I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's okay. I think. I'm probably here for TEST but who knows?


Rear Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
Hello TESTies, I've been considering joining for a long time but I've held off because my former primary org seemed to dislike TEST and I didn't really feel like violating their trust despite the fact that I'm 10000% sure they weren't even aware I was in the organization. Well, I've decided that I no longer wish to be oppressed by them and I left to join you big bunch of inebriated schmucks for some actual entertainment. I hope you don't mind that I merged the first two questions to the application into one mess of a question, I did it because the two answers blended well together.

Why we should accept you in four sentences or less & do you have any special skill set or talent that can benefit our noble goal of galactic conquest?
I feel I would be a fairly useful addition the the community in the sense that I can sort of make pretty decent jokes from time to time. I like to think that I have a fairly intelligent mind (at least relative to the people I interact with on a regular basis) so I feel that in the future (provided I am given the highly prestigious proper TEST training) I should prove somewhat useful anywhere from a squadron leader to a commander of a small fleet of TEST Auroras, but that's for the future, definitely not what I intend to do at the beginning of PU. I also know way too much space trivia for someone my age and this is a space game, so I have that going for me.

Reddit Username

Where you from stranger?
Florida, US

What drew you to Star Citizen?
It's my dream game come true, I've always wanted a space simulator like Star Citizen and here it is so here I am.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
Well, my first two years in SC are loosely planned out now:
Months 1-8: Exploration, see it all, I want to know every nook and cranny in the verse.
Months 9- ~12: A brief foray into trading, if I'm successful enough, I'll keep at it until weekly profits begin to shrink too low.
Months ~13-18: Reclamation of lost tools... Scavenging. I'll be scavenging destroyed ships after battles for UEC.
Months 19-22: Mercenary work, fine tuning my FPS skills
Months 22-?: I'd like to command a fleet of ships in battles to help TEST take control of the 'Verse.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Sadly, due to age, I came into video gaming relatively recently (about 10 years ago) and only now am I getting into heavy duty PC games, luckily, I had older siblings who happily introduced me to the video games of
their childhood. The first game I can remember playing is the original Legend of Zelda on a Nintendo GB.

What other games do you play?

At the moment, my PC is in a bit of a pickle due to laziness. I'm waiting for money to get new parts to upgrade. I expect to have said parts by late December to early January. The multiplayer games I played before this particular situation were CSGO, PS2, Payday 2, and (I suppose it counts) Just Cause 2 Multiplayer.

Picard or Kirk?
I'm a little biased because I came into the universe of Star Trek watching TNG so I would have to say Picard. From an unbiased point of view, Picard still, Patrick Stewart just makes a more convincing actor, besides I can hardly take Kirk seriously with the way he talks and his... promiscuity with incompatible life forms.

Writer's Note
My RSI handle is no different from my username here.
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Oct 23, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to TEST, congrats on throwing off your tyrannous organization and becoming an alcoholic!

Saw you on baron's stream, nice to see you joined!


Space Marshal
Jul 17, 2014
RSI Handle
Welcome to our merry band of drunks, incompetents, and fools!


Grand Admiral
Sep 24, 2014
RSI Handle
Which org were you part of previously if I may ask? Welcome to the party boat, population you!


Rear Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
Which org were you part of previously if I may ask? Welcome to the party boat, population you!
I used to be a member of ACES, a very anti-piracy pro UEE and Advocacy law. Regulations that strict on which orgs I could and couldn't join and how I would play SC finally scared me off, I wanted no part of it anymore so I jumped ship for TEST after being further persuaded by other members of TEST


Grand Admiral
Sep 24, 2014
RSI Handle
I used to be a member of ACES, a very anti-piracy pro UEE and Advocacy law. Regulations that strict on which orgs I could and couldn't join and how I would play SC finally scared me off, I wanted no part of it anymore so I jumped ship for TEST after being further persuaded by other members of TEST
Basically what happened to me only that the org I was with was kind of inactive/"odd" in some regards, don't want to explain it here. tl;dr, anti piracy and stuff, ended up talking to Montoya about org politics and then realized that I was taking things too seriously (it happens to me when there is a RP element sometimes) so I took a beer and joined.


Rear Admiral
Nov 11, 2014
RSI Handle
Basically what happened to me only that the org I was with was kind of inactive/"odd" in some regards, don't want to explain it here. tl;dr, anti piracy and stuff, ended up talking to Montoya about org politics and then realized that I was taking things too seriously (it happens to me when there is a RP element sometimes) so I took a beer and joined.
I'd say that's a wise choice, I think I was taking my org a bit too seriously as well, that's why I jumped ship (no pun intended).


Space Marshal
Oct 25, 2014
RSI Handle
Murica and TEST like hot dogs and hot dog water!
well if you go that far. what would test be without germany? THE beer nation nr 1 XD

then realized that I was taking things too seriously (it happens to me when there is a RP element sometimes) so I took a beer and joined.
thats the spirit! never take things to serious :D

Zum Wohl from ger :D *takes a big gulp from beer*
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Digital Janitor
Staff member
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
i like hot dog water


Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle

I like that you have a 2 year after launch plan, haha.... I don't even have a plan for 2 hours after lunch
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