[Better video] How is this P2W?


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
thread over
Already started stockpiling SHIPS and UEC. If they're gonna end up just devaluing UEC so that 100,000UEC is actual equivalent to $1 then ima gonna have to damn well make sure I got at least a BILLION. As Chris rightly points out, you can't WIN the game. So you're just gonna have to keep paying as the more we all put in the less it will be worth!!!


May 21, 2018
RSI Handle
Twinks are twinks. There was a point in the games life that when you enter a low level Battleground, especially in the lower level brackets, there was always this one character who was at the max level for the bracket and steamrolling everyone. Not because of knowledge or anything but because of a gear advantage. Will it be the same case here? Will outfitting your ship with the best components offer a significant advantage that even a skilled pilot, with lesser gear, will not be able to overcome? I don't know - I'm speculating just as you are on whether it would be true or not. But I am adamant it's a valid argument.

As for the "We gave him money he has to do whatever we want" implications of my post - I never said that. But he must be held accountable and criticism is a good thing. Will there be baseless criticism and haters and trolls? Yes. But even they, in rare occasions, may offer a nugget of insight. The way I read their statement is "People bitch about it on the internet so we decided to call them out, demonstrating that it got to us and we are a bit butthurt". Well, guess what? You go public with a project - expect shit. No matter if it's the best game ever made or in production - there will ALWAYS be people that don't like it..ahem.. *cough*Cyberpunk*cough*. Shut up and take it. It's part of the whole thing. No need to call them out and act insulted. Is the shit around Star Citizen a bit too much? Sure. People are making mince meat of it because they don't want to see something ambitious succeed, because they then have to step up their game or admit that they were wrong. And people HATE being wrong and they HATE admitting they are wrong.

My point on the matter was more along the lines of - this guy gets to make this because we funded it, our opinions should not be devalued or categorized as - "Internet bitching and whining". Don't act high and mighty and all-knowing - listen to your playerbase. Many a game has flopped due to developers refusing to listen to valid criticism. I'm not saying it's the case here, but I just don't want to see that happen to SC, since I kinda do like the game and even if I don't agree with everything they do I still want them to succeed.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Twinks are twinks. There was a point in the games life that when you enter a low level Battleground, especially in the lower level brackets, there was always this one character who was at the max level for the bracket and steamrolling everyone. Not because of knowledge or anything but because of a gear advantage. Will it be the same case here? Will outfitting your ship with the best components offer a significant advantage that even a skilled pilot, with lesser gear, will not be able to overcome? I don't know - I'm speculating just as you are on whether it would be true or not. But I am adamant it's a valid argument.
It is a valid point and I hope that during the lead up to the game release they will make sure the game balance is done in such a way that while gear does play a part it is not as a big of an impact as skill is. Its one of the reasons why I am not a fan of games like Destiny and the Division were ones skills have little impact in your ability to do PVP.

As for the "We gave him money he has to do whatever we want" implications of my post - I never said that. But he must be held accountable and criticism is a good thing. Will there be baseless criticism and haters and trolls? Yes. But even they, in rare occasions, may offer a nugget of insight. The way I read their statement is "People bitch about it on the internet so we decided to call them out, demonstrating that it got to us and we are a bit butthurt". Well, guess what? You go public with a project - expect shit. No matter if it's the best game ever made or in production - there will ALWAYS be people that don't like it..ahem.. *cough*Cyberpunk*cough*. Shut up and take it. It's part of the whole thing. No need to call them out and act insulted. Is the shit around Star Citizen a bit too much? Sure. People are making mince meat of it because they don't want to see something ambitious succeed, because they then have to step up their game or admit that they were wrong. And people HATE being wrong and they HATE admitting they are wrong.
I see I miss took what you said. Thank you for clarifying.

My point on the matter was more along the lines of - this guy gets to make this because we funded it, our opinions should not be devalued or categorized as - "Internet bitching and whining". Don't act high and mighty and all-knowing - listen to your playerbase. Many a game has flopped due to developers refusing to listen to valid criticism. I'm not saying it's the case here, but I just don't want to see that happen to SC, since I kinda do like the game and even if I don't agree with everything they do I still want them to succeed.
Well said I couldn't agree more.
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