Sell or Trade: Rear Admirable Constellation Andromeda LTI package


Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
Good question, but basically I figured a starfarer would be far better at making in game currency earlier. Connie is great at multiroles, but only 96 SCU, and it seems like 1 v 1 scenarios it will lose vs most fighters, as it is very defensively weak in as of present (of course I only got to play 3.0 before I had to deploy). The medium shields and only 1 computer is a turn off for me. Snub fighter is great but it takes away from having an extra pilot in another, even greater ship. So the starfarer gemini is better at running large quantities of cargo compared to the connie. It is much more defensive than the connie and it has much larger turrets.

For me early game money making is going to be the main object, my current game plan is as follows:

Starfarer + Orion or Prospector + a couple of Drake Cutlass as escort.

Fill up each drake and the starfarer with a full load of ore. Fill all tanks with gas. Go to station and sell. Rinse and repeat. There are unknown factors that could shift my plan, like how long the Orion/Prospector/Starfarer takes to fill up with ore or gas, and how much profit vs time spent it can make. But in every scenario I can imagine, a starfarer is better for the collective whole and more useful at making in game currency.

Please feel free to add in as much 2 cents as you feel like. I enjoy talking with people that are at an elevated level experience/intelligence wise, as it only expands my horizons as well.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
That right there is a gorgeous package. I have no idea what the selling price would be, as I don't really dabnle in grey market outside of TEST, and everyone in TEST tends to deal at face value (for the most part).

What would you be looking for? A ship? Money? A little of A and a little of B?


Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
I can say it’s an honor to have an admirer of ones package. -giggidy-

Personally I’m after a Starfarer or Gemini due to the aforementioned plan. I’ve seen on the grey market (which I haven’t used yet and would rather buy straight from CIG) a Gemini stand alone for around $300-320. I guess it was CCU’ed or something, which I still don’t quite understand how that raises or lowers a price of a ship.

I would place my package slightly below market value to a Testie. But I have seen all kinds of fluxuations in price. Flat out cash or trade or a combo of both is fine. I’ve also seen upgrade tokens for the andromeda that would allow me to keep the package. I’m not in a huge hurry here, I’m still not home, but trying to weigh out all options.

Thanks for the reply!


Space Marshal
Nov 7, 2017
RSI Handle
I have a starfarer with 60 months insurance sitting in buyback that i'd be more than happy to trade you, but i think you should definitely hold out for a better offer. Personally, i feel like even an LTI Gemini is undervaluing it a little.


Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
I'll try that out if I can find the upgrade for it, I've gotten a lot of messages about the package being a good one to have. Maybe I'm underappreciating it presently.

I just remember being super underwhelmed at the connie when it could be easily destroyed by a light fighter. I had imagined it would be able to take on 3 light fighters at once and hold its own. Maybe in the future it will be reworked to be a little bit better defensively.

Thanks for all the replies!


Space Marshal
May 9, 2014
RSI Handle
I don't think you're taking into account the cost of loading and maintaining that starter fleet you listed. Consider the cost of buying enough cargo to fill a modded Starfarer, and the cost of an escort, landing fees, fuel, crew, and possible ammo replenishment vs the possible profit you could gain.
Having a lower tier starting ship is a smart move as it'll be easier to fit, fill, and fly early game.


Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
Having just a starfarer as a starter ship may not be a wise decision however.
If so you may consider getting a avenger titan as well.
I was under the impression that a starfarer could run out to the nearest source of gas and start extracting on day 1 (with an escort to be safe) without any overhead cost. My thought process was what "base variant" would be most effective at turning the most profit early game, without any upgrades (as to maximize LTI). Is my logic flawed? There may very well be costs that I am not taking into account.

I did purchase the 100i series LTI standalone for the very thing you mentioned (intentions to upgrade to titan or cutlass), about the possibility in needing a starter ship that is smaller. So I won't be left standing if my initial assessment of credit generation failed.


Space Marshal
Sep 17, 2016
RSI Handle
Dear lord! NEVER MELT that pack!!! The Physical Rear Admirals are extraordinarily rare and can NOT be unmelted. It comes with LTI, so just CCU the andro to whatever you want.
I have a physical rear admiral LTI pack.. I will NEVER melt it.. if I do, it's gone forever.
eg... no matter how tempting.. never click that button

P.S. I might CCU mine to a 600i touring edition.. still undecided.
P.S.S. imo... if you love SC and love collectibles.. don't sell the pack either.. those collectibles will be quite special.
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Grand Admiral
May 12, 2018
RSI Handle
@DirectorGunner, no worries brother, it didn't cross my mind to melt. CCU quite possibly, once I understand this whole buyback token thing.

@Elmy, I'm under the assumption that the Starfarer will be able to fly out to a gas cloud/star and harvest fuels, possibly refining them. This in turn could be sold to an NPC store or Commodity store day 1. If this is not the case, I would rather have the Orion, which I'm sure will be able to mine for various ores and refine them if so desired to more profitable metals.

My whole thought process is trying to make a way to get credits faster than flying around the verse collecting 2k at a time, when I can sit in a spot and mine for a few hours, and come back to sell the giant payload collected for pure profit. In this way, I will be able to upgrade my kids ships and myself, and start a "fun fund" to contribute to whatever wars/endeavors our Orgy sets out upon.

Orion + Starfarer with a couple of Cutlass as support vs pirates/raiders/trolls. Fill up all ships with ore in the cargo space and fill up the fuel tanks, sell materials for profit, then repeat the process until specific goals are met.

Time will tell if this is a viable strategy. But I'm hoping it eliminates the early game meager grind and sets out right away in large profit influx.
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