94.
At crashing? GREAT!
Exploration rings true to me as of now but I would say naval combat follows closely behind.
You're in luck because I think exploration is going to involve a fair amount of navel combat. I mean naval combat.
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