I really, really want to like this game.

Richard Bong

Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
If you realy think that CIG is lieing to you and that they are being deceptive then there is only one thing you should do....
I think you are talking out of frustration and lashing out a bit but.... you are an adult and if you truly think you are being scammed then you probably need to look into refund.
We all would hate to see you go but we (TESTies) don't want you to feel that you've been cheated.

On the other hand, if you feel that perhaps this game does have a future and there is a genuine possibility of Star Citizen becoming "the game you have always imagined", then please hang in there with the rest of us! If you are having issues while playing (testing) the game post and ask questions.
They are lying about a few things. Either that or the entire team is grossly incompetent.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
They are lying about a few things. Either that or the entire team is grossly incompetent.
This is a fairly common claim being tossed around, which confuses me because then it means that everybody on RSI, Reddit and here, is complicit with these lies, or stupid/blind that we do not realize there are lies.

If we are complicit, it means we are all in on some kind of scam, which is weird because it does not benefit us in anyway.

If we are stupid or blind, well that is possible, I mean, Ive met a few of you... ;)


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2017
RSI Handle
the game isn't ready, the new features are cool... yes, the are a few steps back. It will only take time


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
At the moment we are licking the unbaked batter and commenting how tasty it is.
Not even sure i'd say its unbaked batter as that would be more akin to beta. Right now there are a few ingredients incorporated into a mixing bowl and CIG is currently fetching more raw ingredients while we sneak a lick and see if we like were its going.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
They are lying about a few things. Either that or the entire team is grossly incompetent.
There are a number of factors that have dramatically effected the progress CIG has made with Star Citizen.

The first issue is with the vastly success of their kick starter campaign. In fact this has caused the ruin of far to many companies with great initial concept products. They take a good idea and then with the success of kickstarter feel they need to enhance it because of the huge revenue influx. For CIT the initial concept was a limited multiplayer freelancer successor with a handful of single seat fighters. A task CryEngine would have easily supported out of the box. That was until the mountain of money we contributed during the kickstarter as well as the mass amount of funds that are still contributing to the future success of the game have lead to a massive scope creep, after all Chris is a dreamer. I personally am far more excited about what Star Citizen is now then when it was first pitched. But all of this creep has come at a huge cost and that is that the cryengine is no longer a great fit. In fact I am sure if they would have started the project two years ago with the funding they had then and the scope another solution would have been picked and that would have lead to a faster implementation of features. There is also huge growing pains when a company starts out with a handful and now has employees around the world.

Which leads to the fact that up until last year the game really wasn't in full production it was more just stretching and finding its footing. We are now seeing them taking on massive changes to the engine, building the tools which has lead to a significant improvement in both the artists asset work and designers content implementation (locations, missions and AI). This last restructure should help them in optimize in content creation and QA and if the roadmap is truly coming from their internal Jira a huge speed up in new features.

So yes CIG has had some major missteps in dealing with the popularity and funding success that lead to years of development tire spinning but they are now back on track and in a far better position to take this game to the end in 3 to 4 years from now. Even better they have the potential to carry that momentum forward and continue to grow the game well beyond the initial release.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I am not looking for anything. I am just venting.
I hear you!

I think if we weren't so captured by this game...the vision, the imagination, the "wow" factor, etc,, we wouldn't give the proverbial "rats-ass."

Because we got a cool taste of things in 2.x, I know I was bitterly disappointed in how "rough" 3.0 turned out to be. But, I tell myself (not sure if it is true) that they had to rip the guts out of the thing to get the legacy CryEngine code out, and get the Lumbaryard code in, plus make a whole bunch of new technologies to boot (like procedural cities, etc.).

I played the crap out of the game in Nov. & Dec, and then in early January, just decided I needed a complete break. There were a number of reasons, not the least of which I was just burned out. Hell, I haven't even bought the Vulcan yet!

So, I'm just doing other things...finally finished BotW, am reading some good books, and oh yeah, posting on these forums with all you glorious bastards! here's to 3.1 & 3.2...they can't come fast enough! (but I'm expecting them to be delayed...which is why I re-started BotW...)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
So don't play. I don't play and yet I am often taxed past my patience. I spend time acquainting myself with the SC universe. Watch the various system vids. Learn about the different game dynamics and who the big players are and will be. What I don't do is play. I don't have time to invest in alpha testing, and it would make me tense anyway.

If it is not okay with you to invest an evening and have it all go sour at the end because of some glitch, you should not play. There is plenty else to do. What will make the best players are things like understanding where to go and what to do in any given situation. Players will be attracted to players who know because they so invested their time. "Hey man, lets go to Fora and kick some pirate booty" is a call to have fun you can't make if you don't know what Fora is.

There's lots to do beyond playing.
Amen to this. I rarely play. Rarely.
Time is my commodity, and I chose to not to pay it to the game at this time. Doesn't mean I'm not excited as fuck for the game.
475 employees go to work in the morning and work pretty damn hard at getting this done.

The problem is that it takes 90% of their time to make 10% of the game.

That 10% is the core basics such as flight models, animations, physics, interactions, networking, game mechanics, all the core features that are needed to make the game actually work.

Once these features are in, things will move really fast.

Game development time frames, in chart form, is not a straight line from bottom left to top right, its a curved line that accelerates upwards towards release.

When the basics get locked down, it will be very fast to simply generate entire planets, slap on 60-80 bases, create space stations anywhere with a push of a button.

Procedural generation took a massive amount of time to create, but once we got it, how fast can CIG spit out entire planets now? How about cities? We saw that here:

It took a long time to model and produce everything that allows them to click a bunch of squares and generate an entire city!

90% of the time to make 10% of the game.

The final 10% will make 90% of the game appear very fast.
Well said boss dude.
I am not looking for anything. I am just venting.
Vent away brother. I am listening.
If we are stupid or blind, well that is possible, I mean, Ive met a few of you... ;)
Hey! I resemble that statement. Somehow. I can't see the sign though, so I don't know how...


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry Montoya, I just do not think there is any foundation at all for the once they have done x it will speed up development. Everything they have ever done proves this to be false hope. People have said it time after time and the next time it was just as wrong. This is what led to the massive false hope cry for 3.0 in 2016 when it barely made it in 2017 and even then was not the same. 2.0 was the founding block now its 3.0 and guess what it isn't. I know keeping the hope alive keeps the funding alive but development is still after 5 years still working on just the combat!!!!! and even that is very poorly implemented.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
Sorry Montoya, I just do not think there is any foundation at all for the once they have done x it will speed up development. Everything they have ever done proves this to be false hope. People have said it time after time and the next time it was just as wrong. This is what led to the massive false hope cry for 3.0 in 2016 when it barely made it in 2017 and even then was not the same. 2.0 was the founding block now its 3.0 and guess what it isn't. I know keeping the hope alive keeps the funding alive but development is still after 5 years still working on just the combat!!!!! and even that is very poorly implemented.
I hear you!

When you say that they miss deadlines and over promise, nobody is disagreeing!

What I AM saying is that I have seen their offices, and the LA office is just one of four offices, and as of last count there are 475 people working very damn hard to get this done.

If you are implying that 475 people are all doing nothing and incapable producing a game, I would say you are very wrong.

If you are extrapolating previous extensive delays and projecting them forward as proof that the game will never be made, I would say you are very wrong.

If you are saying that 5yrs is too long and there should be a game by now, I will point to Cyberpunk 2077 announced in 2012 and ask you how an established studio like CDPR who have a working game engine, all the staff, all the existing framework to create a game is taking so long to make a AAA game?

I am not here to make excuses for CIG, Chris Roberts has fucked up more times than I can remember with his projections and promises. He is personally responsible for a lot of the PR damage out there.

Like I said in my previous video, 2018 summer right up to 3.2 may suck, but after that, when performance issues are fixed and basic game mechanics are in place, I predict things will move faster.

Let me also add that I don't buy any of that "2.x.x is when it all comes together!" or "3.x will be a life changing event!".

For any reasonable person, this game is nothing but a techdemo'ish alpha until we get an actual playable and stable beta, or for me personally, actual persistence.

I can't speak for everybody, but I personally can't really care much for anything until my actions in the game have persistence and permanence. I have no interest in building up a weapons arsenal, mining, trading or exploring if my actions and achievements are wiped on the next update. Others may disagree with me, but we all have our own levels of what defines a game we can get emotionally invested in.

TLDR, this game is taking way longer than any of us expected. None of us early backers are happy about it, but I strongly feel it will be worth the wait and I will happily play Kingdom Come, Cyberpunk and what ever else comes out to scratch my itch until SC is released.

TLTLDR, Star Citizen sucks, gift me your ships.


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
No all I am saying is I do not expect development to speed up at any time soon, there is no evidence for that and quite frankly loads left to do and they keep making it more complicated to ensure that doesn't happen. I am sure they are working hard on it but its obvious its not straight forward and will take time. If I thought it was a false project I would have refunded long since. There is years to go and I hope they get something finished of a standard we all want.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
I really want to like Star Citizen.
Last summer when they delayed the release of 3.0 they said it was due to stability and because it needed more polish. It turns out neither polish or stability are all that important to CIG.

We had a 3.0 delivery that was not ready for prime time. With no regards to stability, and bugs that they claimed were fixed, to include showing them fixing the bugs on bug smashers, yet the very same bugs are still present.

The feature creep is off the charts. The QA is unacceptable. The "vast planets" are boring lifeless rocks and are all the same except for color.

The Subscriber ship of the month, for the second month in a row, can't even keep the HUD up and online.

The Mobiglass bug that locks you up, since the PTU release is still present.

The Frame Rate is atrocious.

I just cancelled my Sub. No more money from me until they start showing they actually are serious about making a game instead of playing at making a game.

Man I am frustrated with this mess they have created.
It's Completely understandable and I don't want to dish out the same BS I usually do of "just wait, your expectations are off, stop being butthurt, don't you know anything about game developement?!?!?1?".

Be frustrated, don't give them anymore money if you don't feel they deserve it. I'm sure they are doing just fine with the money we gave them and whatever capital they have secured through other means. I can guaranteed you though that SQ42 is their main priority without them saying so. The PU is a testbed and they are trying to glitter it up just enough to keep some people interested in the current iteration of the game. I personally don't take SC too serious as I have found a great many number of people who share common interests and are just all round good human beings. I'm not here for the final destination, I'm here for the ride. Just changing your perspective on the project might revitalize your interest in SC, and if not, just take a break until you almost forget about SC and just check in every once in a while.
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