Should we buy a Pioneer for $850 for the org?


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I think wait and see what it does and how many crew it requires. What it does is important. If you have to have one to build a base, then they're key. If you can purchase services to have a base constructed, then they are a mere bragging point. If you can purchase services for some situations, but need the ship in others, it will matter exactly what you can and can't do without the ship.
FYI, some of the concept ship sales are short of details, so we may not have all the answers immediately (and CitizenCon may not give us all the answers right away). However, CIG has been pretty good about not disappointing, and usually delivers more than they originally promised.

My thoughts are:
1) the outposts and mining ops I saw during the GamesCom demo seemed highly detailed, way more detailed than I was expecting, &
2) They have stated that this ship has been in development for over 3 years, and was going to add a new dimension to game play...I'm expecting it to have to do with outposts and resource development, which will be crucial for a number of aspects of gameplay...

As usual, I don't think that any person or small group will *need* the Pioneer, but I would expect a large group or org would find having one to be invaluable, in terms of making money and developing weapons/tech to get ahead. However, this is all conjecture, until we actually see the presentation.

We are the friendliest, happiest, most welcoming, all inclusive and fun org in the game!

That is the prestige we have!
Absolutely! Which is why I am here!


Space Marshal
Feb 16, 2017
RSI Handle
[SERIOUS] This ship could easily be important but the crew requirements are going to be fairly large. Irregardless of the crew required to fly the Pioneer itself, you are going to need big time protection, therefore many escort fighters will be needed to keep some other faction from fu&%in the whole thing up. The base created will also need constant protection... many players will be needed. This might be nice ship to own as an individual but you will need an org to really use it.[/SERIOUS]

Lets ALL buy one, then blot out ALL the suns!
Lets COLONIZE all the suns! [/TESTie]


Grand Admiral
May 23, 2017
RSI Handle
Only because I like highly complex things done after lots of beer is consumed - we should email spam org asking for skin transfer (or anything bigger) to the montoya's account as soon as possible, and this would give a montoya a chance to buy some 5-10-15 whatever pie in ears fot the org


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
If you like Guinness, it is worth crawling on your hands and knees from anywhere in the continental US, to Portland Oregon, to taste the Terminator Stout fresh from the tap. You will want to move your family. Best beer I have ever had, and packs a wallop.
Next time I visit my friend in Lebanon, I'll be sure to have the hotel in portland to go check it out.
What's the percentage? I think it's 5.6 for extra stout Guinness.. I'm too lazy to go down to the fridge to check right now lol
Edit: Oh wow! 6.45% for that Terminator Stout

I'll do my best to get one, I have the cash so that's not the problem and I have an escape plan should me wife ever find out :zipper_mouth:
I was surprised how my wife reacted when she found out during last tax season when I asked our CPA if my pledges were tax deductible (NOPE I cry)... she didn't get angry at all... just complains now though every time she see's anything CIG on my credit card statements.... "You're making them rich". lol
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Idea: Lets ALL buy one, then blot out ALL the suns!
Hmmm, how many Auroras can this thing hold?

Isn't it obvious? It changes the game!
I heard that the inside of it will be done in eight pixel, so that alone will be a game changer.

2) They have stated that this ship has been in development for over 3 years, and was going to add a new dimension to game play...I'm expecting it to have to do with outposts and resource development, which will be crucial for a number of aspects of gameplay...
Maybe a space Menard's or Home Depot?

i will probably melt half my fleet to get this, damn them and their concept sales!
I've got some hangar cleaning and rearranging to do this weekend. But the Carrack and Polaris stay!


Space Marshal
Nov 6, 2016
RSI Handle
If you like Guinness, it is worth crawling on your hands and knees from anywhere in the continental US, to Portland Oregon, to taste the Terminator Stout fresh from the tap. You will want to move your family. Best beer I have ever had, and packs a wallop.
I highly recommend McMenamins to anyone visiting Oregon and Washington. Great atmosphere, beer, and food.
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