Gotta love it when your company blocks pretty much everything that's fun


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
Reddit: Not blocked, but cannot post or comment
Twitch: Blocked
Youtube: Not blocked, but all headphones with mic's attached or incorporated are now banned (So there goes my nice headset), so now I need to buy just a headset
Discord: Blocked
Imgur: Blocked
Pandora: Blocked
Spotify: Blocked
Google Music: Blocked
Gmail: Blocked
Cell phones: No longer allowed in the my office area (can be used in the breakroom, there are cubbies outside the door)
GitHub: Blocked
Club Penguin: Mercilessly shot at point blank range, and then skinned to decorate our Director's office

In other news: escrow on my townhouse closes, next week, and the appraiser made a mistake based on a mistake the seller made, so we now have an extra $5k in equity, assuming we close on time.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
Reddit: Not blocked, but cannot post or comment
Twitch: Blocked
Youtube: Not blocked, but all headphones with mic's attached or incorporated are now banned (So there goes my nice headset), so now I need to buy just a headset
Discord: Blocked
Imgur: Blocked
Pandora: Blocked
Spotify: Blocked
Google Music: Blocked
Gmail: Blocked
Cell phones: No longer allowed in the my office area (can be used in the breakroom, there are cubbies outside the door)
GitHub: Blocked
Club Penguin: Mercilessly shot at point blank range, and then skinned to decorate our Director's office

In other news: escrow on my townhouse closes, next week, and the appraiser made a mistake based on a mistake the seller made, so we now have an extra $5k in equity, assuming we close on time.
Oof, all work and no play makes Thom a dull boy.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
Bring in you I pad or phone... connect to guest and do it that way and see if it helps.

You're screwed - time to look for another job. JK
Just saw the no phone stuf
I can, however, use the baño and my cell phone at the same time. Might be the reason why it takes 30 minutes for most people to packet dump, nowadays. (Phones were previously allowed in this area, but not anymore for reasons I won't go into; just "gubmint" stuff)

I guess they are expecting you to actually work.
Imagine that.
Fun fact: before I transferred here, Pandora and Spotify were apparently not blocked, but an increase in bandwidth to those two sites "forced" IT to block them. However, since then, everyone is now using YouTube for their music, meaning they're now using MORE bandwidth to do the same thing. Why YouTube isn't blocked, as well, I don't know. Or Reddit. Really, considering the number of my coworkers who are redditors, that should have been "Time-waster Numero Uno" on the ban list.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
I can, however, use the baño and my cell phone at the same time. Might be the reason why it takes 30 minutes for most people to packet dump, nowadays. (Phones were previously allowed in this area, but not anymore for reasons I won't go into; just "gubmint" stuff)

Fun fact: before I transferred here, Pandora and Spotify were apparently not blocked, but an increase in bandwidth to those two sites "forced" IT to block them. However, since then, everyone is now using YouTube for their music, meaning they're now using MORE bandwidth to do the same thing. Why YouTube isn't blocked, as well, I don't know. Or Reddit. Really, considering the number of my coworkers who are redditors, that should have been "Time-waster Numero Uno" on the ban list.

They are just banning places you go. Its not about what the other employees are doing as they don't care. its all about a focused ban on your activities. Remember tin foil works so wear it.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Reddit: Not blocked, but cannot post or comment
Twitch: Blocked
Youtube: Not blocked, but all headphones with mic's attached or incorporated are now banned (So there goes my nice headset), so now I need to buy just a headset
Discord: Blocked
Imgur: Blocked
Pandora: Blocked
Spotify: Blocked
Google Music: Blocked
Gmail: Blocked
Cell phones: No longer allowed in the my office area (can be used in the breakroom, there are cubbies outside the door)
GitHub: Blocked
Club Penguin: Mercilessly shot at point blank range, and then skinned to decorate our Director's office

In other news: escrow on my townhouse closes, next week, and the appraiser made a mistake based on a mistake the seller made, so we now have an extra $5k in equity, assuming we close on time.
They are going to spend a fortune recruiting and retraining new hires once staff turnover increases.


Space Marshal
Sep 12, 2014
RSI Handle
They are just banning places you go. Its not about what the other employees are doing as they don't care. its all about a focused ban on your activities. Remember tin foil works so wear it.
Is that a new Dr. Seuss book, "Oh the places you won't go!"?

And if they were really monitoring my traffic, well, I wouldn't be here now, would I? HM!MMMMMM?!?!

They are going to spend a fortune recruiting and retraining new hires once staff turnover increases.
Indeed. Everything changed once the Fire Nation attacked...
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