honestly, it WASN'T the one one film. It was both TFA and TLJ
I have no problem with them killing off older characters. While I think Akbar should have had an onscreen death, I am ok with him and Han getting offed.
What I did not like...loathed actually, is the exceptionally bad writing (bad even for a SW movie, where we expect bad writing), and the way that, at times, it had too heavy of a political overtones.
TFA - the opening was not bad. Finn, Poe, Rey, BB8 are actually all enjoyable characters
Kylo Ren on the other hand in written as a child...one that throws tantrums!?!?!? Yes, Vader got pissed off, Vader threw tantrums and killed people when he got upset, but it was one person at a time, and it was his belief that the punishment needed to fit the crime.
Additionally, most of the action sequences were completely derivative of the initial SW films. It's like they said "oh, you need to appease the fans, so have a Death Star style trench race, and a run through the death star, etc
Finally, the whole Rey "of course, use the force" thing and then defeating Kylo Ren in a saber duel is just....words fail me. Complete and utter BS. While not completely horrible, this ranked lower than Phantom Menace on my scale of SW movies...one that I won't watch unless I have to. I would rather start at Episode 2
Then TLJ comes in.
Porgs...nuff said
Green Milk - what is seen can't be unseen. they did NOT need that in the movie
A derivative battle scene (really, borrowing from BSG)
yet ANOTHER derivative (battle scene walker attack)
Borrowing from Space Balls
https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/409/692/e9c.png (this is not a parody movie)
Finn, who up to this point has been in love with Rey...wakes up and falls in love with someone completely different almost immediately.
Leia Poppins...Nuff said
Hyperspace Ramming...REALLY?
Gravity fed bomb rack...IN SPACE?!?!?!?!
Ballistic arcs for space artillery?!?!?!? Did someone not have any physics classes at all?
Hey, we can't travel faster than light and are cruising at normal speed...but we are approaching this planet and there is no way the empire can know we are headed there....again..REALLY?
Characters that had personalities established in the first movie, had them completely changed in the second movie. - and it's supposed to occur almost right after the first movie
Finally, the over the top political overtones. - don't mind political movies or political satire, but this was not the movie for either. Yes, I get it...Revenge was political too...didn't like it then either.