Photoshop This: Stoutman's Blanket


Space Marshal
May 1, 2016
RSI Handle
Hi everyone!

I am announcing a contest to Photoshop me sleeping in my Starfarer Captain's Blanket into any picture you want. The grand prize will be a Dragonfly LTI, with runners up receiving their choice of hangar flair.

What does this mean? Basically I supply the starting image. Me sleeping with my Starfarer Captain's blanket. It has a transparent background and can easily be added to an image.

The rules are simple. Do NOT alter the image, other than perhaps part not being visible. Such as adding me to an image with the lower half of me being hidden behind a wall. Altering with color correction or shadowing to make it match the image you are adding it to is fine. Do not change me, make my hair purple, or put a booger in my nose!

Once you have the image saved as a JPG, GIF or PNG, post it here if you are able. Then tweet it out tagging me with @stoutman_pr and using hashcode #StoutmanBlanket

This contest starts now, and will end next week on Sunday October 23rd at 6:00 PM PST (California Time)

I hope to get a ton of funny pictures from you all! I will be showing these on my Twitch stream as the week goes on at to see how everyone likes them.

I will pick the winners, but I may well re-tweet some that I really like!

So get those artistic juices flowing and lets see what you guys do with and to me! LOL

I am supplying the starting image in 250, 500, and 1000 pixel widths so pick the size you want, and feel free to resize if needed. I am also including a couple examples.

Lets have some old-fashioned fun with this and go Star Citizen!!

*NOTE: Oopsie! Didn't realize a login was needed for attachments. Here are the full images to save from the post.

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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Challenge accepted! (im pretty amateur when it comes to photoshop but i will do my best!)

BTW, where did you get the actual blanket? Im very jealous.

Question: The rules says no alteration to your supplied pic, but can we do blending/color correction to make the pic fit blend and have correct lighting for what we wanna do?


Space Marshal
May 1, 2016
RSI Handle
I ordered the blanket from the same place the original came from! Come to my twitch channel and type !blanket for the links to the graphic and the website to order the type of blanket you want.

Yes, altering hue, color correction, or shadow sounds ok!
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