Server Status: Rejuvenated hamsters running about.
Seung Status: Mad that he had the silly idea of updating the server at midnight.
New Features:
- Responsive width! Set @ 80% of browser width.
- New night-mode added (BETA) <= Scroll to bottom to see style changer. Located bottom left.
- New Portal [TESTing]
- New backend tools!
- Smaller back to top button.
- Stim pack research for Hamsterines.
- Forum software updated to latest edition.
- Style updated to latest edition.
Bug Fixes:
- Collapsible forums.
- Fixed (?) sometimes entire forum would be unclickable on refresh issue.
- Bug repellents installed.
Seung Status: Mad that he had the silly idea of updating the server at midnight.
New Features:
- Responsive width! Set @ 80% of browser width.
- New night-mode added (BETA) <= Scroll to bottom to see style changer. Located bottom left.
- New Portal [TESTing]
- New backend tools!
- Smaller back to top button.
- Stim pack research for Hamsterines.
- Forum software updated to latest edition.
- Style updated to latest edition.
Bug Fixes:
- Collapsible forums.
- Fixed (?) sometimes entire forum would be unclickable on refresh issue.
- Bug repellents installed.