What are y'all shopping for during the anniversary sale?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I just melted over 1/2 the vehicles in my fleet to prepare creds for purchases during CitizenCon & the Anniversary sale. I'm hoping to end up with a Pioneer as well as a CCU of my 600i Touring to an 890J without spending any new $. If I'm unable to achieve either, I may then melt most of the rest to purchase 1 of the major ship packs. Maybe if I offer up enough cheddar, I'll find a space mouse, then I'll use that as bait to snag a space kitty.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I think I am done. I’ve debated trying to get a pioneer, but I won’t try and race the F5 resellers trying to buy a ship I know nothing about. I already have too many ships, and have enough cut tokens. Maybe upgrade a sabre to the Raven if it’s any good, but....meh...I am good with where I am at....Blind Owl, I may be a filthy affiliate, but you can fly with me or use one of my ships anytime...except my Taurus. For that, you would need to pay the insurance bill (my only non LTI). Even if it’s just taking a dragonfly for a spin around the belt...
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