TESTosterone Increase


Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
Where you from stranger?

United States, presently residing in VA. Being military, I’ve lived on both east and west coasts.

What drew you to Star Citizen?

The hand of Chris Roberts. The gravity of his vision.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)

Everything Chris Roberts has envisioned coming to life. I daydreamed as a kid of something like this fantasy manifesting itself into our reality. I’ll dabble in it all.

What was the first game you remember playing?

Red Rover. It’s where I learned first what a “clothes line” is.

Atari/Arcade -> Nintendo -> PC -> SNES -> N64, yes I am old.

First space sim: Wing Commander and Privateer on an IBM 386.

What other games do you play?

MMO’s, FPS, MOBA, Survival, though I honestly prefer to Immerse myself fully into 1 game at a time, if it’s competitive. (Played ARK official [legacy and new] and only ARK pretty hardcore for a little over a year in the most recent, having to deploy with the military really hurt there)

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

Montoya’s YouTube videos. I pledged for the Constellation Rear Admiral package back in SEP2013, so I’ve seen Test Squadron’s continued relevancy for quite some time now. I was saving my Organization cherry for someone special and after seeing Montoya’s hair, I was captivated, and knew Test Squadron was the “one”. Similar to the scene in Pulp Fiction, when the box with the golden light was opened, the answer to the question of everything was revealed.

Picard or Kirk?

What happens when an unstoppable Force collides with an immovable Object?

Old Kirk because William Shatner. Old Kirk has stamina and longevity, new Kirk while being pretty damn boss too, is but a minuteman in comparison. 51% old Kirk vs 49% new Kirk. I’d marry old Kirk and have new Kirk as “boy toy” on the side.

Tidbit about me:

Married with 4 children, active duty military with 13 years in, 3 Star Citizen accounts, so I’ll have 2 free Crew/Wingman a lot of the time, due to 2 of my children being forced to play (when one of them gets seriously bored, maybe I’ll convert one account to pirate). *sinister snicker*. I’ve got a brother and few friends that will also play that pledged with me back in late 2013.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I was saving my Organization cherry for someone special and after seeing Montoya’s hair, I was captivated, and knew Test Squadron was the “one”

@Montoya This is how you get promoted right?


Welcome man! Glad to have you.


Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
I appreciate all the responses! I can be an attention whore (in jest), so it feels great to momentarily have the spotlight.

For all those that threw me a boner, thank you for doing me with a solid.

Did I get those phrases right?

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST. Good to have you with us.
And thanks for serving. 4 kids and a military career. That ain't easy. Kudos
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