What does owning a "LUXURY" ship do for you (and Star Citizen)?


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
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Disclosure: I LOVE the idea of luxury ships in Star Citizen.

Now that's over feel free to answer any or all of my questions this week:

1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
2. How will you use it in the universe?
3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?

P.S. Luxury haters.... We love you anyway!


My Answers:
1. I don't want to stare at wires, pipes and bulkheads
2. Social space for my friends and travelling to exotic locations
3. Create specific locations only accessible to the "affluent" (just like the Million Mile Club). Also transporting (NPC) VIP's to their destinations.
4. Taking friends to beautiful locations in space and on planets/moons.
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
View attachment 13545View attachment 13546

Disclosure: I LOVE the idea of luxury ships in Star Citizen.

Now that's over feel free to answer any or all of my questions this week:

1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
2. How will you use it in the universe?
3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?

P.S. Luxury haters.... We love you anyway!

1. I bought a 300i because it was in the second cheapest game package in the original pledges, as a bounty hunter pack. Also it was described as stylish, fast, and the BMW of Star Citizen. I like bimmers, I liked the original shape of the ship, the price was right, so the choice was easy.
2. The 300i was not supposed to be a "luxury" ship, it was supposed to be a stylish, more fancy, but still very much usable, purpose built ship for light cargo running and mercenary work. Just like an Avenger, but with a bit of style.
I intend to use it for everything it was designed to do. Cargo, bounty hunting, escort missions, and hopefully some smuggling.
3. In case of a 300 series they could add VIP transport missions. Something that would not be available to complete in an aurora, or other non-luxorious ship. For the larger luxury yachts, they could be used for important meetings where you would have to pick up the two parties, transport them safely to a location in neutral space, or outside of "eavesdropping" range of com satellites, and ensure their safety.
They could also implement stuff like "important ppl hold wedding on 890j" . It could involve simple fetch quests to get the cake from planet X, get the flowers from planet Y, have a crew hired to serve drinks, take the party to shiny sparkly nebula Z and hold the ceremony there with it visible through the windows...
Ya know, there are lots of ways to involve "luxury" ships in missions like I just described. Taking advantage of the usual simple gameplay loops, but with a context that matches the luxury theme.
4. I dunno yet, as the 300i is not really a luxury ship. I'll try to offer it as a luxury taxi to other players who need a ride to somewhere probably.

Additional 5.:
Would you buy a luxury ship, and why?
I think large very expensive and mostly useless ships like the 890j are a great "end-goal" . They are status symbols in a way. Or at least they should be, lore wise. When the persistence finally sticks, and there will be no resets, I'll be aiming for one as a gameplay goal for sure. I'm a collector type player, I wanna have em all lol


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
Currently, I own the Phoenix and 600i. I am keeping the Phoenix at first due to its rarity and now because while it lacks a luxury bathroom the midsection is baller. As for the 600i its ship-shape and view from the cockpit is amazing. It's just a shame the rest of the ship is so terribly designed and I find myself contemplating trading it in for something else. But I have hope they will rework it after finishing the 890jump. It really needs a full redo of the ship interior and I am not sure that will ever happen.

2. How will you use it in the universe?
Both are anticipated to be more RP mission runners were I do not expect to be seeing much combat.

3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
Beyond the currently anticipated VIP shuttling? We know that there will be pick up VIP at location x and transport them to location y if you have the right kind of ship and high enough rating. Not sure what else there is beyond using them for personal trips and RP flare.

4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?
It really depends on how immersive the universe becomes. The more detail and story elements the easier it is to enjoy the experience and do things simply for the enjoyment of the experience outside of attempting to acquire more wealth or competing against other players for arbitrary numbers.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
Own all of the above? Why? Because I have a serious addiction problem.

2. How will you use it in the universe?
I won't use them, I will watch them get used by others and collect the rental fee, or just be entertained by what happens.
And RP some party nonsense like ramming some stuff with the spare 890j

3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
Something to do in lore with politics and like Pro Sata ball players.

4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?
Ram stuff and visit/see stuff.
Then ignore it for a while.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't have a luxury ship yet, and I normally wouldn't go for such things as I prefer function over form, but in SC, the form is just so damn well made, that the luxury ships really do give that luxury vibe. Which means I'd probably eventually buy one.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
Luxury ships do several different things.

They give a feeling of relaxation and calming to the senses that is missing in utilitarian designs like the ones from Drake. Spending days or even months on a ship where you see the bare pipes and wiring gives the impression that you are constantly at work. Your only real chance at relaxation comes from lying in your bed. Stress is higher and the whole adventure seems more like 24/7 job than an adventure.

Luxury ships usually have extra quarters to include more personnel to perform functions related to the care of the passengers or reduce the workload for the crew by making watches shorter. You can have more than 4 people on a Constellation, but they will have to hot rack by sleeping in shifts and sharing bunks, not a good prospect when you need a bunk to log out. CI may decide that multiple people can log off in the same bunk, but we've yet to see that, AFAIK.

Luxury ships are supposed to come with better armor, shields, engines, computers and firepower/defensive systems than a more utilitarian ship of the same size. Things are still in enough of a flux that we can't be sure what the final specs of the ships will be at launch, but the developers have indicated that luxury ships have a better class and/or size of everything making them more powerful, not just more beautiful.

Finally, luxury ships are priced much higher than a utilitarian or standard ship design giving the owner a sense of accomplishment in acquiring one. It's much easier to earn the credits to purchase a bare bones ship that is simply made to get the job done than one that does it with an extra dose of style. Luxury ships stand out as being for people who've done well for themselves or are very talented at what they do.

If your idea of gaming is min/maxing and bunny hopping around as you use controlled bursts to rack up a kill count, luxury does not really fit your play style. If you are, however, looking to hang around in space and enjoy the less confrontational parts of an MMO, you will appreciate the ability to own and enjoy luxury.

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
I envisioned my Phoenix to be the boat I took out on the weekend, the 600i is the explorer variant
2. How will you use it in the universe?
I had no clue until just this second, see #4
3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
With the exception of the 600i explorer, these are recreational vessels, consequently CIG needs to put luxurious, hedonistic destinations in every system. They could put ski resorts on planets like Yela, or a sprawling Las Vegas on Daymar, or how about a tropical paradise somewhere with sport fishing?(BTW CIG, let's make these barges seaworthy, so they operate on water!)And I know it's kinda out there, but CIG has said that our character's health will deteriorate over time. How about some rejuvenating effect from vacationing in these places?
4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?
TEST YACHT CLUB!! Regattas! Golf and fishing tournaments! Award banquets! Get a couple Reliant Makos to film this stuff and stream it!



Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Disclosure: I LOVE the idea of luxury ships in Star Citizen.

Now that's over feel free to answer any or all of my questions this week:

1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
2. How will you use it in the universe?
3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?

P.S. Luxury haters.... We love you anyway!
1. I fell for the Phoenix the 1st time I saw her. I loved everything about her including that she was different from the other ships as she was supposed to transport VIPs instead of being used as a fighter or freighter. She looked more refined & elegant than the other versions of the Constellation class of ships in the Verse. I also loved that owning "luxury" ships is supposed to give backers a level of prestige that is supposed to boost their likeability with the NPCs they encounter. In MMOs I love gaining as much positive reputation with as many different factions as possible.

2. I have several luxury ships now, so I'll use each of them for different tasks that they will excel at.

3. This might seem stupid to some, but in addition to the escort / transport quests, I would CIG to have the luxury ship makers create missions that would have the player take their ships to various places to be seen by NPCs with the rewards being free ship upgrades / modifications that they can only get through those missions. Just another means to help the ship owners have their ships be unique.

4. Currently, I'm thinking that I'll simply be using my luxury ships as I would any other ship with the roles of game play that they're designed for, but while at a more relaxed pace to enjoy the activities along the way instead of just as a tool to get a job done.

5. Much like @Lorddarthvik , I'm a collector (Pokemon player) at heart, I want to own them all. This being said, I've been eagerly awaiting the release of the new player owned hanger models to see what our current versions will be replaced with. I'm hoping that there will be different sorts of hangars to fit the roles of the types of ships that would be potentially stored inside them, just as their are currently.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?
Own all of the above? Why? Because I have a serious addiction problem.

2. How will you use it in the universe?
I won't use them, I will watch them get used by others and collect the rental fee, or just be entertained by what happens.
And RP some party nonsense like ramming some stuff with the spare 890j

3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
Something to do in lore with politics and like Pro Sata ball players.

4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?
Ram stuff and visit/see stuff.
Then ignore it for a while.
1. I think that to some degree or another, we all have addiction problems. This is TEST Squadron & some of us are still searching for the 43% more beer that was advertised.

2. Sounds like a solid plan to me.

3. Great idea there.

4. When I saw the deck of the finalized / flight ready form of the current 890J, the 1st thing that game into mind was to fill the hangar floor with players while out in space, raise the floor up & have them all gather at the bow. Do this with a pair of 890J's & then play a game of ultimate chicken. If the ships will collide, then at the last moment both ships will kill power & turn off their gravity engines so that the players on the decks can freely release from the ships unharmed & enjoy the ultimate Mosh Pit experience. (Up until both ships explode underneath them.) Cheers & bottoms up!

3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?
With the exception of the 600i explorer, these are recreational vessels, consequently CIG needs to put luxurious, hedonistic destinations in every system. They could put ski resorts on planets like Yela, or a sprawling Las Vegas on Daymar, or how about a tropical paradise somewhere with sport fishing?(BTW CIG, let's make these barges seaworthy, so they operate on water!)And I know it's kinda out there, but CIG has said that our character's health will deteriorate over time. How about some rejuvenating effect from vacationing in these places?
4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?
TEST YACHT CLUB!! Regattas! Golf and fishing tournaments! Award banquets! Get a couple Reliant Makos to film this stuff and stream it!
I'm a big fan of fishing (in game & in RL) and I would love this idea to someday become active in game. I have no clue how many hours of fishing that I've done in games like WoW & Ocarina of Time. (definitely hundreds but possibly thousands)


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Taking advantage of the audience metric for this thread. I have no luxury ships, and unlikely to ever buy one, but I have some relevant experience as a spaceship navigator.

Resume of Vavrik
An experienced Pilot Copilot Engineer Navigator seeking occasional employment.

Selected relevant TEST Squadron Qualifications:
  • Can't or doesn't always read instructions.
  • Often has difficulty reading text in chat windows.
    • Also in planetary atmosphere, but that apparently isn't a special skill.
  • Carries own set of navigation dice for the purpose of accurately setting headings to random locations.
  • Understands that a Mayday call requires the transmission to include the words "Say your last known location and direction here".
Salary expectations: Will apparently work for jokes and virtual beer.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
1. Why did you buy a "luxury" ship (i.e. 300i, Phoenix, 600i or 890Jump)?

The 300 series looked the closest thing to a Lamborghini. Doesn't any more. The 350R was the fastest ship you'd ever call your own. Isn't any more.

2. How will you use it in the universe?

Going places as quickly as possible. Why waste time, it's just empty void.

3. What type of missions would you like Cloud Imperium to create for luxury ship owners?

Ain't no mission that can be done in a lux ship that can't be done in any other craft. Can't see a reason why there would be a snobbery - it's not like an NPC is going to turn down a cutlass red to save their ass and wait for a 600i because of some deluded preference. Some of the richest people on earth travel in modest vehicles, it's all just personal preference - unless lux ships offer some distinct advantage like nullifying G effects with Anti-G instead of G-Safe to make it a less black-outy ride, it's not going to carry any advantage over any other ship. Anti-G for the win!!!

4. What type of gameplay will you to create based on your luxury craft?

The type of gameplay I'll create for any craft I feel like flying that day. 😉


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Taking advantage of the audience metric for this thread. I have no luxury ships, and unlikely to ever buy one, but I have some relevant experience as a spaceship navigator.

Resume of Vavrik
An experienced Pilot Copilot Engineer Navigator seeking occasional employment.

Selected relevant TEST Squadron Qualifications:
  • Can't or doesn't always read instructions.
  • Often has difficulty reading text in chat windows.
    • Also in planetary atmosphere, but that apparently isn't a special skill.
  • Carries own set of navigation dice for the purpose of accurately setting headings to random locations.
  • Understands that a Mayday call requires the transmission to include the words "Say your last known location and direction here".
Salary expectations: Will apparently work for jokes and virtual beer.

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