Should we buy a Pioneer for $850 for the org?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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As per DiscoLando:
2017.10.20 - The Consolidated Outlands Pioneer will go on sale Friday, October 27th. It will have an introductory price of $850 and be in limited quantities.
No doubt we will all be impressed with how shiny and useful this new ship will be, CIG marketing does a wonderful job at promoting these kinds of sales.

Naturally Deranged Derek Smart will sprain his thumbs tweeting about how horrible and broke CIG is that they are charging $850 for a jpeg of a ship in a game that will never exist. We shall all laugh and enjoy the free comedy he provides.

Due to the awesomeness of TEST Squadron and its almost 15,000 members that have no self control, I have no doubt we will have hundreds of these ships in the org.

I have to two options to suggest:

Option 1) I see no need to raise funds to buy one exclusively for org, since most of you jpeg lovers will simply have it sitting around gathering dust anyway. We can just borrow yours. This is also a great excuse as you try and justify the purchase to your wife: "But Honey! Its for the org!"

Option 2) It might turn out this ship is essential in early play and we do not want to have to rely on anybody for use of the Pioneer. I know at least 42 of you will buy this and immediately have buyers remorse the next day. It is also possible that we simply buy one from a TESTie in a few weeks from now (at a steep discount because the ship is now considered to be used!)

You all agree with my flawless logic.



Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
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I don't know... Both of those options sound an awful lot like someone buying a Pioneer and the org using it.

My suggestion is to buy one and not let anyone use it under any circumstances (even for a beer run) for eternity. This accomplishes two things: 1) We still have the prestige of owning one and 2) we can also prove DS right by never being able to fly it.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
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Shadow Reaper
I think wait and see what it does and how many crew it requires. What it does is important. If you have to have one to build a base, then they're key. If you can purchase services to have a base constructed, then they are a mere bragging point. If you can purchase services for some situations, but need the ship in others, it will matter exactly what you can and can't do without the ship.

The second thing is the crew requirement. The more crew needed, the harder it will be to put into service. IMHO, the main reason for the Org to own ships is if they have such high crew requirements that players would not normally buy them. Players who bought Javelins and Bengals just so they could play big captain are going to be disappointed when people don't want to crew their ships. It is the big crew ships that need an Org behind them, IMHO. If this only needs 5 crew, lots of players may buy them. If it needs 15 crew, few smart players will buy them. And note, if this is a long term operation type vessel where you are either out on the fringes or need to operate 24/7, you could get crew rotation requirements where you need 50 people to fill just 5 crew slots. That is one huge pain in the ass just to organize, and a reason for the Org to do it instead of a player. I think there are going to be a LOT of very large player owned ships sitting idle because their owners don't want to spend the time organizing the crew for them, and when they do see service it will be with untrained folks who can't tell the pistol grip of their laser turret from a donkey's backside.

IMHO, when thinking about Org purchases, it would be wise to note there may well be much more call for armies of highly skilled NPCs than for more ships. Especially if NPC's can be trained and become more efficient over time--become better turret gunners, defensive or assault troops for example--there is an excellent possibility NPCs are the more urgent focus for an Org.

If the Org has money to spend, always best to wait. You can purchase almost anything, but it is harder to sell than to buy.
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Aaahhhh.... I hadn't considered Coors Light.
To give you a serious answer about prestige, I used to think like that too!

Its prestigious for us as an org to own an Idris!

Its prestigious for us as an org to own a Javelin!

Its prestigious for us as an org to own a <insert expensive ship>!

At some point over the past year, I got over all that.

We are the biggest org, we have the biggest stream team, we are the most recognizable brand in Star Citizen, we have an our Aurora skin!

We are the friendliest, happiest, most welcoming, all inclusive and fun org in the game!

That is the prestige we have!


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
If they allow credit sales I am going for it, if I snag one then its up for Org use.

I'm not putting anymore fresh cash in though, that will put me at $4k.
Initial sale will be limited in numbers, but if its like other sales, there is a warbond (cash sale) and an option to buy with credit, which is probably going to be slightly more expensive at $875.
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