Is buying the Idris P worth it? When is it available for purchase? If I do buy it should I also invest in the K kit?


Apr 11, 2024
RSI Handle
I've been playing the game for quite a while but never bought anything other than my starter ship.

I want to buy the Idris P but I would like to know if it is a worthwhile purchase or if I should buy something else.

I know it has limited availability and I've haven't heard a few different things on when it is available but the people that told me weren't sure. Also, if I get it, would it be worth upgrading to the K? I have a large group of friends who play frequently that are willing to crew it, so that won't be an issue for me.


Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
Well...... it is a massive ship/ You need around 28 (inc you) players to get the maximum effective use. It may need more once it is in game and we see the full needs and uses of the ship.

it looks like it will be a fantastic ship if you will have a regular crew to use it and if there are regular events the players will access/create. If you can afford the cost and, as you say, you have a large group of friends to crew it then I think it will be worth it.

It will also be expensive to run. It will NOT be a daily runner.

The Idris-K kit will swap out some of the weapons for automated point defence systems, think the automated miniguns on a real life navy vessel to take out incoming missiles. a manned missile turret and a huge size 10 beam weapon which could be absolutely amazing or absolutely meh if they do it wrong. If cost is ok for you then it will be good in my opinion.

I own the Idris and am eagerly awaiting its release.

It is available during the main 2 events of the year. it can be very frustrating to get one if you want one as they will sell out in around 4 seconds. The trick for me is to get one in your cart then wait until the second wave, time will depend on your timezone, fill out the details and spam purchase and accept terms as fast as you can moments before the clock strikes your wave launch. i got my 3 "F5 war" ships doing that.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Plenty of other people here have one or two. Unless you really want to captain one and pay a bunch of others to play on it, it might be better to crew someone else’s ship.
this is especially true if you don’t have 20-30 other ships you can play. Don’t make this your only ship or one of your few ships.
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Sky Captain

Space Marshal
Oct 13, 2018
RSI Handle
Welcome to the Test Squadron forums!

Good advice above. The Idris presents as a ship for those interested in building a crew. Its a cool ship platform for group game play, but plan on that being a player crew, for now. CIG owes us an update on the effectiveness / limitations of NPC crew. Until that, I'd avoid making the Idris a 'go-to' ship for a solo player fleet. Heavy fighters, smaller utility ships, etc. will be more useful for a solo player.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome to the TEST party! Feel free to make up an introduction post to help us get to know you a bit.

As stated above, the Idris will definitely not be a ship that can effectively used solo or with a small crew until having NPCs hired on are working in game. Even then, CIG has stated that a player crew will almost always be better than an NPC crew for operating large ships like the Idris. As for the K upgrade, I believe that IF you make the plunge for the Idris, the K will be a worth while upgrade, as even if the beam main weapon isn't all that great until it's worked out, it's still more than the non-existant main weapon on the P. This being said, that's still a $250+ cost for a few upgraded parts to a ship that expensive.


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
It's a massive ship you can buy for $1,300 warbond (if available) or $1,500 normal during Intergalactic Aerospace Expo or Invictus Launch Week. It's pretty difficult to say "Yeah, that's worth it" without kno... actually, let's just go with "it's pretty difficult to say 'Yeah, that's worth it,' period."

But let's assume your monthly discretionary (not disposable, discretionary) income is roughly $1,500 or more. Then yeah, I doubt you'd regret it and in that sense, you could say it's worth it. If it's something you have to make any sorta effort to save up for, then it very much is not worth it.

Also keep in mind that if you only have a starter and an Idris, you'll probably have some real trouble maintaining the Idris. If I recall correctly, these large warships require more in maintenance than they make from missions and whatnot. If you were thinking of printing money with a big ship, this is probably not it. You'd want some industrial ships for that. Hull E / D, Banu Merchantman, Orion or Reclaimer. Or something along those lines.


Oct 15, 2022
RSI Handle
I've been playing the game for quite a while but never bought anything other than my starter ship.

I want to buy the Idris P but I would like to know if it is a worthwhile purchase or if I should buy something else.

I know it has limited availability and I've haven't heard a few different things on when it is available but the people that told me weren't sure. Also, if I get it, would it be worth upgrading to the K? I have a large group of friends who play frequently that are willing to crew it, so that won't be an issue for me.
It is of course entirely your decision on what to spend money on but it is a good idea I think to join some groups, talk to others and then get some ideas. Joining groups means you will literally be hands on with many ships to see what you would like to purchase.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I've been playing the game for quite a while but never bought anything other than my starter ship.

I want to buy the Idris P but I would like to know if it is a worthwhile purchase or if I should buy something else.

I know it has limited availability and I've haven't heard a few different things on when it is available but the people that told me weren't sure. Also, if I get it, would it be worth upgrading to the K? I have a large group of friends who play frequently that are willing to crew it, so that won't be an issue for me.
Oooof it's a good question, I'd say the K upgrade was definitely worth it but is the P ship itself?

There are a lot of known unknowns in regard to Capital ships, the biggest being:
- How much Will they cost to run and is that viable for a solo/small group of friends?
- How large a crew will you need and will that turn them in to hangar queens for many of us not blessed with an Org sized friend group?
- Will there be missions etc you can turn a profit with in this type of ship or will it always be a money-sink?

One peice of advice I was given was if you have a lot of small pledge ships you don't use, consolidating them into a large ship like a Capital is a great idea regardless of If they end up being viable for you to fly - it skips a big chunk of in game grind, nets you Lifetime Insurance if you do it right which ships earned in game won't have and you weren't flying those other craft anyway... you have only benefited from it.

That's how I ended up with my Endeavour, the current cheapest of all Capitals.

Welcome to the Forum by the way! Why not drop by New Members section and drop an introduction so we may get to know you better :-)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
You said you have a group to crew it. How large a group and have they individually consented to crew?

I think most players are not willing to commit to just one activity. The Idris is a long haul ship. For best use it will need to be out on the fringes. Perhaps raiding Vanduul space and glory farming?

Optimally, you will want a crew who all have second accounts and will commit one to crew your ship, some predetermined number of days each week. Additionally, you’ll want several above the crew requirement, because some won’t show, and some you’ll need for landing and boarding parties. Also you’ll need pilots for your fighters.

Unless you can get about 30 players to make this sort of commitment, I would strongly urge you consider other options. However, I think what we will find is that to run missions effectively, the Polaris is going to require almost as much crew as the Idris. It will however generate a lot more player activity—fewer boring jobs.

The Idris fills the role of a frigate, and is thus the ubiquitous “ship of the line”. It’s intended to be multi-role inside a fleet, but can manage alone quite well.

The Polaris is really more like a submarine, but for its torpedoes to be useful, it needs scout craft lighting up targets 20+km away while it hides. So you absolutely need as many scout craft on the Polaris as you can get. They need to be fast, stealthy and take up little deck space. Arrows might be a good choice. Let’s say you have eight arrows crammed into the Polaris’ hangar bay.

The Arrows will be flying virtually whenever you are hunting. They will probably be needed to shepherd the torps in to their target, since torps are horribly slow compared to the fighters that would shoot them down.

That means additional crew. You can’t rob all the guys off the turrets every time you go into battle. So in the end, the Polaris crew is about the same size as the Idris.

So why bother with the Polaris? Quite simple: it’s going to create very different gameplay. The Polaris is intended for cat and mouse games, hunting games, sneaky torpedo games. The Idris just wants to find big ships and fight them. Two very different play styles.

And that’s what you need to suggest to your crew. After all, you need to sell them you, as their Captain. What kind of playtime are you going to offer?

You should be able to earn enough in the Sons of Orion storyline to keep the ship active. That’s what it’s for. So I would not be too concerned about having industrial ships to support it. Running either an Idris or a Polaris is a full time job. Comes with the Captain’s bars.

On a final note, I still think there are ways to use the Liberator as a mobile strike platform using 3 Eclipse, 9 Arrows and 4 Lancer MIS (for their beds and long range missile support). Richard Bong has noted the pads on the Lib are not rated for the Eclipse, whereas I’m thinking “if it sits, it fits.” Guess we’ll have to wait and see. This scenario puts 16 stealth craft on targets quite distant from the Lib, so is more like an aircraft carrier. This actually requires about 2/3 the crew of the Idris and Polaris, but still a lot of player management; so something else to keep in mind.

Each of these options can be deadly to the other two and none has a clear benefit above the others that I can see except that the Lib is cheaper and requires less crew. The other ships would certainly offer a nicer home and a pool table.

Yes, if you settle on an Idris, get the K. It will require fewer crew and just firing that big chin gun is going to be a kick!
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