The Freelancer MIS is a BEAST!


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I still think the purpose of this ship was simply to put a little extra firepower on a commercial vehicle, look at it this way its like taking a UPS tractor and putting military weapons on it, its still just a tractor that was designed for commercial hauling any military use or addition was secondary you don't buy a commercial vehicle and then complain it can't dog fight or is not as good as other ships that were designed as fighters, most people looked at the MIS because it could haul a decent amount of cargo you could fly it relatively solo efficiently and the cost 140$ ( I wasnt aware of the cost increase until today) bottom line is its a truck with added firepower, not a M1A1or a Hummer that hauls cargo its a big difference.

And of course everyone will have their own opinions this is why its so great to have so many manufacturers in this game, each design usually appeals to certain people and others do not, me personally I find the Freelancer extremely boring in design but I also feel its just a commercial truck like Volvo, Kenworth or Freightliner or maybe on a smaller scale like Sprinter vans idk (sorry for all the truck references lol I am a diesel mechanic) I also bought a Max and and Dur at one point because I wanted an explorer and hauler and these ships fill that role extremely well for a smaller ship in the end the design and look of the ship just did not appeal to me and I moved on.


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
The MIS will surely become important to clear the front rows in later conflicts between organizations or the like. But as a single player I can hardly imagine a real benefit: it is too slow to be a serious opponent in dogfighting, and the rockets are (or will be) much too expensive for a "fun event" - as said, later in the SC live universe. Thus the MIS will probably be financed by a community, just like the big ships like Polaris, Idris & Co.

That being said, all in all, I'm very happy with the revision of the variants and that they're finally available in verse!
outside of large fleet combat I see a role for the MIS in piracy. It will be good for disabling large cargo ships without blowing them up entirely - one S3 missile at a time


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
outside of large fleet combat I see a role for the MIS in piracy. It will be good for disabling large cargo ships without blowing them up entirely - one S3 missile at a time
Exactly, with the 4 x gatlings you can actually kill the pilot quite quickly and leave the entire rest of the ship totally intact...………..drop one of your 3 mates off and fly the stolen ship home behind you! :D

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The vanilla Freelancer has 4 Size 3 guns (Tarantula's! I love taking them off and using them on my Hornets). The big improvement is the 28 Size 3 missiles, originally it was supposed to be about 50 size 2 missiles...Size 3 are way better. I want to record some video of the missiles launching!
That is huge. Has anyone confirmed this? The only youtube vid I have seen of the MIS had cargo in the hold, and no misslile launcher, so I hesitate to say what the MIS actually is. If it's flyable, why are there no vids showing things like missile fire rate--a key component to whether this bird has the balls it needs?
Damn, last time I checked it still was 4x S4 guns, but that was over a year ago, before the new ship matrix went live.
Yeah. That was a lot to take away, but they upgraded the turret to 2 S2 from 2 S1. Given the size of the turret guns on the Cutty and Lancer, I'm hoping for an upgrade on the Vanguards as well.

Has anyone flown a MIS with the missiles and done any tests? Do we know for sure it has S3s, and how many? Target lock times, launch times, how many missiles at once, etc?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Okay so, here's a guy who actually shows you the top of the ship and you can see there are two missile launchers. Also, if you look at his screen, you can see that at some point in time, he had 19 missiles. We don't know from this vid how many missiles the bird carries because he did not tell us. We don't know what size they are. We don't know at what range they lock or how long the lock takes (which is almost the defintion of a military missile system.) We don't know what sort they are. We don't know whether he can fire two at once, or how quickly the missiles reload. Really all we know is he is too stupid to rely upon them when fighting a more maneuverable and heavily armed bird (the Cutty) and decided to go shoot at him with 4 S3 weapons--which is stupid on a shingle.

There is nothing to learn here except that the guy making the vid is as clueless as a doorstop. Felines you can stuff and turn into bookends, but this guy isn't even that useful.

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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Oh god who cares. It’s a flying sex toy - regardless of variation. It’s either smooth or ribbed, but still belongs in an orifice.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
was playing around with mine last night a little bit. i don't think ballistic weapons are a right fit for it. once somebody get's up in your personal space it's kinda gg cause of how slow it moves. think i'm gonna go for longer range energy. i think its gonna be my tootin around the verse ship still. i also think it'll make a decent escort ship.
Please allow I make the suggestion I have made before in similar circumstances.

You own the battlefield from 9-~4 km. Don't close on opponnents inside 6km. Plan to take them out with missiles at range. You do not need your guns. Instead, consider using the 4 scatterguns for anti-missile defense, so that you are always safe at your best fighting distance. Probably any of the scatterguns can shoot down missiles, but the Predators have the highest pellet count and since you probably only get one salvo at an incoming missile, this is what matters most. One salvo at the last moments of 4X14 pellets may be an effective defense against missiles and torps of any size.

I would want to know ASAP. If your main guns can keeps you safe even from S10 Torps, you need to know. It will change everything about how you fly and which missions you can expect to manage.

BTW, just for those who have an interest in this, 4S3 scatterguns is 56 pellets max. A single S5 scattergun is 75 pellets. S5 guns matter.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Okay so, here's a guy who actually shows you the top of the ship and you can see there are two missile launchers. Also, if you look at his screen, you can see that at some point in time, he had 19 missiles. We don't know from this vid how many missiles the bird carries because he did not tell us. We don't know what size they are. We don't know at what range they lock or how long the lock takes (which is almost the defintion of a military missile system.) We don't know what sort they are. We don't know whether he can fire two at once, or how quickly the missiles reload. Really all we know is he is too stupid to rely upon them when fighting a more maneuverable and heavily armed bird (the Cutty) and decided to go shoot at him with 4 S3 weapons--which is stupid on a shingle.

There is nothing to learn here except that the guy making the vid is as clueless as a doorstop. Felines you can stuff and turn into bookends, but this guy isn't even that useful.

I had looked at my MFD --> it has 8 Size 3 on the wing, and 20 Size 3 internal.
I'd never say not updating a web page is a good thing, but, since the spec's page gets updated so rarely, this is the old load out, as shown on the spec's page:
Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 11.09.28 AM.png

It is hard to understand, but this looks like they had planned on 32 Size 2 missiles before. The 4 Size 4 on the wing is the same as current, they have never had Size 4 on the Freelancer, they always have had a dual S3 rack on those S4 mounts.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
It is hard to understand, but this looks like they had planned on 32 Size 2 missiles before. The 4 Size 4 on the wing is the same as current, they have never had Size 4 on the Freelancer, they always have had a dual S3 rack on those S4 mounts.
So it still seems you could load 4, S4 missiles?

Just FYI, but the S4's are over-the-top, with tracking to 20km. I'm not fond of birds this slow. It's half the speed of a Vanguard, but no joke; S4's are a game-changer for me. If CIG comes up with Arrester IVs, I would buy this bird for privateering. So far seems very exciting!
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
My one complaint is that the green is ugly. If they de-saturated the green or changed it to actual OD green, I'd have zero complaints. Lots of pew.
I think it is for the same reason the Hoplite is green. Something due to military status. Doesn't mean you can't put it in black Void Armor, or some other.
can confirm that the internal 20 missiles are size 3 all thunderbolt 3's. the external is a total of 8 missiles with size 4 rack and size 3 missiles 2 per rack. all arrester 3.
Totally dominates over the Andromeda, IMHO.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle

My CHIN BALLS coming right at ya (closely followed by 28xS3 Missiles)

Bye Bye!!


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
I think all the variants are really good ships, which surprises me because I cant stand the base freelancer.

The Dur is a solid little explorer, epic range, fast QD drive, some form of fuel refinery for what fuel they let you refuel, living accommodation so your NPCs wont get angsty on a long trip.

The Max is a solid no frills mid range hauler.

And the MIS looks like it will be a good allround mission ship.

They remind me of the ASP explorer from Elite.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So it still seems you could load 4, S4 missiles?

Just FYI, but the S4's are over-the-top, with tracking to 20km. I'm not fond of birds this slow. It's half the speed of a Vanguard, but no joke; S4's are a game-changer for me. If CIG comes up with Arrester IVs, I would buy this bird for privateering. So far seems very exciting!
yes, you could load Size 4 missiles on the Size 4 rack. You would need to buy a new rack. In the current SC lingo, it would be a "4-1-1" rack (the mnemonic is something like: "Size 4 hard point, fits 1 Size 4 missile") as opposed to the standard equipment "4-2-3" rack ("Size 4 hard point, fits 2 size 3 missiles").

At least, that is how I make sense of their missile rack system. I haven't looked at it in a while. I believe in game you can buy the missile racks at Levski, iirc.


Dec 17, 2018
RSI Handle
i put size 3 omniskys... and changed the 8 wing missiles to size 4... also have you guys done testing on how far out it can gain a lock???? its nuts... i was able to lock ships at like 10+km away... if only the missiles reached that far... EDIT: i guess the size 4 on my wings can... this will be interesting
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