New Member Here


May 11, 2018
RSI Handle
Hello Pilots!

New to Star Citizen and TEST? Introduce yourself by creating a fresh thread in this section and tell us a little about yourself!
My name is Billy Griffin. My handle is bigdaddyocho (I'm 73 inches tall and weigh 240 lbs., I have children, and I'm a fan of the movie Dodgeball (but not big enough to remember the name of it without being corrected), so ocho is an obscure reference to ESPN the ocho from the movie).

Where you from stranger?
I'm from northeast Alabama, but I'm currently living in Connecticut. I've been in the U.S. Navy as a Nuke Electrician for 15 years. Married with 2 kids and 37 years old, and I still have my hair.

What drew you to Star Citizen?
I've always been drawn to outer space, and the idea of a massive open world with incredible depth, and the theory crafting that goes along with it. I'm an INTP and I can spend hours lost in thought if I'm not careful.

What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc)
All the things, but mostly planning and executing large scale battles. Learning every ship and item in the game to the smallest detail and how to exploit their weaknesses. Next to that, earning massive amounts of UEC and mastering all the race tracks.

What was the first game you remember playing?
Either Ninja Gaiden or Golden Axe in the arcade

What other games do you play?

World of Warships, Crossout, Mini Guns, War Robots

How did you first hear about Test Squadron and what convinced you to join?

Massive group of players, the history of TEST Squadron in EVE Online, the possibility of coordinating large scale ops with an experienced team and kicking everyone's ass

Picard or Kirk?
Darth Vader

EDIT : If Kirk, new Kirk or old Kirk?
Did you mean to ask about Star Wars?
The new Kirk is a crazy asshole who doesn't deserve his own ship much less a commission. His daddy pulled from strings to save his career when he should have let him fail, but in a massive failure of conscience, he put his own son above an entire crew.
As bad as Star Trek is and has always been, I'd sooner watch all the shows and films back to back than watch one more Star Wars film with Kathleen Kennedy or Ryan Johnson in charge. Star Wars is garbage now. My childhood is ruined.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle

I'm a fan of the movie baseketball, so ocho is an obscure reference to ESPN the ocho from the movie).

I think your movie reference is supposed to be Dodgeball instead of basketball

I'd sooner watch all the shows and films back to back than watch one more Star Wars film with Kathleen Kennedy or Ryan Johnson in charge. Star Wars is garbage now. My childhood is ruined.
I agree with this opinion of the latest batch of what was supposed to be Star Wars that was really Soy Warts. I wouldn't mind catching a news story of the police responding to Lucas Films studios to find that the heads of Kathleen Kennedy & Ryan Johnson severed & impaled on stakes as a Game of Thrones reference gone horribly wrong for them.
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