Lets keep it simple until im up to par. lolOk so a string != a float but a string does equate to an integer. In fact that is some of the joys of c, that and allowing data to be successfully moved between unix (AIX) and windows.
Lets keep it simple until im up to par. lolOk so a string != a float but a string does equate to an integer. In fact that is some of the joys of c, that and allowing data to be successfully moved between unix (AIX) and windows.
I may have to take that one to heart.Simple.
"When a programmer first creates there code only they and God knows how it works… few months down the line, only God knows."
OMG@Nightlane, XMLs, ugh...that reminds me of another issue I constantly encounter. I frequently get stuck working with software developers walking around with a 'Senior' title that don't even know what delimited files are (such as never heard of CSV, TSV, etc.), much less flat and dump files, and even struggle with JSON files despite claiming to be JavaScript developers. So they force the code to use XML when other formats are more appropriate for the data in question, then to add more misery they don't process the data out of the XML correctly for the volume of data in said files.
Congrats!! :slight_smile:Welp, i've started class and i now know what a string is. And how to tell the world hello. It's a start.
And the difference of a C type string and a pascal type string? hahahaIt might sound silly, but the importance of the difference between a string and other data types is significant, and a concept that I see people with decades of experience still struggle with.
...but...but...but...JavaScript looks so much better than C on the resume to recruiters and HR!OMG
Congrats!! :slight_smile:
And the difference of a C type string and a pascal type string? hahaha
OMG, all this is so basic... :-S
And what about the people that does not mind or know about java consuming 100 times the time and X times the memory than C, Etc?
So true and so sad....but...but...but...JavaScript looks so much better than C on the resume to recruiters and HR!
Well, if you only have 1 language on your resume, you're probably better off with JavaScript than C. You learn C to make sure you understand procedural programming, which is important. But you use JavaScript to make a living. At some point that's important too. But even web developers sometimes need more than JavaScript. Not all the web is run in a browser. And actually JavaScript is a useful language for web, but it's not so useful for writing code. There's one other reason to look at this closely. AI is learning how to write code, and it's fast, and good - better at some tasks than we are. Give it maybe a decade....but...but...but...JavaScript looks so much better than C on the resume to recruiters and HR!
I love EJB. Haven't worked with it regularly for 5 or 6 years, but it was bread and butter for a long time.Yep, well in my case its Java but still the same boat it pays the bills. Luckly I don't have to write javascript or build web pages its all Enterprise javabean, or web services.
Oh, I hate so much java... lolYep, well in my case its Java but still the same boat it pays the bills. Luckly I don't have to write javascript or build web pages its all Enterprise javabean, or web services.