TEST Squadron, eh?


Grand Admiral
Dec 18, 2013
RSI Handle
From the look of things, TEST Squadron might be my speed when it comes to joining a group for Star Citizen. You guys have a bunch of Auroras, not a lot of superfluous rules, and seem like everyone's here to just have fun and look out for each other. I'm a middle-aged guy with a kid on the way, a 9 to 5 IT job, and contract work on the side - I don't need another job in front of a computer. : P
Hopefully I've come to the right... clan? fleet? organization? squad? Whatever SC calls it.

Where you from stranger?
St. Louis, Missouri. It's a place! With things!

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I like the entire idea of a multi-faceted space sim. I only heard about SC a few months ago through people over at the MechWarrior Online subreddit, and thought that the idea was a bit far fetched at the time, but once I finally strolled over to /r/starcitizen and the RSI website and saw the level of involvement the dev team has with the community, I was convinced. With something this ambitious, if they manage to pull off even half of what they propose it'll be an awesome game, and I'm willing to throw a few bucks at it, even if it'll be a year or so before we see much more than dog fighting.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Honestly, I don't know. I'd love to do a little of everything: exploring, dogfighting, commerce (both legit and not-so). I've got an Aurora, I'm gonna take on the universe! Wooo! :-D

What was the first game you remember playing?
Easy - Super Mario Bros. (the combo Duck Hunt cartridge) and Zelda on my NES I got when I was 5. Couldn't tell you which one I popped in first, though.

What other games do you play?
Aside from the plethora of FPSs, RPGs, and RTSs over the decades, I never got into MMOs much until a few years ago. I tried WoW back in the day (around launch) and quit after 1 month. Since I'm a huge Tolkien fan I have a lifetime sub to LotRO and over the years haven't been able to struggle past lvl 65 on my main. Turns out I'm not big on strictly ground-based fantasy MMOs. I played Champions Online for a bit; it was fun since it was cartoon-y and pretty casual. After that I got into Star Trek Online and have been playing that for about the last year and a half or more. Then a few months ago I bought into MechWarrior Online with the Overlord Phoenix mech pack and have been dabbling in that. It's fun for a few rounds of big stompy robot shoot 'em up, but, well... I'll just say that the jury still seems to be out on the future of that game. Oh, and I've got a Steam library of 300+ games that I'll get around to playing, one of these days.

Picard or Kirk?
If you're going to force me to pick, Kirk.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
I'm a middle-aged guy with a kid on the way, a 9 to 5 IT job, and contract work on the side - I don't need another job in front of a computer. : P
One of us! One of us!

Well, more like one of me, there are some younger whippersnappers here messing up my lawn.

Appropriate avatar you have there. Did you see our "Run away" video? Its in the media section.


Nov 26, 2013
RSI Handle
Greetings from near I-70 on the other end of the state! Good to have another one of us around.

How's MWO these days? I bought in early to play with some of my old buddies from the MW4 days, but it just didn't feel like PGI had the development chops to pull off what they were pitching initially. I haven't logged in to play in several months now. Anything new and better about it?


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
Hopefully I've come to the right... clan? fleet? organization? squad? Whatever SC calls it.
Welcome to TEST Squadron! We are a Private Faith-Based Militaristic Syndicate Organization. All-encompassing and encompassing all!

Something tells me that the Black Knight will wind up being our mascot... something about "I'm not dead yet!"


Dec 9, 2013
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST Squadron! We are a Private Faith-Based Militaristic Syndicate Organization. All-encompassing and encompassing all!

Something tells me that the Black Knight will wind up being our mascot... something about "I'm not dead yet!"
*After an intense fight with with a Hornet*
Hornet: Look you stupid bastard, You've got no bloody guns left
TEST Aurora: Yes I have!
Hornet: Look!
TEST Aurora: It's only a flesh wound!
*TEST Aurora proceeds to ram the Hornet*


Grand Admiral
Dec 18, 2013
RSI Handle
Appropriate avatar you have there. Did you see our "Run away" video? Its in the media section.
lol - I've been using this Black Knight cartoon pic for my avatar on Steam and elsewhere for a while now. I just can't think of a more suitable one. "NONE SHALL PASS." <whack> "...'tis but a scratch! Have at thee! I'll bite your legs off!"

...but it just didn't feel like PGI had the development chops to pull off what they were pitching initially.
My thoughts on MWO: The very few PGI devs that I've seen attempt to communicate with the community seem like they're very passionate about the game, and the core mechanics of the big-stompy-robot deathmatch are pretty solid. It seems to me that their bigger problem is their publisher, IGP. They seem to have taken on a salt-the-earth business model in which they're going to squeeze as much cash out of the most loyal fans as they possibly can, and everyone else can play the game or go diddle themselves for all they care. People will rail against complaining about paying for cosmetics ("you don't have to buy them..."), but $3 - $5 for a damned color? Coming from STO, where you can infinitely customize your player character and your ship with any color available for a bare minimum amount of in-game currency any time you want, that's f'ing insane.

However, the real problem: After months of promised gameplay changes, they've finally released a "new" game mode... which is literally just deathmatch. They removed the capture points. That's it. Oh, and then, as if no one was going to balk about it, they released the Clan Mech pack (including the Mad Cat/Timberwolf) that costs $240 - which is more than the price-per-mech of the previous packs. Not to mention the $500 per-mech cosmetic gold skins that you can now buy.

This is what they've been doing for pretty much the whole development lifetime now, as far as I can tell: create more crap for people to buy and a map here or there, very little in the actual game development department. Their promised Community Warfare game mode, which is supposed to add a bigger purpose to the game, is perpetually "a few months out". People are getting real tired of pouring money into a game that has delivered on maybe 30% of what was originally promised 2 years ago.

It will be interesting to see how this business model works out for them. As said, it's still good for a good few rounds of mech shoot 'em up, though.

We are a Private Faith-Based Militaristic Syndicate Organization. All-encompassing and encompassing all!
Heh, saw that up in the tagline at the top of the site - "Private Faith-Based Militaristic Syndicate Organization"... is this some joke I'm missing, or did someone just throw a bunch of contradictory words together? :-D

Something tells me that the Black Knight will wind up being our mascot... something about "I'm not dead yet!"
Well, to be fair, that was the old guy that didn't want to go on the cart. But don't worry, he'll be stone dead in a moment.
Last edited:


Dec 9, 2013
RSI Handle
Heh, saw that up in the tagline at the top of the site - "Private Faith-Based Militaristic Syndicate Organization"... is this some joke I'm missing, or did someone just throw a bunch of contradictory words together? :-D.
From the RSI dispatch: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/comm-link/transmission/13418-All-About-Organizations

The types of organizations in game are: PMC, Faith, Syndicate, Corporation, Organization, there is/was a forum post in the general discussion about which one these "types" fit TEST, and the answer was, since we are planning to do a bit of everything, that none of the constrained types really was a best fit. So just mash them all together, and that is us.


Nov 26, 2013
RSI Handle
This is what they've been doing for pretty much the whole development lifetime now, as far as I can tell: create more crap for people to buy and a map here or there, very little in the actual game development department.
That's a shame. I have a lot of fond memories playing Mech4 Mercs online, and for a while MWO looked like it was going to be the thing that got my old clan playing together again. Alas, it wasn't to be. On the other hand, this bunch seems pretty cool, and CIG have got a much better resume than PGI, so things are looking up again!


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
Man, I used to know that entire movie by heart. Now that spot's been taken over by other british comedies. Well, mainly just That Mitchell & Webb Look and QI >_<
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