Cool bud. If you're really keen I would look for some voice acting classes somewhere, unless you've already have taken some. Just helps when selling yourself really. I would also go around with a good demo to all the recording studios in your area, which might nab you a gig.So recently I've been interested in pursuing voice acting, posting some auditions on the subreddit /r/recordthis and taking people's requests. Today... yesterday (fuck, it's almost 3) I got a message by a guy who said my audition was good and that he'd like use it in his L4D campaign.
It might be a really small part and unpaid, but I feel super encouraged and excited by this. So yeah.
I've done a bit; it's actually pretty damn hard to enunciate everything consistently. If your producer is a stickler it can be a long day. Biggest job I had was for a huge transit company; did a bunch of public service announcements and reports for them. It's kinda awesome riding on public transit and hearing your own voice telling people to be safe yadda yadda and to pick up their garbage, lol.
Keep at it