Some guys asked a doucheback if it's okay to take everthing from him, he says yes, so they took everything. The now lonely douchback realize his mess and decide it would have been better if he would have said no, so he started to fight back and won't stop until he has everything back or a shitload of money
Okay, the content creators of INN said theit former admin is an idiot, so they moved to a new url/server. They asked him if it would be okay if they take everything with them.
The Admin said:" You hurt my feelings but i won't fight you"
So They took over the Patreon account (previusly linked to the bank accont of the admin)
A Day later the admin realized that his team was gone, and he has nothing left but his oversized server-contract(~200$/month)
And no content or Patreon to earn the money for this oversized server, so he started to fight.
Things went ugly....
The Content creators moved to he new INN-site:
The Content creators try to explain some things on reddit
The Admin trys to defend himself on Reddit:
The admin trys to find new content creators on the old INN site
The Reddit Theard got locked...