Game crash frequency question

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Well it's on the edge, whit good enough GPU card you should still be able to run it to some level on low setting and might get some odd graphic effect some time.
But doable as I say about my computer and playing SC "it works but it ain't perfect" 🤪 🍻
Sorry, GPU is 980m SLI. I still run most things at high or ultra high. Just curious about SC. We will see if I try to play it before I buy a new system in the spring, lol.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Sorry, GPU is 980m SLI. I still run most things at high or ultra high. Just curious about SC. We will see if I try to play it before I buy a new system in the spring, lol.
Yeah that might be a good decision, prices are bound to drop around christmas and as of next year new stuff will most likely com in to stores.
So my aim was new before end of year but might wait to early Q1 next year..


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
So my i7-4720HQ @ 2.6GHz (8 CPUs) is getting a little old for SC?
Well it's on the edge, whit good enough GPU card you should still be able to run it to some level on low setting and might get some odd graphic effect some time.
But doable as I say about my computer and playing SC "it works but it ain't perfect" 🤪 🍻
Nah, that i7 should work just fine. I upgraded from my i5 4670k to an i7 4770k and it made very little difference fps wise, but the extra cores are a noticeable improvement when it comes to populated areas like PO and Area18. Less hitching, more stable. 16gigs or ram and a 1060 6gig, sata ssd, not a fancy setup, yet I get 40-70 fps in flight around stuff and 25-30+ in the cities. Remember when games were capped at 30fps for that "cinematic" experience and outward of a few loudmouths no one gave a shit and just played it at 30? So yeah, not the best, but perfectly playable. you should be fine for a while yet.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Nah, that i7 should work just fine. I upgraded from my i5 4670k to an i7 4770k and it made very little difference fps wise, but the extra cores are a noticeable improvement when it comes to populated areas like PO and Area18. Less hitching, more stable. 16gigs or ram and a 1060 6gig, sata ssd, not a fancy setup, yet I get 40-70 fps in flight around stuff and 25-30+ in the cities. Remember when games were capped at 30fps for that "cinematic" experience and outward of a few loudmouths no one gave a shit and just played it at 30? So yeah, not the best, but perfectly playable. you should be fine for a while yet.
Good to know! I'm running 32gigs of RAM as well, so there's that. I'll be keeping this machine for a few years yet I'm sure, probably for the little guy, so good to know she's got some juice left in her.
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