TESTie Spawns a Merlin P-51 into an Elevator in Area 18


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I substituted information files from Area 18 Arc Corp into one of the Arena Commander areas in an attempt to get a ship into area 18. I was unsuccessful....however...
Apparently this has been done before successfully:
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I substituted information files from Area 18 Arc Corp into one of the Arena Commander areas in an attempt to get a ship into area 18. I was unsuccessful....however...
Apparently this has been done before successfully:
my tracking blocker is blocking your images, where do they live on the web?

(so I can unblock the blocker and see them)

edit: fixed, nvm
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Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I anyone can do this, I'd like to know how you succeeded! Go toDrive:/Program Files or Program Files (x86)/Star Citizen/Public/Data/Levels/Galaxy/System/Stanton/ArcCorp/Area 18/ and copy the 2 files you find there:Level.pak and Terraintexture.pak to a new directory on your desktop. Then go to ...Levels/DogFightModule/ and pick one of the four directories that you don't use much, for example, for someone that doesn't race lot go to/NewHorizonSpeedway and make a new DIRECTORY called "Backup". Move the two files you see there into /Backup, which are also named Level.pak and Terraintexture.pak. Then copy two files in your desktop directory to that new directory. You could try it without the Terraintexture.pak and see if it works better. Then launch the game and go to the ELECTRONIC ACCESS and pick a ship and start the activity that you put the new files into. And be prepared for some noise! Try moving the ship around using thrusters, and if you succeed in getting out hit [WIN][ALT][R] to record your adventure, then be sure to hit [WIN][ALT][R] again to save it. Be sure to land in the main square and call a Guildmate to take pictures. AND YOU,LL BE FAMEOUS! BE SURE TO TURN OFF AUTOMATIC ERROR REPORTING TO THE DEVS.
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