I created a continuous, uncut, in-game EVA flyby of Port Olisar in Star Citizen to showcase the detail and size of the station. The clip is made all the more epic by Alexzander's Star Citizen inspired music "Deliverance". Be sure to check out Alexzander's channel for more music!
ALEXZANDER'S (aka @Mobius1422 on the RSI forums) CHANNEL:
The HUD-less view for this video was captured in-game using this technique:
"HOW TO get a HUDless view for screenshots and videos"
It took dozens of attempts to get this uncut footage and it's no where near as clean as I'd like. Getting over two minutes of fluid EVA movement proved harder than I thought. My body would either smash into struts or start going all wobbly for no apparent reason. I finally just had to settle on this. Frame rate issues aren't helping either. Hopefully, I'll improve my methods and get cleaner, smoother videos in the future.
Here's the Community Hub post.