NOOBIFIER1337's Latest Giveaway (POLARIS)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I like treasure. I think that kittens are cute, but I keep my distance for health reasons. I sometimes get the urge to go on a "baby seal hunt", but then when we encounter other baby seal hunters, I shoot them instead. I figure that is far more fair than shooting a helpless baby seal & then clubbing it to death. At least the other hunters can return fire until they are sniped as well. LoL
Haha, I've never actually killed anyone from ADI or a baby seal.
Seals are deadly dude! Those poor seal hunters... risking life and limb for some shitty tasting blubber... now they got bullets in their heads
Right? Have you ever seen a video of a hapless hunter, just out there to feed his family, being dragged to his death under the ice by a vicious baby seal? So sad. And terrifying.
Don't be gross! Seals don't have treasure! Why waste bullets and time (which is money) on targets with no treasure?! Vanduul, Pirates, Slavers, The Outsiders, Banu, Krell, all begging us to plund. . .I mean "loan" their ships off 'em.
Bullets? Naw man, you cut a hole in the ice, and when the seal come up for air, you wack it on the head with a club. Then you have fur for jackets, food for your family, and blubber for heating.

But you're right, I don't waste my time with that, as I don't live in the Arctic. I'm all for relieving the enemies of my patron (or my own self declared enemies) of their ships and good.
'Take whatcha want, give nothin' back!" hahaha
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