Your New Year Resolutions


Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
Mine Are
  • Get at least 1 Kamikaze kill on day of Dogfighting Launch
  • Not melt my laptop while dogfighting.
  • Infiltrate into several other groups on Organization launch (fuck did I post this on a forum ANYONE can sign up on? fml)

Dank Commander

Dec 22, 2013
RSI Handle
Dank Commander
Life requires balance:

1. Work
- Finish learning SQL.
- Jump into Python.
- Create a roadmap for learning C/C++.
- Work (6) months without taking a single sick/vacation day.

2. Health
- Quit smoking cigarettes; open a savings account to deposit $15 in weekly.
- Go Ruck in April.
- Do a 1,000/500 mile year; biking and running, respectively.
- Limit to 30 net carbs everyday.

3. Fun
- Upgrade PC with non-smoking savings account in 2015. (~$700)
- Play as much kickball as possible.
- Finish 10 new books.
- Climb Red River (x3).

Should be a great year. :)
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Spreader of Truth / Master of Hamsters
Staff member
Oct 30, 2013
RSI Handle
Life requires balance:

1. Work
- Finish learning SQL.
- Jump into Python.
- Create a roadmap for learning C/C++
- Work (6) months without taking a single sick/vacation day.

2. Health
- Quit smoking cigarettes; open a savings account to deposit $15 in weekly.
- Go Ruck in April
- Do a 1,000/500 mile year; biking and running, respectively.
- Limit to 30 net carbs everyday.

3. Fun
- Upgrade PC with non-smoking savings account in 2015. (~$700)
- Play as much kickball as possible.
- Finish 10 new books.
- Climb Red River (x3).

Should be a great year. :)
Damn you put mine to shame D:

If you are just getting started with coding I highly suggest supplementing whatever your current plans are with Codeacademy (learned Python better through here than through university course even though professor was still pretty awesome).


Nov 20, 2013
RSI Handle
My only goal is to get a girlfriend.

Life requires balance:

1. Work
- Finish learning SQL.
- Jump into Python.
- Create a roadmap for learning C/C++.
- Work (6) months without taking a single sick/vacation day.
I learned C++ my first year at Purdue. We mostly had to learn it because of MATLAB. I had never took programming up til then, but I actually enjoyed it more than I thought. Although the second group they put me in sucked ass and I ended up doing all the work. I had to use python for a physics class I was in and it was very similar to C++. I may not be the best one to have an opinion about coding, but I would suggest C++ first then python as C++ is a great foundation to have for other languages.

I did ended making a little trebuchet game with my experience in C++ for an engineering project with MATLAB. You'd put in the weight and angle for release and I had a little gif of a treb throw a rock on a path of a sine wave. If it hit, the castle picture would update and start crumbling and burning. I've tried getting back into programming cause I really wanted to learn Java, but its just to hard with work and etc.
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Dec 9, 2013
RSI Handle
In no particular order:
1: Kill a deer with my bow - Recently got into hunting, got a deer during gun season, want to get one with my bow though. Venison is delicious.
2: Lose Weight - Put on a ton of weight this past year finishing school and starting a new job. Since the job and end of school I have basically been completely lazy. Time to start working out and eating atleast somewhat healthy
3: Finish Computer Build - Have been buying parts on sale for a new PC over the last year, just need GPUs, Mobo, and RAM at this point. Trying to decide if I want to wait for Nvidia Maxwell chips or not....
4: Clear my college debt - Pretty self explanatory, new job should make this straight forward as I don't have that much, but I still want it gone.
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Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
My goal: succeed at college! This is as good a place as any to tell you guys, I'm leaving for college on the 5th! I'm super excited (and pretty nervous too, but it comes with the territory), I have no idea what I'll study but at least for now that's not really the point. I definitely have every intention to stay active on the forums and stuff, don't you worry. As for actual gaming in the immediate future, we'll see. Another one of my goals is to get back into playing trumpet and hopefully learn the jazz end of things, and combined with the dozen-plus books I still want to read (not to mention college!) I don't yet know where gaming will fit in.

To be perfectly honest, I'm specifically avoiding bringing a computer with any notable gaming capabilities with me. I'd really rather avoid holing up in my dorm room all day, which all things considered could be a real risk. Besides, I don't know if there's a laptop out there (under 13 pounds, at least) that could run the DF module anyway ;)
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Dec 9, 2013
RSI Handle
My goal: succeed at college!
Best of luck to you!

If you decide you want a gaming laptop, that doesn't weigh a ton, check up on the newer versions of the ones found in this article:
Also Lenovo makes a 14" gaming laptop, their Ideapad y400 series is affordable with gaming grade components.
I have last years model of the Y400, for traveling, and have been very happy with its performance.
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Rear Admiral
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
1920x1200! Owait...

Finish all my courses for my degree, so I can focus on my thesis.
Work on my (not) so 1337 Haskell coding skills.
Not become a fat slob once DF comes out, so in order to prevent that:
OHP 70k
Bench 100k
Squat 140k
Dead 180k
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Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
My only goal is to get a girlfriend.
How about a surly unshaved UEE veteran who looks good in a dress?

Having just turned 45, I've decided that I'd like to find a gym I actually like enough that I'll go there regularly. I used to be a professional dancer (stage performer, not Magic Mike), and I've never liked 'working out' in comparison to being active, but now I'm a professional desk jockey and could stand to lose 30 lbs to be back at my fighting weight.

I'm also planning on growing our company from 9 to 15 by April, so I have to make enough money from now 'til then to be able to do that.
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Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
How about a surly unshaved UEE veteran who looks good in a dress?

Having just turned 45, I've decided that I'd like to find a gym I actually like enough that I'll go there regularly. I used to be a professional dancer (stage performer, not Magic Mike), and I've never liked 'working out' in comparison to being active, but now I'm a professional desk jockey and could stand to lose 30 lbs to be back at my fighting weight.

I'm also planning on growing our company from 9 to 15 by April, so I have to make enough money from now 'til then to be able to do that.
That's a great way to put it. I've felt the same for as long as I've known what being active meant, but never really knew how to say it, so thanks! I owe you a (probably in-game) drink. I enjoy soccer, skiing, rock climbing, hiking, all sorts of shit, but exercising for the sake of exercising--working out just to get big--has never held any appeal for me.

I'm curious, what does your company do? If you don't mind telling us, of course. If not, no worries, I'll just get in touch with my buddies at the NSA ;)


Grand Moff of TEST Squardon
Nov 1, 2013
1920x1200! Owait...

Finish all my courses for my degree, so I can focus on my thesis.
Work on my (not) so 1337 Haskell coding skills.
Not become a fat slob once DF comes out, so in order to prevent that:
OHP 70k
Bench 100k
Squat 140k
Dead 180k
Hmm, I'm going to go ahead and assume that the "k" stands for "kilograms" here... although the idea of someone bench-pressing a 50-ton barbell is somewhat hilarious.
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Nov 20, 2013
RSI Handle
You are right in assuming so. Unless I aim towards becoming the first human shipping container crane. You never know.
You wouldn't like him when he's angry. h0und SMASH!

How about a surly unshaved UEE veteran who looks good in a dress? good in a dress? :p

Having just turned 45, I've decided that I'd like to find a gym I actually like enough that I'll go there regularly. I used to be a professional dancer (stage performer, not Magic Mike), and I've never liked 'working out' in comparison to being active, but now I'm a professional desk jockey and could stand to lose 30 lbs to be back at my fighting weight.

I'm also planning on growing our company from 9 to 15 by April, so I have to make enough money from now 'til then to be able to do that.
Have you thought about taking dance classes just to get back into the swing of things? I don't mean like that Zumba shit, but like classes at the local dance company or w/e? I would imagine doing that would get you just active enough to make working out with weights or cardio less of a chore/bore. Can't beat a manual trade for that reason. Its part of the reason I stay as fit as I do.

We're looking to hire a few guys too. Bad thing is there just isn't a good way to try and advertise you're hiring. The local paper charged us some 400-odd bucks to run only 1, ONE, ad in Sunday's issue. Came with 30 days on Monster, but we've had only 2 people come in and its been a week since it ran. Hard to come by good help for sure.
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Nov 10, 2013
RSI Handle
Second year on shore patrol out in yokosuka during new years.
Things I saw:
A drunk japanese hobo puking.
A drunk sailor puking.
Donald duck
Mickey Mouse
Minne Mouse
A stormtrooper
A power ranger
A hooker
A couple of gay dudes making out
Two dudes dressed up as cartooney nerds.

And i discussed investment practices with a chief.

Boring New Year.

Oh and a dude dressed as Uncle Sam.


Lame Title
Nov 16, 2013
RSI Handle
I have no new years resolutions, so here's my new new years resolution: find things to work at that can help improve my health, character, and social life. Where should I start?

Dank Commander

Dec 22, 2013
RSI Handle
Dank Commander
My only goal is to get a girlfriend.

I learned C++ my first year at Purdue. We mostly had to learn it because of MATLAB. I had never took programming up til then, but I actually enjoyed it more than I thought. Although the second group they put me in sucked ass and I ended up doing all the work. I had to use python for a physics class I was in and it was very similar to C++. I may not be the best one to have an opinion about coding, but I would suggest C++ first then python as C++ is a great foundation to have for other languages.

I did ended making a little trebuchet game with my experience in C++ for an engineering project with MATLAB. You'd put in the weight and angle for release and I had a little gif of a treb throw a rock on a path of a sine wave. If it hit, the castle picture would update and start crumbling and burning. I've tried getting back into programming cause I really wanted to learn Java, but its just to hard with work and etc.
Thanks for the advice. Python and SQL will be more relevant to my work, so that's why I'm prioritizing them over C/C++ at the moment.


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2013
RSI Handle
That's a great way to put it. I've felt the same for as long as I've known what being active meant, but never really knew how to say it, so thanks! I owe you a (probably in-game) drink. I enjoy soccer, skiing, rock climbing, hiking, all sorts of shit, but exercising for the sake of exercising--working out just to get big--has never held any appeal for me.
My pleasure, Flipper. I'll take that drink (in-game).

I'm curious, what does your company do? If you don't mind telling us, of course. If not, no worries, I'll just get in touch with my buddies at the NSA ;)
For the purposes of camaraderie, I'd love to talk about what we/I do, but I think discretion will keep me from posting about it on a wide-open public forum. I'll definitely talk about it on com sometime, though, if you remain interested.

As a very general statement, we help people substantively improve their lives through nutrition. good in a dress? :p
hrm... I'm gonna have to dig up a picture now...

Have you thought about taking dance classes just to get back into the swing of things? I don't mean like that Zumba shit, but like classes at the local dance company or w/e? I would imagine doing that would get you just active enough to make working out with weights or cardio less of a chore/bore. Can't beat a manual trade for that reason. Its part of the reason I stay as fit as I do.
It's an excellent suggestion, but I can't stand dance classes. It was always a thorn in my side when it was my career. As an improvisationalist, my body wants to move in the ways it wants to move, not the ways the teacher has decided we should all move. Less of a problem with choreography, because that's a job, and I could force myself to take dance classes as technical training because job, but I'd have a hell of a time doing it for fun. :( It's otherwise a great suggestion.

For similar reasons, I can't do yoga classes. I actually lived in a yoga ashram for a while as a yogic monk, and my body loves yoga and yoga inside of community, but I have the hardest time taking a class.

Right now, I'm fantasizing about rowing. (On a machine. On a river would be nice, but I'm nowhere close to that yet.) I try to bike for exercise; being in motion works for me (not stationary biking, I mean street biking), but I haven't been able to stay disciplined to a solo routine because of too much work. I'm thinking a gym that's in the neighborhood could work. I'm tired of looking at my gut.

We're looking to hire a few guys too. Bad thing is there just isn't a good way to try and advertise you're hiring. The local paper charged us some 400-odd bucks to run only 1, ONE, ad in Sunday's issue. Came with 30 days on Monster, but we've had only 2 people come in and its been a week since it ran. Hard to come by good help for sure.
We've got a built in audience for some of our positions, which helps, but I hear ya. I need to find someone to replace me as an Operations Manager, so I can focus on other things, and I have no idea how to go about finding that person. I can ping the circles around me, but don't yet know how to get outside that immediate grouping in order to get truly qualified candidates.
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