What should this US Government Employee do, during the shut down?


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
You dont work for the government to make money, unless you are corrupt, then you will. Unfortunately, when you are a multimillionaire that came from a rich family and never had to struggle, understanding the plight of the underpaid is not a concern.


Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2016
RSI Handle
some government jobs pay well, but comfortably middle class is NOT the same thing as wealthy. Many of us could make much more elsewhere. It's all ridiculous.
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Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
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Meh go figure they should have gotten this wall done before the last set of elections when repulicans had power in the senete and house. This is more repulican's fault than any one else's saw this comming for miles. Now that they have yielded democrats are going to keep doing this like this to show they have "Power". It's like watching a classroom of 5 year olds except they don't want to play with each other.
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Vice Admiral
Jan 4, 2017
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lol.. if that were true, I'd be mad.
I suppose you're talking about this. I got some bad news for you. It's bullshit.

In our research we found that, no, 18 million illegal immigrants did not receive a check from the government amid the shut down.

Here’s how we know.

First, a November 2018 study by the Pew Research Center puts the total number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. far lower than 18 million.

As of 2016, the most recent data available, the report found the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country decreased to 10.7 million from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007.

In a fact sheet published the same month by the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, they estimated the figure is closer to 11.3 million.

Taking either figure into account, it would be impossible for 18 million undocumented immigrants to receive checks from the government, because there are only approximately 11 million living in the country.

That's some argument there. Cain't be true cause there ain't that many of em here.

I wonder why they used the Pew Research Center that made all of those bogus polls instead of Yale as their source.

Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates

Using mathematical modeling on a range of demographic and immigration operations data, the researchers estimate there are 22.1 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Even using parameters intentionally aimed at producing an extremely conservative estimate, they found a population of 16.7 million undocumented immigrants.

The results, published in PLOS ONE, surprised the authors themselves. They started with the extremely conservative model and expected the results to be well below 11.3 million.

“Our original idea was just to do a sanity check on the existing number,” says Edward Kaplan, the William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research at the Yale School of Management. “Instead of a number which was smaller, we got a number that was 50% higher. That caused us to scratch our heads.”

What was their next argument? Oh yeah,

"Obviously, unauthorized immigrants themselves are hardly eligible for any government assistance that it’s hard to know what they would be getting checks for," Capps said.

I mean, obviously my smugness is reaching levels that should assure you to just believe me without thinking, because obviously people who aren't supposed to get welfare can't get welfare...

Ahh Shit, wrong again,

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Compared to 35% of native households

Of non-citizens in Census Bureau data, roughly half are in the country illegally. Non-citizens also include long-term temporary visitors (e.g. guestworkers and foreign students) and permanent residents who have not naturalized (green card holders). Despite the fact that there are barriers designed to prevent welfare use for all of these non-citizen populations, the data shows that, overall, non-citizen households access the welfare system at high rates, often receiving benefits on behalf of U.S.-born children.

Well at least all these illegals on welfare aren't voting for more welfare...


AG Paxton: Texas Secretary of State’s Office Discovers Nearly 95,000 People Identified by DPSas Non-U.S. Citizens are Registered to Vote in Texas

Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued the following statement after the Secretary of State’s office discovered that about 95,000 individuals identified by the Department of Public Safety as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in Texas, and roughly 58,000 of them have voted in one or more Texas elections

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I suppose you're talking about this. I got some bad news for you. It's bullshit.

In our research we found that, no, 18 million illegal immigrants did not receive a check from the government amid the shut down.

Here’s how we know.

First, a November 2018 study by the Pew Research Center puts the total number of illegal immigrants in the U.S. far lower than 18 million.

As of 2016, the most recent data available, the report found the number of undocumented immigrants living in the country decreased to 10.7 million from a peak of 12.2 million in 2007.

In a fact sheet published the same month by the Migration Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, they estimated the figure is closer to 11.3 million.

Taking either figure into account, it would be impossible for 18 million undocumented immigrants to receive checks from the government, because there are only approximately 11 million living in the country.

That's some argument there. Cain't be true cause there ain't that many of em here.

I wonder why they used the Pew Research Center that made all of those bogus polls instead of Yale as their source.

Yale Study Finds Twice as Many Undocumented Immigrants as Previous Estimates

Using mathematical modeling on a range of demographic and immigration operations data, the researchers estimate there are 22.1 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. Even using parameters intentionally aimed at producing an extremely conservative estimate, they found a population of 16.7 million undocumented immigrants.

The results, published in PLOS ONE, surprised the authors themselves. They started with the extremely conservative model and expected the results to be well below 11.3 million.

“Our original idea was just to do a sanity check on the existing number,” says Edward Kaplan, the William N. and Marie A. Beach Professor of Operations Research at the Yale School of Management. “Instead of a number which was smaller, we got a number that was 50% higher. That caused us to scratch our heads.”

What was their next argument? Oh yeah,

"Obviously, unauthorized immigrants themselves are hardly eligible for any government assistance that it’s hard to know what they would be getting checks for," Capps said.

I mean, obviously my smugness is reaching levels that should assure you to just believe me without thinking, because obviously people who aren't supposed to get welfare can't get welfare...

Ahh Shit, wrong again,

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Compared to 35% of native households

Of non-citizens in Census Bureau data, roughly half are in the country illegally. Non-citizens also include long-term temporary visitors (e.g. guestworkers and foreign students) and permanent residents who have not naturalized (green card holders). Despite the fact that there are barriers designed to prevent welfare use for all of these non-citizen populations, the data shows that, overall, non-citizen households access the welfare system at high rates, often receiving benefits on behalf of U.S.-born children.

Well at least all these illegals on welfare aren't voting for more welfare...


AG Paxton: Texas Secretary of State’s Office Discovers Nearly 95,000 People Identified by DPSas Non-U.S. Citizens are Registered to Vote in Texas

Attorney General Ken Paxton today issued the following statement after the Secretary of State’s office discovered that about 95,000 individuals identified by the Department of Public Safety as non-U.S. citizens have a matching voter registration record in Texas, and roughly 58,000 of them have voted in one or more Texas elections

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
EDIT - Comments [REDACTED] to avoid it becoming a political thread and having it locked under forum rules.

So, lets re-rail it back on track:

Now the shutdown is over, when do those workers expect to be paid? And if you get some compensation to go with it what ship will you be getting?


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm a Senior IT Project Manager, since 1997. My life has been spent in Technology, but not programmed since my Army Days (Encryption Programmer/Analyst during Desert Shield/Storm). I recently took a role with the Dept of Treasury/IRS. I am kind of planning on staying there for awhile, but that doesn't mean I can't learn new and exciting things.

Or watch porn all week.
Probably moot- but have you looked into DAC (Dep of Army Civilian; not to be confused with MilTech) positions? The military is appropriated thru 2020 and is not affected by this shutdown. we Have a guy in our building that runs the admin for 3 computer labs and really just does nothing because no one uses them.
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Space Marshal
Nov 29, 2016
RSI Handle
Probably moot- but have you looked into DAC (Dep of Army Civilian; not to be confused with MilTech) positions? The military is appropriated thru 2020 and is not affected by this shutdown. we Have a guy in our building that runs the admin for 3 computer labs and really just does nothing because no one uses them.
that sounds like a dream job!
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Paychecks will arrive tomorrow for direct deposit and physical checks (for the 3 people who still get them) will be Thurs
Good to hear, lets hope they don't bugger it up again!
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