Its Just a Scratch


Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle

The Background:
So, i decided i wanted to try something random, and after being upset that i went and got the cutlass flashfire mount just to find out that it doesnt work right now, i found a fix that involved editing an XML file.

So I decided to test how combat capable the cutlass is with one pilot in AC

First some Baselines:
2x Panther Repeaters (Class 3)
1x Mantis GT-220 (Class 3) [Ew Ballistics I know, but its actually not a bad weapon]
1x Apocalypse Revenant (Class 4) [not a great weapon, but not bad either, i prefer the high fire rate to the bigger punch of the Class 4 Combine Ballistic Cannon]

Baseline Ship:
AC Mode: Vanduul Swarm
F7C Hornet w/Flashfire:
Highest Wave Completed: 18
Lowest Wave Completed: 12

Now the results:
Drake Cutlass:
Highest Wave Completed: 16
Lowest Wave Completed: 13

Needless to say, i'm not a huge fan of the hornet, especially since i cant upgrade the shield on it due to the REC/UEC shields being 100% unmountable on all ships, but it handles decent and im way more effective with it. However, The cutlass is a badass ship even in its mostly broken state. (Granted, i had to bypass one of the bugs via file editing to make it halfway decent) Its slow, but maneuverable (as long as it has its thrusters still attached) and the Rattler II missiles pack a good punch. And it can take a heck of a beating.

Still will probably stick mostly to the hornet for Arena Commander, but its nice to know if i want to switch it up I can (I really do love the visibility of the cutlasses cockpit) [Ha i said cock].

Now time to go grab some more alcohol and do more test(ie)s.



Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Thanks cosmic.

So i finally managed to acquire a sabre upgrade from the grey market, i love it more than any other ship as far as fighting goes... however i seemed to have developed a bad habit of losing parts... apparently im allergic to my starboard wing.



Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
yea, the sabre is a glass cannon... i love it but man it breaks easy, good thing i only plan on using when doing escort stuff for the org although the warden may be better suited for that role with its multi-jump capability...


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm putting this hear because I just talked to RIP about it in Discord, and then I thought "Hey, maybe people want to do this without looking for it on Google"
So some guy named "Forsaken Djinn" posted all THIS:

Ok, Bionic One sent me a message about it, just incase anyone else needs to know, this is how i got the proper mount on. The one that Holoxplor puts on, is broken, it sorta... combines the fixed mount and the manned turret, which i don't really understand. But here's how to get the actual mount on.

Ok, i'll do this, reluctantly. I don't know what your technical skill set is, so make this will be easy for you, or maybe it'll look like hieroglyphics, and i ain't into troubleshooting.

Start by removing everything from the S6 slot., i suggest using
So remove the mount, and save the XML file. (don't use holoxplor to equip the fixed mount, it's kinda broken) and download and overwrite your old XML file. (make a backup somewhere else first)

Locate your XML file in
C:\Program Files\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public\USER\Database\
Open it in notepad++, if you don't have notepad ++ use normal notepad, or get notepad++

Before we get started, don't use my item IDs, as they are likely different, i'm just using mine as an example.
Search for
Then get the ID (not the oemid)
That happens to be mine, so we'll use it as an example.
Then search for the section where your Drak ship is

And you'll see your inventory, with INVENTORY COUNT. at the top of the drak cutlass section.

locate the class 5 port in the port section, you don't need to change the port count.
port portName="hardpoint_class_5" __EID__itemId="008e2f01-0098-092e-0100-000000000000"/
And copypaste the drak fixed mount's ID into it. That's my flak ID yours is likely different.
the ID is the 008e2f01------ etc

Now above the port count, go back to the inventory section. Add a new line, with the mount's ID.
Mine looks like
item __EID__id="008e2f01-0098-092e-0100-000000000000"/
Make sure it has the arrows too, i just can't post them here.> < these
Then change the inventory count to +1 of it's normal.
if it's
inventory count="47"
change the 47 to 48

Save the XML, then on the holoxplor website, hit Delete your info, and then re-upload your xml file, you'll see you now have a new S4 port on your cutlass named DRAK_Fixed_Mount_S4 - Slot
You won't be able to remove the fixed mount from holoxplor, but you can ingame, so be careful, it's a pain.
Then you can either equip your revenant into the s4 mount. or leave it empty, the combine is broken and not even i can fix it, and i've mastered XML editing pretty much.

so go ahead and equip your revenant, and redownload the file.. Goto notepad++ and it'll ask if you want to reload the file since another program made changes. Press yes just once.

Now go into game, into a free flight drone sim, and test it out. If it works, congrats. If not, exit the game, and goto the xml file in notepad++, it'll ask if you want to reload the file after changes. Press NO, then upload your xml file somewhere, and i'll edit it for you, but i don't want to, so only do this if you have no other choices.

The combine, it won't accept it's ammo boxes.
Now i even FORCED the ammo boxes onto it, where the game registered it had boxes, but still doesn't work, the code for the boxes themselves is broken. probably a typo in the code or a missing ;
so i can't fix the combine. and trust me, i want to. I hate the revenant. The revenant is better than nothing. but barely so. the revenant was supposed to use 70mm ammo, but it uses like.. 30mm... so you can drop 100 rounds into a vanduul alpha or named and it'll keep going. So it's only worth using if you don't want someone in your gunner seat.

Image of the mount on.

I have a little LOD issue that makes my 11 series look weird.

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Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
^ i had the link bookmarked, but never got around to posting it. Now when they decide to fix the stinkin' combine ballistic cannon's ammo so that it can actually be used. I will be really happy.

EDIT: i did manage to get the ammo to show in holoplexor as mounted but the game apparently either doesnt have the ammo as a listed resource or something because the game just doesnt recognize ammo being loaded no matter how i edit the xml. so the ammo is borked on CIG's side of the game.


May 9, 2016
RSI Handle
Meh I want a sabre as well. Sexy ship. But i Fly a Super hornet and ill admit i like it, fly a hornet for 10 mins, and you will think like me.

"Wings and shit are for pussies"....
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Grand Admiral
May 2, 2016
RSI Handle
Meh I want a sabre as well. Sexy ship. But i Fly a Super hornet and ill admit i like it, fly a hornet for 10 mins, and you will think like me.

"Wings and shit are for pussies"....
I have flown a hornet, not the SH though, its a good ship, just not really my favorite

Also: the hornet series has wings too :P
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