Theorycrafting towards loadouts is still pretty tough. Things will be reworked and balanced more and more. Best example is the reworked shield system coming soon.
Now you will be able to make choices like do i wan't a fast recharge rate or high shield points. Or do i want to mix those?
We don't even know if jousting will be a thing in the final game. So we can theorycraft about the current patch. But theorycrafting further, will make sense only for the sake of theorycrafting.
How well will you be able to hide from scanning? We don't know.
Will the "surprise knucklehead" be thing. (So i assume high alpha damage) We don't know.
Towards combat:
currently i prefer gimbal (assist) over everything else.
If you're looking for quick fights or a "gtfo weapon" ballistic repeaters are probably one of the best choice.
For longer combats with a lot of enemys (missions) i would prefer laser repeaters.
Cannons are good if you're going for larger targets. For larger targets fixed weapons might be viable too.
Small agile targets will be nearly impossible to hit.
All other modules are currently very simple in their difference so go for the best.
You can check some stats here:
Star Citizen tools for DPS, damage, power and cooling simulations including an up to date ships and components database
or here
Web application for planning and comparing loadouts of Star Citizen ships with detailed component breakdown and summary statistics.