Trading is NOT for pussies


Mar 28, 2020
RSI Handle

well i'm a huge trade/cargo hauler in game and i find that part of the game to be the most exciting atm, just flying around testing all and every trade route i could possibly find. 30k's seem to have become a lot less usual lately and in having me make huge profits to. ohh i cant even imagine doing this stuff on a larger scale, whenever then figure out that they will bring in another galaxy! 🍻 Right now we running around doing most of our trade runs in an Aquila or a Caterpillar, and we have had struggles with pirates but we are a strong litte team so we have shut them down quite a few times, and we are damn good at locking the doors behind us, having a few fighters by our ship at all times helps a lot to. 🍺
Now to the point to get my Trading to the next level and really start feeling the thrill of finding any nook with a trade post that exists in the verse, i WILL need a Banu Merchantman, having this outpost running in the verse would be awesome, although we never know when then will release it to us. i was thinking id pick it up at the next sale, 🥂 but i wanted to test the waters here a bit first, see if anyone had something that would be useful in this case.

i'm looking into the availability of the Banu Merchantman, preferably a CCU from a Connie of some sort, as i have to many of these cluttering up my hangar. but i'm open for other suggestions too, as long as it's ending in an LTI Merchantman. 🐒 i must say tho that the option that ends up putting the most fresh cash into the development is my number one priority, witch is why i'm considering the sale option, but its always sweet to see what options we have laying around 😄


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Do you have any extra LTI token Connies?
If so, then the route to a LTI BMM is easy.

If not, the route will be a bit tougher. I remember when the Mantis first released there were CCUs to Mantis that updated existing insurance to LTI, but the Connie costs more than a Mantis. I want to say there was another ship with that same CCU feature, but I honestly can't remember what it was.

So might be looking at the following steps:
  1. Buy a cheap LTI token ship (I'm pretty sure there are people still selling good candidates in the TEST Marketplace)
  2. Melt one of your excess Connies
  3. Use the melt to upgrade the LTI token to something with a lot of BMM CCU options (I'm pretty sure there are still a few BMM CCUs also in the TEST Marketplace)
  4. Pick up the appropriate BMM CCU, then apply to the upgraded LTI token above
NOTE: Many in TEST will only sell to those that have been active on the TEST forums for at least a month, so might be another week or so until they'll consider selling to you (they do it as a favor to other TEST members, not for personal benefit.)


Mar 28, 2020
RSI Handle
Do you have any extra LTI token Connies?
If so, then the route to a LTI BMM is easy.

Many in TEST will only sell to those that have been active on the TEST forums for at least a month, so might be another week or so until they'll consider selling to you (they do it as a favor to other TEST members, not for personal benefit.)
Indeed i have, have two connie anqila LTI also a phoenix, so i was hoping i could ccu one of the aquila's, that would be amazing! :)
yeah ive seen & heard that, altho its always nice to check out the waters before that time 🍺
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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Do U BanU?

I dU.

I hope U can dU BanU tUU.
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
My advice is start looking here:

@Elmy has so much stuff it is insane, plus a lot of others are linked at the beginning of their post.

The Aquila is a popular ship for CCUing, so should be easy to find on from that to BMM.
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