3.2 evocati?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I got a gut feeling 3.2 is out for testing. Can any TESTocati confirm?

Wink once for No and three times for Yes or eight times if you want to join me in the mens room.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I would say its going to be a little rough this time around. The quarter release concept is very good, it gives us a good sense of progress. But CIG needs to find their legs, so they can estimate what they can deliver better. Right now, it looks at 2/3rds of the way though the quarter, like they're under half completed. That doesn't mean that there has been no work done on the incomplete tasks, they could finish it all tomorrow... but it LOOKS like they may miss a few more things this time around.

What I would hope is that they say so, as soon as they know. Software development is like that, you really can't give a 100% confidence estimate. The trick is, communicate early.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2015
RSI Handle
That explains why I been waiting in the mens room for 2 hours and no one has turned up.

From what I"ve heard, ya gotta tap yer foot.

Well i would expect evocati to start in 7-10 days. If i remember right the last evo started ~3-4 weeks before release with a couple of days in public ptu.
View attachment 9819
(my guesstimate which might be totally wrong due to the nature of programming)

edit: 06.03 till 28.03 was Evo
Hmmm. Mining soon??


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thankfully not the song.
"Well bye bye American Avocado....."

Nah doesn't work
Wait a minute... Lets see...

To the tune of Dom McLeans American Pie


A long, long time ago
I can still remember, how patch 2.5 used to make me smile
And I knew if I had my shot
I could pledge on those ships a lot
And maybe haters'd be quiet for a while.

But they never stopped their shouting
With every release they would be doubting
Bad news bears on Spectrum
Talking out their rectum

I don't know if I will sing
When I read about Beta and we'll finally win
But that will be the final thing
The day the butt hurt dies


So Bye Bye Miss Avacado, why
Took my Argo for the cargo
But the profit was shy.
And concept ships lined 'em up to buy,
Singin' this'll be the day that I fly
This'll be the day that I fly!

['VERSE 1]

Did you write the book of Lore
And do you have faith in the Pledge Store
If the backers tell you so?
Now do you believe in Chris Roberts?
Can the next patch stop all the butt hurts?
And will you wear your 2mil backer shirts?

Well, I know that you're dedicated guy
'Cause your Super Hornets in the sky
You've made all of your pledges
And the game comes out in wedges

Now the press stirs up all sorts of muck
But I don't really give a flying fuck
As I know that they'll be out of luck
The day the butt hurt dies


I started singing, Bye Bye Miss Avacado, why
Took my Argo for the cargo
But the profit was shy.
And concept ships lined 'em up to buy,
Singin' this'll be the day that I fly
This'll be the day that I fly!
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