Programmers - Coding in C


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
i understood parts of this.
I am an experienced coder. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also in Spanish if you desire so. :slight_smile:. You can find me in Discord as well.

I have not coded in C since... long time ago, but it is probably my favorite language.

Also, people who start learning with C#, Java etc tend to lack knowledge about how the computer works internally and it is seen as too often you find enterprise code with flagrant design problems.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I am an experienced coder. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also in Spanish if you desire so. :slight_smile:

I have not coded in C since... long time ago, but it is probably my favorite language.

Also, people who start learning with C#, Java etc tend to lack knowledge about how the computer works internally and it is seen as too often you find enterprise code with flagrant design problems.
Music to my ears!!!


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I am an experienced coder. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also in Spanish if you desire so. :slight_smile:. You can find me in Discord as well.

I have not coded in C since... long time ago, but it is probably my favorite language.

Also, people who start learning with C#, Java etc tend to lack knowledge about how the computer works internally and it is seen as too often you find enterprise code with flagrant design problems.

So so true. Just last week one of the senior java programmers wrote a for loop with a new large class initialization inside ... Whats wrong with that computers have so much cpu and memory it doesn't matter. And then we wonder why it takes 4 minutes for the application to start up. The solution was to request the clients meet higher specs.

I do miss coding in c and c++ now the only time i get to is when i am monkeying around in Unreal.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
So so true. Just last week one of the senior java programmers wrote a for loop with a new large class initialization inside ... Whats wrong with that computers have so much cpu and memory it doesn't matter. And then we wonder why it takes 4 minutes for the application to start up. The solution was to request the clients meet higher specs.

I do miss coding in c and c++ now the only time i get to is when i am monkeying around in Unreal.
You know, that reminds me, the old Nevewinter Nights scripts were in C, iirc....


Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
Oh yeah, after you get comfortable with C I highly recommend learning SQL (MySQL doesn't count), especially SQL procedures and functions if you're not already familiar.

Working on enterprise projects you have no idea how often I see companies come in with no architects, one to two people with some RDBMS experience but mostly MySQL, and 30+ coders that cannot spell SQL or know what RDBMS is, then cannot understand why they miss every deadline and their applications cannot handle more than five concurrent users.

"...but...but...but we have ten AGILE SCRUM certified PMs, it isn't possible we could miss deliverables!"


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
*whistles innocently having just finished adding new functionality to a migration tool that uses MySQL*

Its funny as we still have architects attempting to push noSQL on an Accounting system. As for learning I am all for it, trying to master it I would say no one is truly a full stack developer and is at a level beyond proficient. For what works really well logically in a SQL world doesn't translate well to OOC and vis versa. (still dealing with tables that were script designed off java objects)
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
*whistles innocently having just finished adding new functionality to a migration tool that uses MySQL*

Its funny as we still have architects attempting to push noSQL on an Accounting system. As for learning I am all for it, trying to master it I would say no one is truly a full stack developer and is at a level beyond proficient. For what works really well logically in a SQL world doesn't translate well to OOC and vis versa. (still dealing with tables that were script designed off java objects)
NoSQL for accounting???
NoSQL is for speed, NOT data accuracy and certainly not data consistency, but the last time I checked data accuracy and consistency are kind of the most important requirements in accounting (I'm crying and puking on the inside imagining all the redundant redundancies that'd have to be implemented to have a fighting chance of that working well enough to not get sued or go bankrupt.)
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Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
I am an experienced coder. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also in Spanish if you desire so. :slight_smile:. You can find me in Discord as well.

I have not coded in C since... long time ago, but it is probably my favorite language.

Also, people who start learning with C#, Java etc tend to lack knowledge about how the computer works internally and it is seen as too often you find enterprise code with flagrant design problems.
Although I live in Spain, I mostly only speak english. I do appreciate the offer though! Soy estupido americano.


Space Marshal
Jul 26, 2017
RSI Handle
About SQL and noSQL, you can use an SQL database to work as an noSQL or the contrary, but you have to code the required code so it works. It is easier noSQL in a SQL database, of course xD

So so true. Just last week one of the senior java programmers wrote a for loop with a new large class initialization inside ... Whats wrong with that computers have so much cpu and memory it doesn't matter. And then we wonder why it takes 4 minutes for the application to start up. The solution was to request the clients meet higher specs.

I do miss coding in c and c++ now the only time i get to is when i am monkeying around in Unreal.
I have found atrocious things as by example looping through an XML directly in runtime instead of converting it to a data structure, and inside a loop, another loop in the same list... was fora synchornization process which were being run during the night... it was taking 4 to 11 hours to complete (more if the clock went to 8:00 of the morning where the people start working...). After my work the process worked better (less errors) and was taking only 26 seconds or so. All this in C#.

You know, that reminds me, the old Nevewinter Nights scripts were in C, iirc....
Not C, buy LUA :slight_smile:
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
@Nightlane, XMLs, ugh...that reminds me of another issue I constantly encounter. I frequently get stuck working with software developers walking around with a 'Senior' title that don't even know what delimited files are (such as never heard of CSV, TSV, etc.), much less flat and dump files, and even struggle with JSON files despite claiming to be JavaScript developers. So they force the code to use XML when other formats are more appropriate for the data in question, then to add more misery they don't process the data out of the XML correctly for the volume of data in said files.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't think there's no use for NoSql for accounting, I just don't think financial transactions are served by it. But if you're gathering data on your customers or suppliers for example, sometimes that data doesn't fit nicely in a SQL table structure. It really helps to have options.

In the same way, programming languages are tools, like different screwdrivers are tools. If you have to remove a philips screw, you could use a flat head screwdriver to do it, but it's not the best tool to use. You need to be able to recognize the requirement, and make a reasonable decision on what tools to use to solve that requirement. The tool choices need to be flexible, but not to the exclusion of better choices for that requirement. This is a hard thing to teach. People have a tendency to have favorite tools, and in software where everything is abstract, making the right or even reasonable choices is sometimes very difficult.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I don't think there's no use for NoSql for accounting, I just don't think financial transactions are served by it. But if you're gathering data on your customers or suppliers for example, sometimes that data doesn't fit nicely in a SQL table structure. It really helps to have options.

In the same way, programming languages are tools, like different screwdrivers are tools. If you have to remove a philips screw, you could use a flat head screwdriver to do it, but it's not the best tool to use. You need to be able to recognize the requirement, and make a reasonable decision on what tools to use to solve that requirement. The tool choices need to be flexible, but not to the exclusion of better choices for that requirement. This is a hard thing to teach. People have a tendency to have favorite tools, and in software where everything is abstract, making the right or even reasonable choices is sometimes very difficult.
Which is why you're way to over qualified to be a chief architect here. Logical reasoning has no place in this crazy place.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It might sound silly, but the importance of the difference between a string and other data types is significant, and a concept that I see people with decades of experience still struggle with.
This is so true, and it is not silly. I have even seen systems where floats and integers are stored as space delimited strings.
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Space Marshal
Sep 28, 2017
RSI Handle
This is so true, and it is not silly. I have even seen systems where floats and integers are stored as space delimited strings.
EXACTLY! Then they wonder why all their optimizations only see at most an overall 1% improvement, but stare at me like a gender organ is growing out of my head when I suggest changing the data definition to an indexed integer (once they finally acquiesce their response to processing time being reduced to less than 10% of previous processing and call times are always entertaining.)


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
This is so true, and it is not silly. I have even seen systems where floats and integers are stored as space delimited strings.
Ok so a string != a float but a string does equate to an integer. In fact that is some of the joys of c, that and allowing data to be successfully moved between unix (AIX) and windows.
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