As per DiscoLando:
Naturally Deranged Derek Smart will sprain his thumbs tweeting about how horrible and broke CIG is that they are charging $850 for a jpeg of a ship in a game that will never exist. We shall all laugh and enjoy the free comedy he provides.
Due to the awesomeness of TEST Squadron and its almost 15,000 members that have no self control, I have no doubt we will have hundreds of these ships in the org.
I have to two options to suggest:
Option 1) I see no need to raise funds to buy one exclusively for org, since most of you jpeg lovers will simply have it sitting around gathering dust anyway. We can just borrow yours. This is also a great excuse as you try and justify the purchase to your wife: "But Honey! Its for the org!"
Option 2) It might turn out this ship is essential in early play and we do not want to have to rely on anybody for use of the Pioneer. I know at least 42 of you will buy this and immediately have buyers remorse the next day. It is also possible that we simply buy one from a TESTie in a few weeks from now (at a steep discount because the ship is now considered to be used!)
You all agree with my flawless logic.
No doubt we will all be impressed with how shiny and useful this new ship will be, CIG marketing does a wonderful job at promoting these kinds of sales.2017.10.20 - The Consolidated Outlands Pioneer will go on sale Friday, October 27th. It will have an introductory price of $850 and be in limited quantities.
Naturally Deranged Derek Smart will sprain his thumbs tweeting about how horrible and broke CIG is that they are charging $850 for a jpeg of a ship in a game that will never exist. We shall all laugh and enjoy the free comedy he provides.
Due to the awesomeness of TEST Squadron and its almost 15,000 members that have no self control, I have no doubt we will have hundreds of these ships in the org.
I have to two options to suggest:
Option 1) I see no need to raise funds to buy one exclusively for org, since most of you jpeg lovers will simply have it sitting around gathering dust anyway. We can just borrow yours. This is also a great excuse as you try and justify the purchase to your wife: "But Honey! Its for the org!"
Option 2) It might turn out this ship is essential in early play and we do not want to have to rely on anybody for use of the Pioneer. I know at least 42 of you will buy this and immediately have buyers remorse the next day. It is also possible that we simply buy one from a TESTie in a few weeks from now (at a steep discount because the ship is now considered to be used!)
You all agree with my flawless logic.