Please don't like my thread-campaign


Space Marshal
Apr 21, 2016
RSI Handle
we need cookies right now :(
Everyone need Cookies, it's not always easy to get the most awesome Cookies, so let me share some advice:
The best Cookies i have bought until now are From Ben's Cookies in London

The best selfmade Cookies I have eat so far where from my Grandma, but she isn't able to do complex things like cooking anymore. ;(

Cookies i often buy when selfmade or awesome cookies are not available (Brand dosen't really matter as most brands use the same recipe and often even the same facility)

"Doppelkekse" When i went on roadtrips with my scoutgroup (since i was 8 Years old) these were always with us.

"Haferkekse" because the huge Number and they're tasty.

... And many many more, but i have stuff to do here so.. to be continued.....


Duck Army
Staff member
Oct 14, 2014
RSI Handle
Everyone need Cookies, it's not always easy to get the most awesome Cookies, so let me share some advice:
The best Cookies i have bought until now are From Ben's Cookies in London

The best selfmade Cookies I have eat so far where from my Grandma, but she isn't able to do complex things like cooking anymore. ;(

Cookies i often buy when selfmade or awesome cookies are not available (Brand dosen't really matter as most brands use the same recipe and often even the same facility)

"Doppelkekse" When i went on roadtrips with my scoutgroup (since i was 8 Years old) these were always with us.

"Haferkekse" because the huge Number and they're tasty.

... And many many more, but i have stuff to do here so.. to be continued.....
cookies, cookies everywhere!

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The shit post thread (Formally known as
Please don't like my thread-campaign):

TLDR version

@Shive creates the thread with the point of this thread is to make a post that nobody will like. The winner is the person with ZERO LIKES

Fun days are had. 2015 is full of promise. The thread grows, and likes are spread. Eventually it dies Oct 22, 2015...
Then @EpilepticCricket and @NaffNaffBobFace combine forces and use the divine NECROMANCY to raise the thread in February of 2016. New jokes are thrown in, new LIKES are thrown down to stop anyone from winning....
Chaos ensues. Shit is posted, thrown, spread on toast, and sprayed across the ceiling. @Blind Owl developes a weaponized shit cannon. @Beerjerker swaps out a KEG on his Beerfarer for a cistern with a pressurized nozzle.
@The Fox feeds ex-lax to his hound.
@CrudeSasquatch finds as many pictures of women jogging as possible
@Varku starts baking cookies.
The LIKE system on the forum collapses under the weight of their combined Shit.

Eventually the Shit coalesces into a new form, the S.H.I.T.P.O.S.T. Division of TEST SQUADRON BEST SQUARDON!
Montoya and Seung are contacted by panicking administrators.

Probably @mromutt and @Knax who said something like....

@SeungRyul replies "At least the S.H.I.T. is contained in that one thread.... imagine what would happen if we shut it down! There will be S.H.I.T. in every other post! NO THREAD WOULD BE SAFE!"
And then @Montoya said "Why are you worried about the LIKE system anyways? What are you? Narcissists? Go Join ADI you rule abiding wankers!"
(I have no idea how they actually replied, but we're still here, so it had to have been something like that).

The forum is safe, for the time being, as we contain the maximum shit levels to this thread....
occasionally there is a breach (every day), but not to the extent it could be.... (Only 1/3 threads is affected).
The Galaxy of TEST waits with baited breath.... Will the S.H.I.T. containment hold?
Another brilliant synopsis FYI. We're going to miss you.
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