The last Disney Star Wars movie

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Nah, I think you’re having delusions. Luke is nothing like your feeble mind is pretending. And this is the biggest problem with today’s youth—they think anything coming out their mouth must be right because Mommy says so. OTOH, we have all of reality, that clearly demonstrates Luke Skywalker is a hero.

None of us bearing witness to Luke’s legacy this last half century are buying your gas-lighting bullshit. Call Mommy. Let’s deal with her direct.


Space Marshal
Mar 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Nah, I think you’re having delusions. Luke is nothing like your feeble mind is pretending. And this is the biggest problem with today’s youth—they think anything coming out their mouth must be right because Mommy says so. OTOH, we have all of reality, that clearly demonstrates Luke Skywalker is a hero.

None of us bearing witness to Luke’s legacy this last half century are buying your gas-lighting bullshit. Call Mommy. Let’s deal with her direct.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Nah, I think you’re having delusions. Luke is nothing like your feeble mind is pretending. And this is the biggest problem with today’s youth—they think anything coming out their mouth must be right because Mommy says so. OTOH, we have all of reality, that clearly demonstrates Luke Skywalker is a hero.

None of us bearing witness to Luke’s legacy this last half century are buying your gas-lighting bullshit. Call Mommy. Let’s deal with her direct.
Wind that disrespect in citizen, you're in TEST, not some dive-bar.

Test is legion and a broad congregation - not everyone is going to agree with you and you are not going to agree with everyone else. All members of TEST automatically qualify for respect as they have made the excellent decision to joined the Squadron, a clear sign of excellent judgement which should be acknowledged by respect being shown, and received, by and to all who have chosen to join you here.

It's your thread, your topic, and under your hand to be either a healthy discourse or a REEEE-fest over how one of your favourite things isn't turning out how you want it to... Your reaction to questions and counterpoint descending to disrespect does nothing for your point, says more about you than your angle on the discussion, and makes it look like you never had a point in the first place.

Whats up bro? Seems like somethings eating at you and its way bigger than who's buggering up Star Wars today, isn't it?
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Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2022
RSI Handle
And just to be clear, modern feminism is not popular among women. Far fewer of them identify as feminists as did in the sixties and seventies. Mary Daly started writing in the early nineties. Women don’t like being taught to hate. As a consequence, unlike earlier feminism; modern feminism is especially popular with butt ugly women. Seriously, I’ve seen the stats. I just don’t recall them. Fuggly women who are never gonna get a date line up in droves for modern feminism. That’s not a recommend.
I agree that modern "feminism" is unpopular in general with women. Sure, many will jump on that train, the same way many dudes with the tactical experience of a circus peanut love wearing Grunt-Style shirts. But when it comes down to it, a large segment of women are more comfortable assuming traditional gender roles in the end.

I also agree with your premise (I'm paraphrasing) that, the lower-value the women, the more militant many are. It makes sense to me. If I refuse to adopt the traits that make me a high-value partner, then I don't get a high-value partner in return. I then either:
1. Change myself in ways that increase my value.
2. Accept forever alone.
3. Demand I be gifted undeserved partnership through force/coercion.

For many, option #3 is the golden path.

If your feelings are hurt about how you don't meet the value standards, and they should or shouldn't apply to you (waaaa... PATRIARCHY!!!!), please understand those feelings are absolutely, and infinitely irrelevant. It is what it is, deal with it or don't. I can't possibly convey with adequate clarity how much I don't care. Choose your own way.

That said... The playing field is not even, my friends. And, this is where I disagree with you, Reaper: Even a fat, ugly, and obnoxious (low-value) female can snag a guy. Granted, he'll be a lower-value guy, but still. That dude is so desperate, he'll take damn near anything home. On the other hand, if you're a male: fat slob, never had a job in your life, obnoxious loser? Forever alone.

It's the way of the world. Always has been, always will be.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I have to agree with all that despite I was trying to be more academic than personal. Still, agreed. The kinds of women who accuse men of “mansplaining” are generally undesirable for a host of reasons prior to picking up the self-destructive behaviors that further separate them from traditional relationships. They’re skeevy before they decide to act bitchy. The attractive ones have often been through prior victimization. There are all sorts of reasons people abandon themselves to hatred. It’s not a profile unique to radical feminists. That profile is remarkably similar to terrorists both foreign and domestic. People who don’t receive enough love often gather around hate. Sounds corny and simplistic but it’s true. There’s a reason psychologists diagnose around a happy childhood. Unhappy childhoods yield all manner of mess.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’m confused when I look at today’s stats for relationships and marriage. The field is not even, just as you say; but the losers seem to be in the same numbers given male and female birth rates are about equal. More women are throwing themselves at the top 5% of men and those guys are having more sex, but about equal numbers are actually getting married.

I’m not blaming just Feminism for today’s ills. There are all sorts of narcissism and nihilism running rampant and destroying society. Radical feminism gets the bulk of the blame for the failures at Disney, IMHO.

I know a young guy, a neighbor; and much of my judgements about this gen seem to be embodied by him. His generation doesn’t understand how it is viewed for not wanting driver’s licenses. It’s not just they don’t want the responsibility. They utterly fail to comprehend how they are judged for refusing that level of responsibility.

Obviously, radical feminism is not the root of all evil. Evil is much richer and deeper than that. We’re failing in basic competency with no notion of what that means. This is narcissism and nihilism taken to new heights. I’m not sure there is a single root source of the failure except perhaps the Mosaic Covenant. (People will really flip at this. It’s theological so skip to the end if you prefer.)

When Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt he delivered to them the Torah or law that turned the Jews into a nation. God’s covenant with them was, “if you live in the land that I shall give you and obey my laws, you shall be my people and I shall be your God, and I shall magnify you and glorify you among the nations.” That’s exactly what happened.

When the church combined the revelation of Jerusalem with the reason of Athens, it made a way for this blessing to spread beyond Israel. The Jewish King Solomon had already explained in his little book Ecclesiastes that the blessing of God in the Mosaic covenant was not a special act of God, but rather was the result of “the laws of the harvest”. Do these things in Jewish law and the natural result is overwhelming peace and prosperity. This is EXACTLY what raised Western Civilization to such towering heights over the next two millennia. Hence the eventual end of polygamy, incest, child sacrifice, etc. and the multitude of blessings that come from removing such evils from society.

Now we are throwing that all away. Pundits are deliberately calling what we’ve been doing for 2,000 years of success “bigoted”, and “white supremacist”, and “judgemental”, “not inclusive”, etc. Well yeah. Success does not include the elements of failure. If you want to be a success, you need an alarm clock. Success does not include the people acting like they can sleep whenever they like. However today, if you use an alarm clock you are oppressive. If you believe in loyalty or honor, or dignity, or trust, you are old fashioned. If you support civilization, you are the problem.

What I’m trying, and probably failing to show is that the real forces trying to deconstruct every success of civilization—they’re older enemies than Feminism. They’re related to older idols: Ashteroth, Molech, Dagon, Baal. . .the old ways discarded and destroyed twenty centuries ago. It’s a bit bigger than Mary Daly.


Vice Admiral
Mar 25, 2022
RSI Handle
I'm not confused when looking at modern relationships (maybe I should be!). Top-tier men have never been more accessible, and 99.9% of women will always choose them if possible. That makes sense. I do think marriage rates are somewhat skewed beneath the surface, though.

Let's shift back 100 years or so. Society was generally confined to a small population group, even in the big cities. Eg: Little Italy, Chinatown, etc. For most young people, the pool of potential mates was relatively small. Typically, and with minor variations, 10s would pair with 10s, 5s with 5s, and so on. Ultimately, choices were limited to the small-ish surrounding area. Sally-6 knew to her core she could never compete with Jane-9 for Frank-9. Barring Jane being horrible, Frank was going to pick Jane over Sally every time. Therefore, Sally paired with Tom-6 and was happy with her choice, because she was sure as hell never getting with Jake-2.

Fast forward, and every woman with a phone now has some level of access to males who are 10s and 9s. Conversely, those guys can now access bucketfuls of 8+ women. The high value males aren't stupid, and know they have the pick of the litter. They wind up plowing many fields, and discarding the women soon afterwards. Over a short period of time, young women have squandered the things the bulk of men out there (4-8s) value, like purity (it's true... 99% of men are disgusted by "body counts"), commitment, discipline, etc. Those women are then relegated to low-value men, or even mid-tiers who are so desperate for a wife, they'll marry this train wreck. The woman is unsatisfied (shocking) with her low value man, and now initiate 80% of divorces. None of this will be a surprise to anyone, it's a basic cause & effect chain.

You are 100% spot on about feminism not being the root of all evil. It's not even the problem!! It's one of many symptoms of the underlying deconstruction of society. It's a tool, nothing more. Uncle Mao's 4 olds, anyone?
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
There we go, now we have a thread where to take a heavy Hyjack like this to, called "The Outside" - If you see a Hyjack going seriously in to the long grass, invite the participants to "take it Outside":

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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So back to the thread topic of Star Wars and the franchise performance (death?) under Disneys tiller.

For the record, I've seen 1, 3, 4, 5 and 7. Oh, and I've watched the whole series of Droids multiple times. Zebulon Dak? Dream job!

Only seen a few episodes of Ewocks series, haven't seen any other TV series, Not seen Rogue One, not seen Solo, not seen the Holiday Special.

How's Star Wars actually doing financially? Is it dying under new management or was it already showing signs of being on it's way out with the Prequels made under old management?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I don’t think it’s fair to say none of the marriage problem comes from feminism. That was certainly true 20-60 years ago. It’s not true now because of the toxic turn we’ve seen. The entire “Passport Bro” industry with Western men increasingly turning up their noses at Western women for anything more than a quick shag—that is new. There were mail order bride services for Western men who wanted trad women 30 years ago, but those services have exploded. Something is very different.

BTW, I’ve met and talked to a lot of these men marrying Russian, Ukrainian and Asian ladies. They’re not staying married. So even the fix to the problem is not fixing the problem.


Nov 19, 2023
RSI Handle
I really liked the Rogue One movie and the Andor series. Definitely the best Star Wars products out there. The original trilogy, the Mandalorian, and Ahsoka were pretty good too. I just hope that they can produce slightly more mature movies/series like Andor - that to me is a recipe for success going forward.
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