Wait...how did I just explode?..


Space Marshal
Feb 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Hey everyone! I feel I should start off by letting you know that I cant fly worth beans, hence the thread title. My inability to fly however has not tempered my excitement for Star Citizen.

I was looking for a few people to fly around with and came across this org and it looks like a fun time, so I signed up.

Where you from stranger?
I am from Ohio, USA

What drew you to Star Citizen? I loved the Wing Commander games so supporting this was a no brainer

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Exploration and mining and relaxing stuff like that, as stated I cant fly/fight worth anything so pvp kinda scares me lol.

What was the first game you remember playing? Combat for Atari, my older cousin had one and I was awful at it, wait I think Im seeing a pattern here...

What other games do you play? Right now I am playing alot of Squad on Steam, I also play WoW off and on, excited to play ME:Andromeda soon though.

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join? I was looking through the Org pages on the RSI site and yours made me laugh so I checked you out more. Honestly it was the nipple rubbing in the latest State of the Squadron vid that convinced me to join. Dont judge me.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
welcome to TEST SQUADRON :beer::beer::beer::tophat:

Don't wory you'll get the hang of crashing "caugh" eah! flying just like we all did eventualy, but we're a org kind of known for our spectacular crashing, landings and flying, maby that comes with the territory when you always try what they say can't be done or just push the limits.
As you say play for the fun of it, we do and if or when it all goes to shit well we raise the glass and cheers, let's se if we can do that again. :P

Got to say, reading your comment a "no brainer" reminded me so happily why I started to back SC, I saw Chris is making a new space game and knowing his track record, he always finished what he started and among what he's done so far it is all better than good or amazing IMO so it was a "no brainer" to be a subscriber and start backing this game.

A good place to practice your flying is in Arena commander free flight "dying star", that map is big enough and provide tons of astroids to practice your zick zack crashing style on, then there is a big satelite and landingpads where you can practice the crashlanding styles on.
:fearful: :beer::beers::upside_down:


Space Marshal
Feb 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Thanks for all the "Welcomes". I've been cruising around the forums and this looks like a fun place to be.
TEST doesn't give a hoot about being a good pilot or not. There's only 1 pilot seat on a ship and many other stations to attend and still help out :slight_smile:

Welcome to TEST Squadron, the best squadron!
This is one of the things I am really interested in with Star Citizen. I like to fly but it will be cool to man other stations and do other jobs. I should be able to find something I am good at, at least I hope so lol.


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks for all the "Welcomes". I've been cruising around the forums and this looks like a fun place to be.

This is one of the things I am really interested in with Star Citizen. I like to fly but it will be cool to man other stations and do other jobs. I should be able to find something I am good at, at least I hope so lol.
If you're looking to be an engineer or something, I've got a lot of big ships that I'm willing to sacrifice for people to learn on during the Alpha and Beta. You are welcome to come aboard and try them out to see if there's a job that you like. I've got to learn everything so that I can train people. Captains, Engineers, pilots, shield management, navigation, security, turret gunners, flight deck crew, repairs, and more.

We need more owls on deck!


Lead Aurora Theorycrafter
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Especially ones who aren't blind.
I don't discriminate against those with disabilities. Look at me. I'm 70 tons of democracy. I wouldn't even say that I'm big boned. Yet I can still fly a ship.... sort of... I mean landing is an issue, but it's not like you need to land more than once.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't discriminate against those with disabilities. Look at me. I'm 70 tons of democracy. I wouldn't even say that I'm big boned. Yet I can still fly a ship.... sort of... I mean landing is an issue, but it's not like you need to land more than once.
Haha, "70 tons of democracy." You're killing me brother.
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