Avenger Stalker.


Sep 5, 2017
RSI Handle
Hi guys!

As you know, few days ago i was asking about a ship to continue with, after a starter pack mustang i had. So, big thanks to you, i upgraded it to an Avenger Stalker.
This ship is incredible. Really, i love it, starting with design and finishing with it caracteristics. Fast, beautifull and dangerous ship. Something a true bounty hunter needs.

So, now i would like to ask you few questions. I have a lot of REC because of subscription and i know i can buy ships for Arena and weapons for my ships in Universe. So, could you recommend me any weapon that is good for that ship? And is there any Avenger Stalker users that can give me any tips and advices?

Again, big thanks to you guys, for your time and help, really appreciate it!


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
As a true bounty hunter I would leave the suckerpunch on it, they try to overheat the ship so should in theory disable the ship quicker and allow capture more efficiently and with the ballistic on the front you have good capacity to rip the ship apart if you need to.

However I don't know the ins and outs of weapons so maybe right now they don't work as intended as it's still early days but maybe they do, hopefully someone will know the answer.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The cannon on the nose is good. I agree with @Takeiteasy, although I've never used the Suckerpunch, I've heard good things about it, and that would be what a bounty hunter would use.

To hell with commonsense, though, you have plenty of REC, so why not blow it? Maybe leave the nose cannon on, but try to experiment with lasers vs. ballistics on the wings. I think you can use Size 2 on the wings, so you can get some pretty good weapons there. Then, learn to be economical in pressing the fire button, only learn to fire when you know you have a decent chance to hit.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Default avenger loadout with 2 sucker punches and the nose turret is really decent because the sucker punch compliment the ballistics. The best next step up from there I think is either a Super Hornet or Sabre. In between being a bucaneer or gladius.


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
Default avenger loadout with 2 sucker punches and the nose turret is really decent because the sucker punch compliment the ballistics. The best next step up from there I think is either a Super Hornet or Sabre. In between being a bucaneer or gladius.
I am a Bucc owner... what of it?

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I would say for weapon rent in pair and try out all the version that fit on the wing.
The truth is you can get as many expert tips on which guns are the best as there are guns in the store and no one is wrong or right...
Some combination guns work better than other does, some combination you find very good and perform great in, while some not so much.
The different combination ballistic, laser, scatter gun or combo of them.. etc..

And what work great for me can be catastrophe for you and vice versa...

This is what I do on ships I learn and check so I know what hard point the ship have what guns and missile that actually can fit on it.
So when in "RSI REC-store" I only look at the right guns and missile/rack that actually fit on my ship.
Then I try any combination and do single player pirate swarm see how I perform If I kill fast or if I have to struggle to get a kill..
From this I get different combination that work good to great I make a note.. and for those who didn't work well I don't use them.

What guns and missile you might need might also depend on what situation you are going to be in, what ship are you going to fight against how strong weak is that and how to know that, you need to try out different alternative the more data you have on what you like and what worked for you. The faster you can put on right guns and missile for right type of mission/flight you plan to do.

Eventually you will have enough data to have a good all around setup that you probably would use most of the time and also a couple special setup you would use for special purpose missions.. as in predetermined target that require a special setup to guarantee best possible chance for success.

As you might start to figure out by now what work and what is best is very personnel... shore there are different power in different guns... BUT!
"what guns that work best on your ship is the one you work best with, no one can tell you what that is, this you have to find out by your self."

Trial and error, practice, practice, practice... and a lo of ---> :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers::beers::beers::beers:

And I gladly be your target in private Free flight sessions if you want human target to practice on that is not so predictable as a Ai fighter pilot is....
Just let me know when you can and we set up a time and go for a dogfight target practice :beers:
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I am running an Avenger Titan and I find I like putting Tarantulas on the wings. The pips are tight with the Tigerstrike in 2.6.3.

Until we have bounty hunting mechanics and proper ship choices for bounty hunting that is where it will stay, though I expect to get the stasis pods sooner rather than later. :)
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Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Note my Hornet Ghost is running either 3 x Tarantula Mk3's or 3 Panther Repeaters with the Combine Canon for the same reason. One pip. :slight_smile:
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Daak Seed

Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
I would say for weapon rent in pair and try out all the version that fit on the wing.
The truth is you can get as many expert tips on which guns are the best as there are guns in the store and no one is wrong or right...
Some combination guns work better than other does, some combination you find very good and perform great in, while some not so much.
The different combination ballistic, laser, scatter gun or combo of them.. etc..

And what work great for me can be catastrophe for you and vice versa...

This is what I do on ships I learn and check so I know what hard point the ship have what guns and missile that actually can fit on it.
So when in "RSI REC-store" I only look at the right guns and missile/rack that actually fit on my ship.
Then I try any combination and do single player pirate swarm see how I perform If I kill fast or if I have to struggle to get a kill..
From this I get different combination that work good to great I make a note.. and for those who didn't work well I don't use them.

What guns and missile you might need might also depend on what situation you are going to be in, what ship are you going to fight against how strong weak is that and how to know that, you need to try out different alternative the more data you have on what you like and what worked for you. The faster you can put on right guns and missile for right type of mission/flight you plan to do.

Eventually you will have enough data to have a good all around setup that you probably would use most of the time and also a couple special setup you would use for special purpose missions.. as in predetermined target that require a special setup to guarantee best possible chance for success.

As you might start to figure out by now what work and what is best is very personnel... shore there are different power in different guns... BUT!
"what guns that work best on your ship is the one you work best with, no one can tell you what that is, this you have to find out by your self."

Trial and error, practice, practice, practice... and a lo of ---> :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers: :beers::beers::beers::beers:

And I gladly be your target in private Free flight sessions if you want human target to practice on that is not so predictable as a Ai fighter pilot is....
Just let me know when you can and we set up a time and go for a dogfight target practice :beers:
Indeed this! I own Titan among others and it is my favorite. I wouldn't say that it is the best for Arena but it is fun (IMHO).
So, make a good try of it @PrimeCronus.

I would also recommend using spreadsheet collected & refined by Malogos (former Renegate Squadron member). I use this for checking stats of different weapons (external link, sorry!) : http://starcitizendb.com/
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