Let's talk explorers...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
As in ships.
Smaller ones to be precise. Although any and all chat will be welcome.

I'm curious to know what your go to explorer will be, specifically in regards to smaller jump holes.
What do you think will be viable, and why?
Is it going to be worth keeping as smaller exporter in your fleet, if only for those smaller jump points? If so, I'm wondering how much it'll end up being used.

Those are just some thoughts that are dancing around my far too sober brain.

I'm trying to ascertain if a Carrack or Aquila will be enough, or if I should look into keeping something smaller as well. I'm concerned that there are going to end up being places that are missed because of the inability of the larger ships to fit through.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
My go to ship will be my carrack though it can only do large wormholes.

Tbh though im not sure what the expect to explore small wormholes. The lancer dur now can only do mediums and larges. So single person exploration ship? Sounds boring. I might keep a single small explorer but i will earn it in game. I dont see small wormholes as that profitable. Numerous yes but you are on a race against the clock not against how many you can explore.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
My original pledge was for a DUR (melted long ago...) and I might get another when the rework of it gets revealed. Hoping for some kind of window. Would be nice to discover some new bit of space and not be tied to the current Freelancer's visor view.

The 300 explorer is tempting, but it's a little too fancy-pantsy for me (I think I'm a dirty Drakester at heart). There was talk of the Redeemer getting explorer options and I could see the Vanguard's long range being useful. But I lean away from Aegis for the same reason I lean away from Origin. Too clean, too pretty. The Herald might be an option, unless it's solely dedicating to hacking. I could see the Starfarer being a good choice for exploring as you could refuel yourself and your fellow explorers along the way, but that's a big ship too.

I figure there will be a bit of an explorers' gold rush when the game first comes out, which should be fun, but I'm not sure I will be able to dedicate the time at game launch to participate. Who knows what will be going on in RL? Will I have to get a new computer when game finally comes out? Will everything already be discovered by the time I get there? That stuff keeps me from investing in the explorer angle at this point.

I'll be more than happy to just redshirt for some understaffed TESTie to do my exploring.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I am running with a 350p, Reliant Sen, and an Aquilla that i'm going to upgrade to a Carrik as soon as i can. I want to have different ships not only for different worm holes, but also to run solo or with friends depending who is on.
This was also a thought, the solo thing. For those nights when no one is around or i just want to play alone.
My go to ship will be my carrack though it can only do large wormholes.

Tbh though im not sure what the expect to explore small wormholes. The lancer dur now can only do mediums and larges. So single person exploration ship? Sounds boring. I might keep a single small explorer but i will earn it in game. I dont see small wormholes as that profitable. Numerous yes but you are on a race against the clock not against how many you can explore.
I honestly don't think i'm gonna focus on wormholes, i mostly want to explore planets and find new plants, animals and alien ruins if i get lucky.
I'm not necessarily thinking about making multiple wormholes, but rather, what's on the other side of them. There may be a system ripe for the picking, but the only access is through a small or medium wormhole.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My original pledge was for a DUR (melted long ago...) and I might get another when the rework of it gets revealed. Hoping for some kind of window. Would be nice to discover some new bit of space and not be tied to the current Freelancer's visor view.

The 300 explorer is tempting, but it's a little too fancy-pantsy for me (I think I'm a dirty Drakester at heart). There was talk of the Redeemer getting explorer options and I could see the Vanguard's long range being useful. But I lean away from Aegis for the same reason I lean away from Origin. Too clean, too pretty. The Herald might be an option, unless it's solely dedicating to hacking. I could see the Starfarer being a good choice for exploring as you could refuel yourself and your fellow explorers along the way, but that's a big ship too.

I figure there will be a bit of an explorers' gold rush when the game first comes out, which should be fun, but I'm not sure I will be able to dedicate the time at game launch to participate. Who knows what will be going on in RL? Will I have to get a new computer when game finally comes out? Will everything already be discovered by the time I get there? That stuff keeps me from investing in the explorer angle at this point.

I'll be more than happy to just redshirt for some understaffed TESTie to do my exploring.
View attachment 2726
The DURp was my first explorer as well. Loved that ship...
For a while.
Then the SC Gods got under my skin, and she became something more. Ha. She may be worth having again though.

I would love to see the Redeemer with exploration mods. Versatility for the win. I do love my Drake ships, but unless there's an exploration mod for the Cutlass, I don't see much of a viable option. The Herald, maybe, as you say. I don't really like the 300 series. Like you said, too pretty.

I have also put thought into the explorers gold rush, as you call it. Many of the same thoughts actually. Will my carrack become redundant if I don't get out and exploring right away at launch? Will they continue to expand the verse so we constantly have new things to explore?


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I honestly don't think i'm gonna focus on wormholes, i mostly want to explore planets and find new plants, animals and alien ruins if i get lucky.
I bet you are spot on. If the procedural planetside is half as cool as it sounds, this will be where I will have most fun exploring. The Carrack's rover and something that can haul Dragonflies, which I bet will be much more useful on ground than in space, will be a lot of fun.

I have also put thought into the explorers gold rush, as you call it. Many of the same thoughts actually. Will my carrack become redundant if I don't get out and exploring right away at launch? Will they continue to expand the verse so we constantly have new things to explore?
I doubt the Carrack will become redundant. I would expect, after the initial rush, the areas of space to explore will just be more challenging to get to, as in, behind a wall of Vanduul. The Carrack will probably be the tankiest ship for punching a hole through the Vanduul hordes while still having the equipment to explore afterwards.


Space Marshal
Mar 11, 2016
RSI Handle
I have a carrack, durr, and a mustang beta. I actually think I will end up using my Beta and durr more than my carrack. It will depend on how hard it will be to form a crew. NPC crews will be nice. but I would rather have a live crew on my carrack.
Jul 6, 2014
RSI Handle
I honestly don't think i'm gonna focus on wormholes, i mostly want to explore planets and find new plants, animals and alien ruins if i get lucky.
Fron my understanding wormholes are how you get to new planets. The lore said all current planets were discovered by eother good old fashion burning in a direction until you found something or more recently via wormholes. Once discovered they have coordinates and can make jump bridges to go to those places.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
My original pledge was for a DUR (melted long ago...) and I might get another when the rework of it gets revealed. Hoping for some kind of window. Would be nice to discover some new bit of space and not be tied to the current Freelancer's visor view.

The 300 explorer is tempting, but it's a little too fancy-pantsy for me (I think I'm a dirty Drakester at heart). There was talk of the Redeemer getting explorer options and I could see the Vanguard's long range being useful. But I lean away from Aegis for the same reason I lean away from Origin. Too clean, too pretty. The Herald might be an option, unless it's solely dedicating to hacking. I could see the Starfarer being a good choice for exploring as you could refuel yourself and your fellow explorers along the way, but that's a big ship too.

I figure there will be a bit of an explorers' gold rush when the game first comes out, which should be fun, but I'm not sure I will be able to dedicate the time at game launch to participate. Who knows what will be going on in RL? Will I have to get a new computer when game finally comes out? Will everything already be discovered by the time I get there? That stuff keeps me from investing in the explorer angle at this point.

I'll be more than happy to just redshirt for some understaffed TESTie to do my exploring.
View attachment 2726
Shit, Guess I'll have to throw some mud on my Dur and 315. Got a Sen as well, but I'm not sure what value it'll have for exploration yet. Too early to tell.
I might melt the 315 to get an Aqulia (tequila?), but then I'd have to hire more drunken sods to work it with me. And I think there's shit that can be valuable on the other side of small holes. So I guess a ship could be too big for those smaller holes?
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Space Marshal
May 6, 2016
RSI Handle
Fron my understanding wormholes are how you get to new planets. The lore said all current planets were discovered by eother good old fashion burning in a direction until you found something or more recently via wormholes. Once discovered they have coordinates and can make jump bridges to go to those places.
I understand that, i was just saying i'm not planning on making a living by finding new ones. I mostly wanna do planet side:D


Space Marshal
Oct 30, 2015
RSI Handle
My DUR & Carrack will be my main exploration ships.

However, as it has been stated that ~70% of all the systems will be unknown at launch, I will be using my 315P for exploring local systems.

The Beta should also be a good in-system explorer as well as the Aurora LX.


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
If I can get sensors on my 350R, then I will have the fastest explorer in known space. Hop in, run a scan while letting my pursuers read the sign next to my tailpipes: "Kiss my Ass" :cool:
All well and good until you run out of fuel in your pocket rocket and your floating about like a beached whale.........will be like taking candy from a baby for those pirates:rolleyes:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA

Just need to translate the Kiwi accent to Dutch and your set.....youll be Beached as bro......


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
All well and good until you run out of fuel in your pocket rocket and your floating about like a beached whale.........will be like taking candy from a baby for those pirates:rolleyes:

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdVHZwI8pcA

Just need to translate the Kiwi accent to Dutch and your set.....youll be Beached as bro......
Never go in without company ;)
Leave a whole bunch of guns on the other side of the jump point, taunt every ship in the vicinity and lead them to the slaughter. Only one ship will fit through a smal hole
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