selling account with idris p with after market kit


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
We get subsidised childcare here which works out to about $70 a day out of pocket, per child. Kindergarten is around $500 a term.

The subsidy is capped per child per year to about $7,500, so with two kids in childcare 3 days a week you would hit the point where your costs literally doubled for the remainder of the financial year. That $420 a week suddenly became $800 a week.

Good times.

My eldest has moved to preschool this year and because it’s primary we’ve put him in the local public school. Our costs have dropped significantly with him out of the childcare drain!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Here in TEST Squadron we have the "Children are the future" initiative. All TEST members who find a mate and produce offspring who then become TEST members, are issued an Idris.

We gain an extra member and the fleet becomes stronger, which benefits us all!
Can I create an account for my 2 year old here on TEST and get an Idris?
Can I create an account for my inner child to let him be issues the Idris? Oh, wait, while I have a mate, my idea is disqualified because we can't produce my own inner child. Oh well, it was worth asking anyways. LoL


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Can I create an account for my inner child to let him be issues the Idris? Oh, wait, while I have a mate, my idea is disqualified because we can't produce my own inner child. Oh well, it was worth asking anyways. LoL
If you have an inner child, you don't need a physical one. They're just going to drain your bank account anyway.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
We get subsidised childcare here which works out to about $70 a day out of pocket, per child. Kindergarten is around $500 a term.

The subsidy is capped per child per year to about $7,500, so with two kids in childcare 3 days a week you would hit the point where your costs literally doubled for the remainder of the financial year. That $420 a week suddenly became $800 a week.

Good times.

My eldest has moved to preschool this year and because it’s primary we’ve put him in the local public school. Our costs have dropped significantly with him out of the childcare drain!
Child care is expensive, whether you pay through the nose from your paycheck, or from taxes, or some blend of the two. Ultimately it works out to a pittance of the total cost of raising a child, though it sure as heck doesn't feel like it. And whatever system is in place, it's really coming from the same bank accounts, and it's not either your employers or the Governments.

Here in Texas, there are day care mills, where you get a discounted rate, but they have 20 to 30 kids in care of 2 "teachers" who might not even be certified, In some places where you pay full price, certification is required of at least one of the adults in each class, and the classes are smaller. Buyer beware.


Vice Admiral
Dec 22, 2018
RSI Handle
Here in Texas, there are day care mills, where you get a discounted rate, but they have 20 to 30 kids in care of 2 "teachers" who might not even be certified, In some places where you pay full price, certification is required of at least one of the adults in each class, and the classes are smaller. Buyer beware.
Im in DFW and I havent seen many of those and refuse to take my daughter there EVER. Ill work a third job if I have to


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Child care is expensive, whether you pay through the nose from your paycheck, or from taxes, or some blend of the two. Ultimately it works out to a pittance of the total cost of raising a child, though it sure as heck doesn't feel like it. And whatever system is in place, it's really coming from the same bank accounts, and it's not either your employers or the Governments.

Here in Texas, there are day care mills, where you get a discounted rate, but they have 20 to 30 kids in care of 2 "teachers" who might not even be certified, In some places where you pay full price, certification is required of at least one of the adults in each class, and the classes are smaller. Buyer beware.
All teachers/caters need to be certified here, the laws are pretty tight on numbers per child, etc.

We had both kids in the same centre so they’ve grown up (to the age of about 5) with the same people. It’s a good environment and we’re thankful to have access to the childcare centre, but it’s expensive!


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
Hahaha... end of the pain... I wish. Boys, nothing much happens from say age 5 till they're 14 or thereabouts. Then they'll eat you out of house and home, and probably 2 or 3 neighbors too. But I understood that from the start, I mean I did that.

Let me tell you about girls. Age 8 or 9 they begin to notice changes. You will too. The sound "stomp stomp stomp slam" will take on a whole new meaning. It will appear that they're competing against ghosts sometimes, so much makeup and DO NOT let them make their own shorts out of jeans. Then by the time they're between 12 and 14, just when you think the pain is over... BOYS happen. You will want to get a shotgun to answer the door, or patrol the yard at some point, and you'll be in the mood to use it too. And, "Hi Kiddo!" or whatever you call them will result in you sitting until your ears fall off.

Happens that my wife is good with a pistol, we had a target mounted on the door. It read "So, you want to date my teenage daughter?". There were 50 bulls eyes in that target, from 30 yards. It was effective too. One boy knocked, took one look and ran away. Apparently he threw up in his car. Interesting side note, he's now engaged to the oldest girl. A friend of mine, army colonel, had 3 girls, we compared horror stories.

And I wouldn't trade my life for the world. Besides, the girls compete about who's going to take care of us when we're old and infirm, if I ever make it that far... we still have a 17 year old boy at home.

AND Everything @ThomSirveaux just wrote is exactly how it feels.
Reading this made me smile. I have 2 girls, 1 boy + 1 other boy (my nephew) who we help raise. The oldest is 12 almost 13, the middle is 10, the youngest is 3 almost 4, the nephew is 15 almost 16.

Everything @Vavrik said is true. My girls, they're like a herd of elephants running through the house, as dainty and thin as they are, they eat enough food to feed an army. The nearly 4 year old can be best described in two ways... visualize the Tasmanian devil on 5 hour energy, but he's also so smart, you may find a cold fusion laser sitting in the living room made out of legos. The Nephew, I keep waiting for the obnoxious teenager phase to kick in, I don't know maybe I'm a good surrogate Dad but he's still as loving and affectionate as he was when he was 8, just a bit more opinionated. My oldest and my nephew talk about taking care of us when we're old.

As for dating, well my oldest is having a hard time understanding boys, seems they keep trying to get her attention by acting stupid, so nothing happening there yet. The middle daughter though, she's already showing signs that she's gonna be the one to keep an eye on.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
having a baby soon have to give this account up :*(
account got the orion giftable and the idris p (VIP high admiral)
any question please ask.
@Captain.Harlock I'm really sorry to read that you have to sell your account man, but congratulations on the Baby! For what it's worth, every stage is amazing and brings it own joy. I was never a "baby" person before I had kids and now, to be honest, the baby stage is my favorite. When your little bundle of joy becomes a toddler, just take deep breaths, accept that you can't own any nice things and find the joy in it. Before you know it that phase will be over and you'll be on to the next one. My best advice, be loving, compassionate, affectionate, be stern but also be fair. Listen to their feelings and explain why when they ask. You can be their friend, but understand that you are their parent first, they should know you have the final word, but feel that their opinion counts.

My kids are taught to question us, but they are taught to question respectfully. They are encouraged to have their own opinions, but understand that we have the final authority. This works best when as a parent you can put your pride aside and tell them they're right, when they actually are. Apologize to them when they make a mistake, and they will learn by your example.

Anyway, wish I could afford to buy your account, but I just dumped 6k into fixing the nephew's car.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
My kids are taught to question us, but they are taught to question respectfully. They are encouraged to have their own opinions, but understand that we have the final authority. This works best when as a parent you can put your pride aside and tell them they're right, when they actually are. Apologize to them when they make a mistake, and they will learn by your example.
🖕DAMN good advice right there!!!


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
As for dating, well my oldest is having a hard time understanding boys, seems they keep trying to get her attention by acting stupid, so nothing happening there yet. The middle daughter though, she's already showing signs that she's gonna be the one to keep an eye on.
For some reason, when I read this I thought, "Keep an eye on? More like a high tech sniper scope with multiple FLIR options."


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Here in TEST Squadron we have the "Children are the future" initiative. All TEST members who find a mate and produce offspring who then become TEST members, are issued an Idris.

We gain an extra member and the fleet becomes stronger, which benefits us all!
recorded for posterity
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Subtle was pointing out that it was a means to better keep track of the situation. I intentionally omitted if the scope would be attached to a hand grip to be held or if it would be attached to something with a bit more destructive reach. "A whisper in the ear from *this* girl goes a long way, know what I'm sayin'?" (John Hatcher (Steven Seagal), Marked for Death)


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
This plan backfired on us because we just assumed that no member of TEST was actually able to find somebody to reproduce with.

Over the years a shockingly large number of TESTies have coupled and made babies.
Am owed 2 Idrii!
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