No, I totally get that this is an alpha, this wasn't a complaint per se, plus I did fill out the crash report information each time so they have more data. I just know that some patches had better reports of stability than others. The last time I put anything close to meaningful game time in was sometime between when mining became possible and before the flight overhaul, so I wasn't sure if it was this particular build or just an unlucky day for me.
I just checked and it looks like there's an update for my graphic card that I haven't downloaded so I'll do that sometime this week and my OS is up to date. As to my specs its on the low end, wasn't going to do a major upgrade until closer to launch. I have an i5-6500 3.2ghz CPU, a GTX 1070 GPU and 32 GB of ram.
Yeah I got it wasn't a complaint ;) was just adding some info that others can have use for that experience the same and might not know what to do about it or how to react.
Well in short they build and test new and updated code constantly so between patches it can vary a lot in performance.
And it does vary from server to server you get on, I usually go for US cause over all they are more stable usually.
If a server cause me to many crashes I change region and just log in, I don't do much walk around a bit and let all load in then I change back to US server again.
This usually help you get int to a new server or different and if you're lucky you get a fresh restarted server.
Another thing is be patience when it load in give it a time to get all in before running around and avoid sprinting that cause more crashes than anything else.
Use scroll mouse to increase the the walk to jog fast tempo, sprinting cause OCS to load in stuff in a much higher rate hence the chance it skip loading in some.
And eventually you get a crash cause stuff is missing on your client side for OCS haven't got it loaded in.
To understand and know how the game load in and load out stuff as you move around help preventing unwanted effect to happen.
As it is in Alpha it is good to remember everything is not 100% as this is not a fished game so your behavior in the game impact how it will perform.
So will others players behavior around you also, so combine them and a bunch a peps sprinting around like mad dogs and some learning how to crash the best in your proximity.
Will have a effect on the server long term hence why they reset and restart every now and then to purge old corrupted data caused from various play styles.
Since the game is not optimized very much this will be like that until more and more get optimized.
Here is a chart to any who need a reminder or don't know how OCS works in the game and what it does when you play.
So for anyone that want smoother game play as of this moment how game is. SLOW DOWN!
You will notice right away when game is struggling to load in stuff, then just stop and let OCS catch up.
And you will start having a lot less problem, not counting other and known bugs.