How much is LTI worth for you?

How much UEC would you charge for a LTI Ship you want to sell?

  • +10%~20%

  • +20%~30%

  • +30%~40%

  • +40%~50%

  • +50%~60%

  • +60%~70%

  • +70%~80%

  • +80%~90%

  • +90%~100%

  • I'd never sell something with LTI!

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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, the question is basically as old as SC, but this time I wanna look at it from a different perspective:

At some point, the Game will allow you to buy every Ship (except Vanduul ones) for UEC which may or may not change the way you look at the ones you own with LTI.

As an example: You got a Cutlass Black with LTI, and you know you'd be able to go right to a Cutlass Red/Blue or even a Sabre without LTI if you sell it to a Player or simply speed up your progress towards a Hull E, Idris, Javelin etc.

So, assuming you have a LTI Ship you'd have no use for and don't expect to ever have it, what price increase (over whatever it costs to buy the Ship new from the NPC/Shop) would you charge or would you keep it as collector's item etc.?
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Space Marshal
Dec 3, 2013
RSI Handle
Its not so much a worth thing but a comfort thing to me. In the long run it saves money but its more of a comfort thing.
It's nice to know that nothing I do, no matter how stupid, can permanently lose me that ship. And I'd also say that LTI value will increase as the game ages. Its going to be something on increasingly fewer ships.
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Grand Admiral
Apr 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I doubt LTI will transfer in the game if you sell your ship. Can't back that up with a source but I swear I've heard it in one of their weekly videos. I dont think LTI will mean anything to most as it probably saves you a few bucks... but if you start the game with 40+ LTI ships maybe the savings could be quite considerable. In the end even CIG themselves dont know how insurance is going to work yet so who knows.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
will LTI transfer if we sell our ships in the PU?

will LTI cover just the hull or an entire ship with standard systems?

what will insurance rates be?

how rare is the ship?

lots of factors to take into consideration

I don't expect my Aurora LN or Super Hornet to be rarities but if they are cheap to replace and the LTI versions sell for a hefty premium, I could be tempted to part with them

my Freelancer MIS though...


Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
I dont think it will make any difference in a year or two into the game.

Spending UEC1000 or how ever much to buy insurance will be peanuts.
I'm reasonably sure insurance (Hull insurance, at least) will be irrelevant, since CiG would make themselfes look stupid otherwise, after having said it numerous times. And if you think about it, they have a nearly infinite amount of possible money sinks if they need them.

But in MMO, things which can't be obtained anymore have some sort of collector-value for some people.
Its not so much a worth thing but a comfort thing to me. In the long run it saves money but its more of a comfort thing.
Well, as far as the money is concerned, that's more or less what I thought one would take advantage of by selling them over NPC price, while others would have to sell their ships below this price usually.

As far as comfort is concerned, AFAIK Insurance will be just a thing you have to tick, meaning it will automatically be renewed.
It's nice to know that nothing I do, no matter how stupid, can permanently lose me that ship. And I'd also say that LTI value will increase as the game ages. Its going to be something on increasingly fewer ships.
I did sort-of think the same way at the start, but at some point I felt like it can't be such a big deal, since most Players would upgrade to Ships way outside of what they'd be willing to spend on the Game (well, except the few which bought pretty much anything).

For example, if I go for a LTI Ship now, I'd have to go for a Hull B, Constellation Taurus etc. as that would reach the Limit of what I'd be willing to spend. I assume most players will have a comparable view on that...

Now, after a few weeks in the Game, I'd be at point where I could eventually pick up a Hull C/Starfarer/Merchantman etc. looking at Transport ability alone, they'd be able to generate many times the income of what I could own with LTI. So not-going for them and sticking to a worse LTI Ship would ultimatively be a bad descision.

I doubt LTI will transfer in the game if you sell your ship. Can't back that up with a source but I swear I've heard it in one of their weekly videos. I dont think LTI will mean anything to most as it probably saves you a few bucks... but if you start the game with 40+ LTI ships maybe the savings could be quite considerable. In the end even CIG themselves dont know how insurance is going to work yet so who knows.
On the RSI Forums people said it would transfer, since it's attached to the Hull of a Ship. I also think deleting the insurance on sale wouldn't make a lot of sense while you can keep it during gifting.

How would having 40+ LTI Ships save you a lot? I mean... you can only fly one and insurance runs only while the Ship is being used afaik.

will LTI transfer if we sell our ships in the PU?

will LTI cover just the hull or an entire ship with standard systems?

what will insurance rates be?

how rare is the ship?

lots of factors to take into consideration

I don't expect my Aurora LN or Super Hornet to be rarities but if they are cheap to replace and the LTI versions sell for a premium, I could be tempted to part with them

my Freelancer MIS though...
LTI tansfer would be a given I think... it does transfer when we gift them atm...

LTI is the same as Hull insurance and covers the Ship as you bought it with what was installed at that time.

insurance rates... I think the devs mentioned something like one start mission = multiple months of insurance worth of UEC somewhere.

I obviously meant "normal" ships, which can be bought from the NPC, no limited editions etc.

btw. you guys really answer fast, thank god this forum has proper quote and "show new posts" functions unlike the RSI one xD


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm not into selling ships. But my goal is to have LTI for all of my ships (except for the package ship, which is an Aurora) because I lateron don't want to chill, floating in space because some bastard blew me into it and just in that moment to remember that I forgot to prolongate my damn bloody insurance; that said I'm totally unsure if there will be a fun factor later in the game because I'm way too fast way too often blown outta space, currently. My worst memory is that of the Aurora which destroyed my Connie within 3 or 4 seconds right after starting from the CryAstroservice station. When I read that CIG has reduced(!!) the health points of the Connie I was - one more time - very glad to have LTI on all of my ships .....
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