My shitty apartment internet tops maybe 1 MB/s download. Seven save me if I try to upload anything.
that's not so bad, 1MB as in MegaBytes right? (not megabits, which is what I used, and what most ISPs use to compare speeds)
so that comes to ~10Mbps of internet speed, much faster than what we used to have at my parents'. There are actually 8 bits per Byte, so it should be 8Mbps, but they usually lose a bit (pun not intended, and more a couple Bytes) because of the connection distance, etc to the download servers
for clarification, a bit = 1 or 0 in the computer code.
a Byte = a sequence of 8 1's and 0's...
a kiloByte = 1024 Bytes (not 1000), and 1 MegaByte = 1024 kiloBytes, and a GigaByte = 1024 MegaBytes, etc.
so when you actually buy a 1 TB HDD, you're actually only getting the mathematical 1 Trillion Bytes, and not the full "Tera"Byte.
it would be 1,000,000,000,000 Bytes, instead of a full TB which is 1,099,511,627,776 Bytes.
Which is why you would see
909976.5GB when it's "empty" (or somewhere around there, I probably did my calculations wrong...) They didn't lie to you that it's a "TeraByte" but it is the mathematical Tera, not the computerized Tera...
because 1000 isn't a power of 2 (binary, 1 and 0) but 1024 is.
why did I start rambling about this? ... ugh