"That being said, there have been two conversation points raised since we've made this change.
The first is that this change was made as a result of $0 CCU hoarding. While we still have the $0 CCU issue as a whole, this particular action was not taken with any consideration other than the ones mentioned above.
The second is that we did not provide notice. This is the first time we've removed an item from permanent availability in the store, and we agree with many of you that we should have provided notice. For this reason, and to accommodate those with liquid CCU fleets, we are restoring the Redeemer and all relevant CCUs to the store until July 10th, at which point the ship will be removed again until such time as we can better share with you details about its future."
- Lando
TL;DR: They said they didn't pull it because of the BMM. It's going to be
available again until July 10th.